Strange Universe
Strange Universe was a United States syndicated daily half-hour program about paranormal phenomena that aired from 1996 to 1998. Developed by Rysher Entertainment and Chris Craft Television, it debuted in 1996, hosted by Emmitt Miller and Dana Adams.[1][2][3][4] The show was presented in a daily tabloid television format, with the hosts introducing segments on various fortean and New Age topics, sometimes accompanied with interviews.[5] In February 1997 Adams was dropped as co-host and Miller became the only host. At that point, Variety reported that the show had a "weak" 1.2 national rating over the past two months.[6] The show was on the air from 1996 to 1998 for a total of 390 episodes.[7] It usually appeared on UPN network affiliates, as Chris-Craft owned half of UPN and their stations carried UPN programming.[8][9] The series was also syndicated internationally, airing in Canada on Access, The Education Station (currently known as CTV 2 Alberta). In 1996, for the first time in its broadcast history, it dedicated a full episode to subject of alleged footage from Area 51 of an "alien interview". This was released in 1997 as Area 51: The Alien Interview, directed by Jeff Broadstreet, and starring Steven Williams.[10][11][12][13][14] References
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