The Adventures of OG Sherlock Kush
The Adventures of OG Sherlock Kush is an American adult animated comedy series that aired on FXX.[1] The character is created by Joseph Carnegie and was first introduced on October 27, 2014, in a Season 2 episode of Lucas Bros Moving Co.[2] Season One premiered on FXX on January 1, 2015, as a part of the channel's Animation Domination programming block. The series aired an 11-minute special, The Mystery of The Royal Flasher, as a part of their 4/20 Block on April 20, 2015.[3] A second season was announced on January 29, 2016[4] and episodes began airing on exclusively on Animation Domination High-Def's YouTube Channel on February 1, 2016. PlotOG Sherlock Kush and Watson work together to solve London's toughest mysteries. Their plan almost constantly backfires because OG Sherlock Kush gets too high. Cast
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