"Swag Surfin" is the debut single by American hip hop group Fast Life Yungstaz released in 2009. It is featured on their debut album Jamboree and is produced by K.E. on the Track. The song was certified platinum in March 2024.[1]
Cultural impact
Since its release in 2009, "Swag Surfin'" has grown in popularity, especially among the black community, and has been played at weddings, graduations, parties, homecoming events, and others. The dance is well-regarded as it encourages friends and strangers to connect with each other by linking arms and swaying from side to side.[2][3] Brianna Younger of The New Yorker stated that "there are no strangers when those horn blasts sound, only you and a crowd of people who have suddenly become your closest friends—your brothers and sisters."[4] The song and dance are commonplace at celebrations at HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). The song was sampled by Beyoncé for her Coachella performance Homecoming: The Live Album with the song Drunk in Love.[5] The song has also been played at the White House.[4][6] Khalila Douze of uDiscoverMusic wrote that "["Swag Surfin'"] is an embodiment of black fellowship and faith, and that’s what makes it so timeless."[7]
The original viral music video was filmed and directed by Forrest Tuff of One Vision Productions and released online January 2009 receiving millions of views. A new version under Def Jam South was released online in October 2009. Kia Shine and Stuey Rock make cameo appearances.