Template talk:COVID-19 pandemic data/Archive 18
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (2)
New figures available for Fiji. Please, include the new figures: 87 positive cases, 2 deceased, 65 recovered. Source: http://www.health.gov.fj/covid-19-update-24-04-2021/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 06:31, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (4)
New figures available for East Timor. Please, include the new figures: 1739 positive cases, 3 deceased, 814 recovered. Source: https://covid19.gov.tl/en/dashboard/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 07:00, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (7)
New figures available for Bermuda. Please, include the new figures: 2315 positive cases, 23 deceased, 1572 recovered. Source: https://www.gov.bm/coronavirus-covid19-update 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 07:59, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (11)
New figures available for Burundi. Please, include the new figures: 3759 positive cases, 6 deceased. Source: https://covid19.who.int/region/afro/country/bi 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 08:18, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (9)
New figures available for Eritrea. Please, include the new figures: 3605 positive cases, 10 deceased, 3410 recovered. Source: https://shabait.com/2021/04/23/announcement-from-the-ministry-of-health-166/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 08:11, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (12)
New figures available for Barbados. Please, include the new figures: 3820 positive cases, 44 deceased, 3718 recovered. Source: https://gisbarbados.gov.bb/blog/covid-19-update-14-new-cases-two-recoveries/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 08:23, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (13)
New figures available for Comoros. Please, include the new figures: 3829 positive cases, 146 deceased, 3650 recovered. Source: https://www.facebook.com/111330413896638/photos/a.112019167161096/295989158764095/ Please, note that it's the same source as for the previous figures. 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 08:28, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (15)
New figures available for Chad. Please, include the new figures: 4747 positive cases, 169 deceased, 4382 recovered. Source: https://www.facebook.com/ministeresantetchad/photos/a.597628504017561/1146591509121255/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 08:36, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (14)
New figures available for Luhansk PR. Please, include the new figures: 4291 positive cases, 389 deceased, 3617 recovered. Source: https://mzlnr.su/2021/04/24/vsego-po-sostoyaniyu-na-0900-24-aprelya/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 08:33, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (4)
New figures available for Papua New Guinea. Please, include the new figures: 10338 positive cases, 99 deceased, 7798 recovered. Source: https://covid19.info.gov.pg/index.php/2021/04/23/covid-19-death-toll-at-99-total-cases-reach-10338/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 09:19, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (7)
New figures available for South Sudan. Please, include the new figures: 10515 positive cases, 114 deceased, 10250 recovered. Source: https://moh.gov.ss/daily_updates.php 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 09:29, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (9)
New figures available for Lesotho. Please, include the new figures: 10723 positive cases, 316 deceased, 6267 recovered. Source: https://twitter.com/nacosec/status/1385316439880515594/photo/2 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 09:33, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (11)
New figures available for Belize. Please, include the new figures: 12599 positive cases, 321 deceased, 12168 recovered. Source: https://www.facebook.com/Belizehealth/photos/pcb.2671125776519154/2671125696519162 Please, note that it's the same source as for the previous figures. 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 09:37, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (10)
New figures available for South Ossetia. Please, include the new figures: 3296 positive cases, 2963 recovered. Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166536018 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 08:14, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (5)
New figures available for Liberia. Please, include the new figures: 2097 positive cases, 85 deceased, 1940 recovered. Source: https://www.facebook.com/164280647325112/photos/a.347331779019997/1248459428907223/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 07:07, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (4)
New figures available for Burkina Faso. Please, include the new figures: 13212 positive cases, 156 deceased, 12862 recovered. Source: https://www.sig.gov.bf/actualites/details?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=1135&cHash=9601d1f8efe569161c67036ba206506b 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 09:51, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (3)
New figures available for Grenada. Please, include the new figures: 159 positive cases, 1 deceased, 157 recovered. Source: https://www.facebook.com/HealthGrenada/photos/a.570448523487244/1001278877070871/ Please, note that it's the same source as for the previous figures. 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 06:39, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (7)
New figures available for Abkhazia. Please, include the new figures: 14247 positive cases, 221 deceased, 13375 recovered. Source: https://apsadgil.info/news/society/u-65-chelovek-podtverzhden-covid-19-odna-patsientka-skonchalas-/?sphrase_id=3830 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 10:03, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021
New figures available for Guam. Please, include the new figures: 7911 positive cases, 136 deceased, 7712 recovered. Source: https://ghs.guam.gov/jic-release-no-645-two-648-test-positive-covid-19-covid-19-testing-and-vaccination-schedule-food 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 08:48, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (9)
New figures available for Eswatini. Please, include the new figures: 18434 positive cases, 671 deceased, 17730 recovered. Source: https://twitter.com/EswatiniGovern1/status/1385646623523491840/photo/1 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 10:19, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (11)
New figures available for Cape Verde. Please, include the new figures: 21784 positive cases, 201 deceased, 18959 recovered. Source: https://covid19.cv 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D8F2:E87C:FBA7:2E04 (talk) 10:32, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (13)
New figures available for Guinea. Please, include the new figures: 21885 positive cases, 140 deceased, 19194 recovered. Source: https://anss-guinee.org 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D8F2:E87C:FBA7:2E04 (talk) 10:36, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (14)
New figures available for Gabon. Please, include the new figures: 22433 positive cases, 138 deceased, 19074 recovered. Source: https://infocovid.ga 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D8F2:E87C:FBA7:2E04 (talk) 10:41, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021
New figures available for Rwanda. Please, include the new figures: 24459 positive cases, 328 deceased, 22706 recovered. Source: https://www.rbc.gov.rw/index.php?id=707 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D8F2:E87C:FBA7:2E04 (talk) 10:47, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (3)
New figures available for DR Congo. Please, include the new figures: 29405 positive cases, 752 deceased, 26135 recovered. Source: https://us3.campaign-archive.com/?u=b34a30571d429859fb249533d&id=3f71b8dfa8 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D8F2:E87C:FBA7:2E04 (talk) 10:52, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (9)
New figures available for Donetsk PR. Please, include the new figures: 32402 positive cases, 2466 deceased, 25962 recovered. Source: https://mzdnr.ru/news/po-sostoyaniyu-na-1000-24-aprelya-vsego-32402-zabolevshih-infekciey-covid-19-na-territorii 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D8F2:E87C:FBA7:2E04 (talk) 11:08, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (8)
New figures available for Monaco. Please, include the new figures: 2426 positive cases, 31 deceased, 2317 recovered. Source: https://www.gouv.mc/Action-Gouvernementale/Coronavirus-Covid-19/Actualites/Covid-19-3-nouveaux-cas-positifs-et-6-guerisons-ce-vendredi-23-avril 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 08:06, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (7)
New figures available for Australia. Please, include the new figures: 29658 positive cases, 910 deceased, 28511 recovered. Source: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/coronavirus-covid-19-current-situation-and-case-numbers 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D8F2:E87C:FBA7:2E04 (talk) 10:56, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (11)
New figures available for Zimbabwe. Please, include the new figures: 38045 positive cases, 1556 deceased, 35094 recovered. Source: https://twitter.com/MoHCCZim/status/1385677011000168449/photo/1 Please, note that it's the same source as for the previous figures. 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:10DF:EAAA:AF97:B986 (talk) 11:22, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021
New figures available for Ghana. Please, include the new figures: 91928 positive cases, 777 deceased, 89729 recovered. Source: https://www.spsrasd.info/news/ar/articles/2021/04/02/32412.html 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:C4B7:A0C2:C3F9:415C (talk) 12:42, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (3)
New figures available for China. Please, include the new figures: 90575 positive cases, 4636 deceased, 85634 recovered. Source: http://www.nhc.gov.cn/yjb/s7860/202104/b685b6fa5e8c40748b523640b919e6df.shtml 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:C4B7:A0C2:C3F9:415C (talk) 12:45, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (7)
New figures available for Uzbekistan. Please, include the new figures: 88280 positive cases, 641 deceased, 85232 recovered. Source: https://coronavirus.uz/ru 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:C4B7:A0C2:C3F9:415C (talk) 12:50, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (15)
New figures available for Uganda. Please, include the new figures: 41575 positive cases, 341 deceased, 40898 recovered. Source: https://twitter.com/MinofHealthUG/status/1385533943454261257/photo/1 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:7C39:EFD7:D82B:5A5E (talk) 14:24, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021
New figure available for Artsakh. Please, include the new figure: 2642 positive cases. Source: https://armenpress.am/rus/news/1050161/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:5942:70D3:BB1F:163A (talk) 14:00, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021
New figures available for Nicaragua. Please, include the new figures: 6385 positive cases, 181 deceased. Source: https://observatorioni.org/estadisticas-covid-19-nicaragua/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:38C6:B42C:9E99:40F6 (talk) 16:29, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 16 April 2021
There is a new Covid-19 case recorded on Solomon Islands. Please, include the new figures for Solomon Islands: 20 positive cases, 18 recovered. Source: https://solomons.gov.sb/new-covid-19-case-recorded/ (talk) 17:20, 16 April 2021 (UTC)
Thank you for checking the source carefully. I found another source which reports 20 positive cases and 18 recovered. Source: https://solomons.gov.sb/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/SLB_NEOC-SIG-CONSOLIDATED-SITREP-20_COVID-19-RESPONSE_20210413.pdf Maybe you could consider this new source and include the new figures. Semi-protected edit request on 25 April 2021
New figures available for Sahrawi Arab DR. Please, include the new figures: 353 positive cases, 20 deceased, 236 recovered. Source: https://www.spsrasd.info/news/ar/articles/2021/04/08/32515.html . Please, note that it's the same source as for the previous figures. 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D06D:34A4:D7CB:CD74 (talk) 14:49, 25 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (10)
New figures available for French Polynesia. Please, include the new figures: 18734 positive cases, 141 deceased, 18697 recovered. Source: https://www.presidence.pf/point-de-situation-sur-le-coronavirus-au-22-04-21-2/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D8F2:E87C:FBA7:2E04 (talk) 10:27, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (12)
New figures available for Haiti. Please, include the new figures: 12944 positive cases, 251 deceased, 11945 recovered. Source: https://www.mspp.gouv.ht/wp-content/uploads/Sitrep-COVID-19_13-04-2021.pdf and https://covid19.who.int/region/amro/country/ht 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 09:45, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (11)
New figures available for Thailand. Please, include the new figures: 53022 positive cases, 129 deceased, 30566 recovered. Source: https://twitter.com/thaimoph/status/1385837748884369408/photo/1 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:C4B7:A0C2:C3F9:415C (talk) 13:10, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (7)
New figures available for Iraq. Please, include the new figures: 1025288 positive cases, 15217 deceased, 897966 recovered. Source: https://www.facebook.com/MOH.GOV.IQ/photos/a.860171854037214/3944797678907934/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:5942:70D3:BB1F:163A (talk) 14:07, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (9)
New figures available for Cyprus. Please, include the new figures: 59792 positive cases, 296 deceased. Source: https://covid19.ucy.ac.cy 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:C4B7:A0C2:C3F9:415C (talk) 13:05, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 23 April 2021 (3)
New figures available for Bonaire. Please, include the new figures: 1528 positive cases, 15 deceased, 1478 recovered. Source: https://www.bonairecrisis.com/en/ (talk) 18:30, 23 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (5)
New figures available for Mali. Please, include the new figures: 13504 positive cases, 460 deceased, 7804 recovered. Source: http://www.sante.gov.ml/index.php/actualites/communiques/item/6086-communique-n-417-du-ministere-de-la-sante-et-du-developpement-social-sur-le-suivi-des-actions-de-prevention-et-de-riposte-face-a-la-maladie-a-coronavirus 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 09:57, 24 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 26 April 2021
New figure available for Northern Mariana Islands. Please, include the new figure: 164 positive cases. Source: https://covid19.who.int/region/wpro/country/mp 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D4C9:BA8A:DEF:5FC7 (talk) 16:11, 26 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 26 April 2021 (2)
New figures available for Antigua and Barbuda. Please, include the new figures: 1227 positive cases, 32 deceased, 1002 recovered. Source: https://covid19.gov.ag 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D4C9:BA8A:DEF:5FC7 (talk) 16:27, 26 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021
New figures available for Cayman Islands. Please, include the new figures: 541 positive cases, 2 deceased, 521 recovered. Source: https://www.exploregov.ky/coronavirus-statistics 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:ACB4:9A11:F733:5178 (talk) 06:37, 27 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021 (2)
New figures available for Somaliland. Please, include the new figures: 3946 positive cases, 247 deceased, 2781 recovered. Source: https://somalilandcovid19.com Please, note that this is the official website of the government of Somaliland. 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:ACB4:9A11:F733:5178 (talk) 06:58, 27 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021 (3)
New figures available for Congo. Please, include the new figures: 10678 positive cases, 144 deceased. Source: https://covid19.who.int/region/afro/country/cg 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:ACB4:9A11:F733:5178 (talk) 07:41, 27 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021 (4)
New figures available for Thailand. Please, include the new figures: 59687 positive cases, 163 deceased, 33551 recovered. Source: https://twitter.com/thaimoph/status/1386937163422396418/photo/1 Please, note that it's the same source as for the previous figures. 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:ACB4:9A11:F733:5178 (talk) 09:26, 27 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021
New figures available for Singapore. Please, include the new figures: 61051 positive cases, 30 deceased, 60682 recovered. Source: https://covidsitrep.moh.gov.sg 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:ACB4:9A11:F733:5178 (talk) 09:44, 27 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021 (3)
New figures available for Oman. Please, include the new figures: 190270 positive cases, 1983 deceased, 169784 recovered. Source: https://covid19.moh.gov.om/#/home 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:ACB4:9A11:F733:5178 (talk) 10:01, 27 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021 (5)
New figures available for Maldives. Please, include the new figures: 28202 positive cases, 71 deceased, 24416 recovered. Source: https://covid19.health.gov.mv/dashboard?c=0 NickBerlin87 (talk) 11:26, 27 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021
New figures available for Armenia. Please, include the new figures: 214064 positive cases, 4058 deceased, 195701 recovered. Source: https://ncdc.am/coronavirus/confirmed-cases-by-days/ NickBerlin87 (talk) 12:38, 27 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021
New figures available for Azerbaijan. Please, include the figures: 315119 positive cases, 4429 deceased, 282786 recovered. Source: https://koronavirusinfo.az/az/page/statistika/azerbaycanda-cari-veziyyet NickBerlin87 (talk) 13:56, 27 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021
New figure available for Artsakh. Please, include the new figure: 2652 positive cases. Source: https://armenpress.am/rus/news/1050490.html NickBerlin87 (talk) 14:14, 27 April 2021 (UTC) Semi-protected edit request on 26 April 2021 (3)
New figure available for Isle of Man. Please, include the new figure: 1587 positive cases. Source: https://covid19.gov.im/general-information/latest-updates/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D4C9:BA8A:DEF:5FC7 (talk) 16:38, 26 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 20 April 2021 (3)
There are new figures for St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. St. Helena reported 2 positive Covid-19 cases. Source: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/2021/news/coronavirus-covid-19-ieg-update/ . Since September 2020, Ascension has reported 5 positive Covid-19 cases. Sources: https://www.ascension.gov.ac/covid-19-response-level-escalated-to-level-2-red (2 positive cases), https://www.ascension.gov.ac/covid-19-response-level-escalated-to-level-2-red-2 (1 positive case), https://www.ascension.gov.ac/covid-19-response-level-escalated-to-level-2-red-3 (1 positive case), https://www.ascension.gov.ac/14479-2 (1 positive case) Ascension has reported 4 cases as recovered: https://www.ascension.gov.ac/covid-19-response-level-reduced-to-level-1-amber, https://www.ascension.gov.ac/covid-19-response-level-reduced-to-level-1-amber-2, https://www.ascension.gov.ac/covid-19-response-level-reduced-to-level-1-amber-3 As far as I see, both cases on St. Helena are still active. Please, update the figures therefore to: 7 positive cases, 4 recovered (talk) 10:16, 20 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 22 April 2021
New figures available for British Virgin Islands. Please, include the new figures: 194 positive cases, 1 deceased, 183 recovered. Source: https://www.facebook.com/BVIGovernment/photos/a.10152036012397945/10158414225777945/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:79ED:1F4C:D11C:7D66 (talk) 06:13, 22 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 23 April 2021
New figures available for Mauritius. Please, include the new figures: 1205 positive cases, 16 deceased, 1025 recovered. Source: https://www.covid19mu.com 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:907:FA51:C132:642C (talk) 18:21, 23 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 23 April 2021 (2)
New figures available for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Please, include the new figures: 1827 positive cases, 10 deceased, 1703 recovered. Source: https://www.facebook.com/SVGHEALTH/photos/pb.206099429450488.-2207520000../4415639521829770/?type=3&theater 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:DCEA:2E7E:F7EF:220C (talk) 18:36, 23 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 26 April 2021 (4)
New figures available for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Please, include the new figures: 1839 positive cases, 10 deceased, 1711 recovered. Source: http://health.gov.vc/health/index.php/c/1508-covid-19-report-as-at-april-25th-2021 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:D4C9:BA8A:DEF:5FC7 (talk) 16:44, 26 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 17 April 2021 (5)
I would like to suggest to include figures for Transnistria to the template. As there are figures for Artzakh, South Ossetia, Luhansk, Somaliland, etc, it would be just consistent. The figures for Transnistria are: 45352 positive cases, 1032 deceased, 40846 recovered. Source: http://minzdrav.gospmr.org/covid-19/ (talk) 17:09, 17 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 18 April 2021
There was an update on Covid-19 cases in Western Sahara. The new figures are: 168 positive cases, 10 deceased, 94 recovered. Source: https://www.spsrasd.info/news/es/articles/2021/03/30/32356.html. This article is available in Spanish and Arabic. Please, note that it is the same source as for the previous figures. (talk) 07:38, 18 April 2021 (UTC) There is a more recent article on Covid-19 cases in Western Sahara. Please, include the new figures for Western Sahara: 235 positive cases, 12 deceased, 145 recovered. Sources: https://www.spsrasd.info/news/es/articles/2021/04/02/32414.html and https://www.spsrasd.info/news/ar/articles/2021/04/02/32412.html . Please, note that it the source is the same as for the previous figures.
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (2)
New figures available for Bahamas. Please, include the new figures: 9976 positive cases, 196 deceased, 9215 recovered. Source: https://www.bahamas.gov.bs/wps/wcm/connect/0b84d120-c097-44f6-b257-083ae249950c/Update+%23392+-+Ministry+of+Health+-+COVID-19+Report+%2850%29.pdf?MOD=AJPERES 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 09:15, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (4)
New figures available for Mauritania. Please, include the new figures: 18207 positive cases, 454 deceased, 17560 recovered. Source: https://www.facebook.com/MSMauritanie/photos/a.109982187291684/287853822837852/ 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 10:15, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (13)
New figures available for Ivory Coast. Please, include the new figures: 45765 positive cases, 279 deceased, 45311 recovered. Source: https://twitter.com/Covid19_CI/status/1385697019885461507/photo/1 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:C55D:89D4:2A17:612A (talk) 13:19, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021 (3)
New figures available for Bahrain. Please, include the new figures: 172576 positive cases, 625 deceased, 161491 recovered. Source: https://healthalert.gov.bh/en/category/daily-covid-19-report NickBerlin87 (talk) 14:03, 27 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 21 April 2021 (9)
New figures available for Palestine. Please, include the new figures: 286028 positive cases, 3096 deceased, 254199 recovered. Source: https://corona.ps 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:8DE3:9FF8:FB9D:D0E0 (talk) 13:53, 21 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (8)
New figures available for Cameroon. Please, include the new figures: 65998 positive cases, 991 deceased. Source: https://covid19.who.int/region/afro/country/cm 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:C4B7:A0C2:C3F9:415C (talk) 13:00, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (14)
New figures available for Kazakhstan. Please, include the new figures: 303570 positive cases, 3535 deceased, 259863 recovered. Source: https://www.coronavirus2020.kz 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:5400:2C0A:9A0:1DC3 (talk) 14:17, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 27 April 2021 (2)
New figures available for Palestine. Please, include the new figures: 292052 positive cases, 3184 deceased, 264660 recovered. Source: https://corona.ps 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:ACB4:9A11:F733:5178 (talk) 09:54, 27 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (6)
New figures available for New Zealand. Please, include the new figures: 2601 positive cases, 26 deceased, 2542 recovered. Source: https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-data-and-statistics/covid-19-current-cases I suggest to include the cumulative amount of cases reported by the NZ government (confirmed and probable). 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:6490:93A2:2365:8C9B (talk) 07:19, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 24 April 2021 (3)
New figures available for the Netherlands. Please, include the new figures: 1453124 positive cases, 17038 deceased. Source: https://allecijfers.nl/nieuws/statistieken-over-het-corona-virus-en-covid19/#Corona_kerncijfers 2A02:8109:B5BF:D604:5942:70D3:BB1F:163A (talk) 14:03, 24 April 2021 (UTC)
British Indian Ocean Territoryhttps://www.facebook.com/AFNDGar/videos/372437040868976 There were 3 confirmed cases in the British Indian Ocean Territory during the week of the 7th May 2021 (3:00 in clip) and there is mention of a previous positive case in December (4:25) though there could be more. I didn't find any more information as there don't seem to be many sources available. Quelisal (talk) 12:18, 19 May 2021 (UTC)
US data????The numbers for the US haven't been updated in 3 days. Please update or find a better source! (talk) 04:24, 17 June 2021 (UTC) Peru new death dataPeru has reviewed its death estimates from 70K to over 180K. Why has this not been updated? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-57307861
Why #invoke?Why does this article mostly use
Semi-protected edit request on 5 July 2021
The Corona death figures are as of 1 July with Portugal at 152 and not at 17,112. This was so released by the Portuguese Court of Justice. More details under the following link. "https://tkp.at/2021/06/28/gericht-in-portugal-nur-09-der-verifizierten-faelle-starben-an-covid/" The 17'112 were all positive test results not deaths! It cannot be that here such enormous wrong information is spread. (talk) 08:39, 5 July 2021 (UTC)
Per millionWouldn't it be helpful to have a per million cases column? because raw data doesn't give enough information about the condition on each country. Population data is already available here and it doesn't move often -- (talk) 04:31, 15 June 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 30 July 2021
The Daily covi did infection rate for South Africa has been incorrect for the last 2 days. Data for 29th of July 13,626 new infections NOT 30,928 as shown. Source SA Health dept. premier (talk) 06:41, 30 July 2021 (UTC)
Positive cases on NauruHello, I’d like to have an opinion on this news: https://www.solomontimes.com/news/frontliners-test-negative-after-cargo-vessel-scare/10974. It seem that they have 13 positive cases on a ship in Nauru. So, I want to count them to Nauru. But, I feel that there will be ambiguities again... Nauru government still claim covidfree (https://www.facebook.com/groups/219485726427273/) and reliefweb speak of "International conveyance" (https://reliefweb.int/map/world/epidemic-and-emerging-disease-alerts-pacific-27-july-2021). So, have we to count these cases to Nauru? Sami270 (talk) 14:27, 27 July 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 10 August 2021
TANKEN80 (talk) 20:57, 10 August 2021 (UTC) https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html Please follow resource from huh.edu
Federated States of MicronesiaHello. I wish to know opinion on the FSM cases, specifically, of the first case, which was on board a ship and whose person who had tested positive did not disembark the ship (therefore not entering FSM formally) until discharged. Should that first case be removed or we must abide by the FSM government which considers it a case inside the country?. Thanks for clarifying. CoryGlee (talk) 22:31, 29 August 2021 (UTC)
ReplacementIt has been more than a year since the pandemic began and the number of editors who are updating the template have been decreasing. Even the few editors who remain are no longer able to update the template as often as they used to. Therefore, there is already a need for the template to be updated using automated means. A bot can update several countries and most of the template should not be outdated by more than 24 hours. The proposed replacement, User:Phoenix7777/sandbox/COVID-19 pandemic data, is similar to Template:COVID-19 vaccination data, which is already updated by the same bot. The data is at Template:COVID-19 data/data, while the relevant modules are at Module:COVID-19 data and Module:Sandbox/Phoenix7777/COVID-19 data. The replacement uses Our World In Data as its source because it is known to be a reliable source for information related to the COVID-19 pandemic. What do you think? LSGH (talk) (contributions) 04:13, 24 September 2021 (UTC)
Support. There is further discussion here: Talk:COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory#Remove old table. Keep the table updated daily by bot. I've implemented the module on this template. Tol (talk | contribs) @ 18:30, 2 October 2021 (UTC)
European UnionIt's confusing that the European Union is represented as well as all of the member states individually. Can someone make a footnote that the European Union's numbers are not counted twice? Or if they actually are, then a footnote about that? 2A02:AA1:1603:5206:587B:8066:DCB0:7982 (talk) 22:50, 6 October 2021 (UTC)
Worldometer issueI would like to know why is worldometer references blocked? It is specifically written in the template, and I would like to know why. WikiSilky (talk) 04:27, 23 September 2021 (UTC)
EditnoticeNow that the module is implemented, the editnotice is redundant. I think it should be removed or heavily trimmed. What do you think? Tol (talk | contribs) @ 19:02, 2 October 2021 (UTC)
Semi-protected edit request on 11 November 2021edit town indonesia|Template:town healthy indonesia healthy ® data/doc|answered=no °/ (talk) 04:17, 11 November 2021 (UTC) Data are deceptiveSome countries data are skewed and cannot be be confirmed. The authorities provided wrong numbers so that they can still open their borders to the tourist industries at the detriment of the local people. (talk) 12:56, 5 December 2021 (UTC)
Many templates have stopped being updatedToday, while scrounging for COVID-19 data, I came across COVID-19 pandemic in Yemen. While the main template (this one) shows yemen's cases as 10,000+, the Yemen template only shows 2000 and has not been updated since February. Additionally, several other templates (e.g. Norway) have also not been updated. Pinging LSGH. 🐔 Chicdat Bawk to me! 11:52, 6 December 2021 (UTC)
Why have so many previously included territories and states been removed?Why have the Crown Dependencies of the Isle of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey been removed from this table? I cannot find any change in consensus since the most recent RfC on which territories to list, which (in-line with previous RfCs) determines that the Crown Dependencies should have their respective case numbers reported separately. If it is simply because they are not mentioned in the single given source, then we need to find a better source. It should be noted that none of the Crown Dependencies' data are included under the UK or EU totals, as they do not form part of either (despite often being confused as doing so), and each independently reports their case, death, and vaccination, data independent of the UK and/or the EU. This omission of the Crown Dependencies is a strange omission of three perfectly verifiable sets of relevant data. —Ave (talk) 22:41, 12 December 2021 (UTC) A mesengeremből minden beszélgetésen eltűntA mesengeremből minden beszélgetésem eltűnt 2A02:AB88:D8A:2B00:5992:D8F4:7405:EA (talk) 16:59, 27 December 2021 (UTC)
What happened to the data?The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion. Was there vandalism? I wonder why there are now half a million deaths and about 40 million cases less in the list than just a few days ago. Did someone tamper with the list? --Maxl (talk) 17:48, 26 December 2021 (UTC)
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
Style sheet usageI added a section to list out templates that use the same style.css page. It is a bit hard to figure out where all it is reused and I don't know of a way to add a template that will just show all of its usage. If any were missed, please add. FYI Timeshifter, if you aren't following this page. Jroberson108 (talk) 13:15, 7 January 2022 (UTC)
Template usageI appears this template is only used on one portal and no article pages: search. I've update the usage section of the doc. Jroberson108 (talk) 21:27, 8 January 2022 (UTC) Sticky row headers@Tol: I would like to make row headers left sticky and cleanup some of the markup and CSS. Can you explain how the automated templates work and is there a list of which ones are automated. Does the entire source get replaced and is there a master template I can adjust that gets deployed by a bot, or can the markup in the templates be edited freely? I noticed some tables use "plainrowheaders", but didn't add
Move "Show all/collapse all" link to left sideWith the table squeezed into one part of the portal page I can't see the "Show all/collapse all" link when I am reading the page at my normal 150% text zoom setting on Firefox. So I suggest switching it to the left side and putting the VTE links on the right side. Or shorten the caption to just "COVID-19". I could scroll right to find the "Show all/collapse all" if I knew it existed. But then I have to scroll right to collapse it too. That is tedious, especially if I do it more than once while perusing other parts of the portal page. --Timeshifter (talk) 22:10, 10 January 2022 (UTC)
Jroberson108. Just try out the portal page in different browsers and zoom settings. The browsers and their beginning font sizes are wildly different for me. And change the display setting resolution too if you want. But the simplest way to see the problem is to increase the zoomed font size of your browser until you see the show/collapse link disappear. Look at the huge amount of wikitext on the caption line:
I agree that the VTE and show/collapse part of it should go above the caption. --Timeshifter (talk) 17:58, 11 January 2022 (UTC)
New styles feedbackNote: This talk section was moved to Template talk:COVID-19 pandemic data/styles2.css. Jroberson108 (talk) 13:14, 23 February 2022 (UTC) |
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