Search and discovery of new particle resonances including charm quarks, photoproduction experiment WA4 at CERN (1977–1979)
Tests of QCD through the study of Drell-Yan pairs and J/y resonances in nuclear targets with antiproton and pion beams, experiment E537 at Fermilab (1979–1982)
Search for quark-gluon plasma transition, experiment R807-808 at CERN (1983–1986)
Standard model of weak and electromagnetic interactions (1986–2000)
Study of the standard model of electro-weak interactions and supersymmetry: experiment DELPHI of the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider.
Phenomenological studies of supersymmetry: Monte Carlo generator SUSYGEN and computing of higher order cross sections
^"Astrofisica: è morto Stavros Katsanevas, pioniere della fisica delle astroparticelle" [Astrophysics: Stavros Katsanevas, pioneer of astroparticle physics, has died]. La Stampa (in Italian). 28 November 2022. Retrieved 29 November 2022. Stavros Katsanevas ... è morto la scorsa notte in una clinica di Pisa all'età di 69 anni. [Stavros Katsanevas ... died last night in a clinic in Pisa at the age of 69.]