Telephone numbers in Equatorial GuineaCountry Code: +240
Calling formatsTo call in Equatorial Guinea, the following format is used:
The NSN length is nine digits. Area codesThe structure of the numbering system of the public switched telephone network is geographic, with number portability, as follows:[1] DN + NDC + SN = NSN = NJ XPQ MCDU DN (Network code) = NJ NDC (Numbering area) = XPQ SN (Subscriber number) = MCDU For landlines, 3J XPQ MCDU where J cannot be 0. 'M', 'C', 'D', and 'U' stand for thousands, hundreds, tens, and units, respectively.
Numbers beginning 4 are reserved for future fixed services. Mobile numbersThe structure of the numbering system of the cellular mobile telephone network is non-geographic, as follows:[3] DN + SN = NSN = NJ XPQ MCDU DN (Network code) = NDC = NJ SN (Subscriber number) = XPQMCDU Numbers beginning 2 or 5 are in use for mobile telephones. Numbers beginning 6 and 7 are reserved for future mobile services. Value added servicesFor value-added services such as freephone numbers, shared cost numbers and personal numbers, numbers will comprise nine digits, with the following format: 80X PQMCDU, (P ≠ 0) For valued-added services such as premium rate services for businesses, premium rate services that are leisure-related, and Internet access, numbers will comprise nine digits, with the following format: 90X PQMCDU (P ≠ 0) Numbers for intelligent network services are non-geographic. Allocations by operatorFixed
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