The Matsunaga Hydrogen Research and Development Act was authored as nine sections establishing the Title 42 findings, purposes, and definitions for the alternative fuel or hydrogen fuel and energy development resources.
Short Title ~ Title 42 § 101
♦ Act cited as Spark M. Matsunaga Hydrogen Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1990
Finding, Purposes, and Definition ~ Title 42 § 102
☆ Finding
♦ It is in the national interest to develop a domestic capability to economically produce hydrogen in quantities that will make a significant contribution toward reducing the Nation's dependence on conventional fuels.
☆ Purposes
♦ Prepare a comprehensive five year comprehensive program management plan that will identify and resolve critical technical issues necessary for the realization of a domestic capability to produce, distribute, and use hydrogen economically. ♦ Develop a technology assessment and information transfer program among the Federal agencies and aerospace, transportation, energy, and other entities. ♦ Develop renewable energy resources as a primary source of energy for the production of hydrogen.
☆ Definition
♦ "Critical technology" or "critical technical issue" means a technology or issue that, requires understanding and development in order to take the next needed step in the development of hydrogen as an economic fuel or hydrogen storage medium.
The 104th United States Congress drafted U.S. House bill H.R. 655 as introductory legislation for the hydrogen development and research programs.[4] The Clinton Administration supported the renewable energy bill with the exception regarding obligation limitations concerning all energy supply development and research activities.[5]