Silver Rain Radio (Russian: Серебряный Дождь) is a Russian (including post-Soviet countries) FMradio station since July 4, 1995. Radio frequency in Moscow, Russia – 100,1 FM. Since June 2024, the station is owned and operated by Mediaindustriya CJSC of former Uralchem general manager Vladimir Orlovsky.[1]
Silver Rain Radio is the initiator of the Silver Galosh Award for the most dubious achievements in show business every year. This prize awarded at the congress-hall of Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel. It is known for being the most eccentric radio station in Russia. The award can be compared to The Razzies.
History timeline
Zaporozhets of Silver Rain Radio (as seen in 2007)
On February 3, 1996, awarded with the first "Quality Mark" Prize
On March 26, 1996, first Silver Galosh '96 ceremony.
Since October 20, 1996 starts online broadcasting.
Was one of the sponsors of Russian Mars 96 artificial satellite launched on November 16, 1996
On February 27, 1997, introduced the new broadcasting scheme music non-stop
On January 15, 1997, started to transmit the RDS signals for car audio devices.
On 1998 April Fool's Day started a Ukrainian broadcasting instead of the usual Russian. Also in the announcement on the previous day the promotion department constated the closing of Russian Office and the migration to Ukrainian FM space.
On June 6, 1998, the Lowered Ball '98 football match held between the radiostation staff and the audience football teams.
On November 20, 2002, became the first radiostation in Russia to present an Adriano Celentano's new album – Per sempre.
On 2003 Valentine's Day a Monument to All in love opened during the Silver Kiss action in the Moscow Hermitage Garden. It was sold later for $4,000 in an act of charity to be erected again every year. [14], [15], [16]
On 2003 April Fool's Day the action Destroy Your LavatoryPan held under the motto "You deserve to sit on better things!". Pans of some lucky guys were broken live and then replaced with the new wonder of sanitary engineering
Alexey Alexeyevich Eibojenko [35] and Konstantin Grigorievich Tsivilev [36] (surnames unknown, used collective pseudonym "Lazy-bones" or Lezheboki [37])
Headquarters is located in Russia, Moscow, Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Alleya, 12A, 127083