Staša Babić is a Serbian archaeologist and an associate professor of archaeology in the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.[1] Her research focuses on the Iron Age and archaeological theory.[2]
Her 2018 monograph Metaarheologija discusses the nature of archaeological knowledge, with an emphasis on the importance of collective knowledge versus paradigm shifts.[4] Babić is described as "one of the key thinkers in archaeological theory from the Balkans".[4]
Selected publications
Babić, S. 2002. ‘Still innocent after all these years?’ Sketches for a Social History of Archaeology in Serbia. In: Biehl, P.F., Gramsch, A. & Marciniak, A., eds. Archäologien Europas: Geschichte, Methoden und Theorien/Archaeologies of Europe: History, Methods and Theories. Tübinger Archäologische Taschenbücher 3. Münster: Waxmann, pp. 309–22.Google Scholar
(coauthors M. Diaz Andreu, S. J. Lucy, D. Edwards) 2005. The Archaeology of Identity, Approaches to gender, age, status, ethnicity and religion. London and New York: Routledge.
S. Babić. 2008. Grci i drugi – antička percepcija i percepcija antike (Greeks and Others – Ancient Perceptions and Perceptions of Antiquity. Beograd: Klio.
Babić, S. 2014. Identity, Integration and Power Relations in the Study of the Iron Age. In: Stoddard, S. & Popa, C., eds. Fingerprinting the Iron Age: Integrating South-Eastern Europe into the Debate. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 295–302.
S. Babić. 2018. Metaarheologija. Ogled o uslovima znanja o prošlosti (Metaarchaeology: An Essay on the Conditions of Knowledge about the Past. Belgrade: Clio.