Schweizer Seilbahninventar (also French: Inventaire suisse des installations à câbles, Italian: Inventario svizzero degli impianti a fune, literally Swiss Inventory of Cableways) was published in 2011 by the Federal Office of Culture.[1][2][3] Of about 3000 cableways in Switzerland, the heritage inventory assesses 67 as of national importance and 44 as of regional importance in terms of the Swiss Federal Act on the nature and cultural heritage.[4][5] It also includes 18 noteworthy more recent systems. Installations are included for their cultural or technological significance.[i 1] The inventory covers aerial cableways (aerial tramways, gondola lifts, chair lifts, material ropeways), funiculars and ski lifts. Classifications applied are those of Swiss authorities. It does not cover inclined elevators, mobile lifts and installations part of residential, military or industrial building complexes.[i 1]
Mandated by the Federal Office of Culture, the inventory was prepared by Karin Zaugg, Michael Gerber, Peter Bannwart, Thomas Batschelet, Erwin Bloch, Stefan Kraus, Brigitte Müller and Rudolf Saum.[i 4]
They were advised by a commission from the following agencies and organisations:[i 4]
At the Federal Office of Culture, Oliver Martin was in charge of the project and Reto Müller of the publication[i 4]
The project started in January 2008 and most onsite inspections took place in 2009. The inventory was completed in 2010 and aimed to reflect the state at end of 2010.[i 1]
From the initial list of 2934 installations, 175 were evaluated in detail and 129 included in the published list.[i 1]
All installations existed in 2010, but may not have been operational in years [note 1] or have been dismantled since.[note 2]
The inventory is published online.[i 2] The public version only lists the installations of importance (129). A summary booklet was published in print and as pdf.[i 3] The German original was partially translated into French and Italian[i 2] and prefaced by Jean-Frédéric Jauslin of the Federal Office of Culture.[i 3]
The online version includes a history of cableways in Switzerland by Karin Zaugg, Seilbahnen in der Schweiz. Hintergrund.[i 8]
The website was conceived to be editable.[7] As of April 2023, year on "impressum" is 2011.[i 4]
The inventory is meant to guide the federal and cantonal agencies (notably Federal Office of Transport and the IKSS/CITT office) when delivering concessions for the infrastructure.[4][5]
A review published in 2018 found that a large part of the installations had ceased operation or continued operation was endangered.[6] A detailed overview for aerial cableways was included.[6]
The canton of Nidwalden took it in account when elaborating its 2019 strategy on cableways.[8][9]
Further reading
Zaugg Zogg, Karin (2013), "Das Schweizer Seilbahninventar: Erfassung und Bewertung von Seilbahnanlagen", Kulturgut in Bewegung. Über Ortsgebundenheit und Ortswechsel = Patrimoine culturel en mouvement: immobile, mobile ou déplacé, Schriftenreihe zur Kulturgüter-Erhaltung (in German and French), vol. 2, Basel: Schwabe, pp. 132–139, ISBN978-3-7965-3196-5
Martin, Oliver; Guetg, Marco (2012), ""Ein Inventar ist nie abgeschlossen", Im Gespräch mit Olivier Martin = "Un inventaire n'est jamais achevé", Entretien avec Olivier Martin", Heimatschutz = Patrimoine (in German and French), 107 (3 (Unsere Inventare = Nos inventaires)): 13–15
Hurschler, Thomas (2011), "Das neue Schweizer Seilbahninventar und die Tücken seiner Umsetzung in der praktischen Denkmalpflege", Heimat Heute (in German): 25–29
Artho, Karin (2018), "Keine Kehrtwende in Sicht, Historische Luftseilbahnen verschwinden = Pas de changement en vue, Disparition de nos installations historiques", Heimatschutz = Patrimoine (in German and French), 113 (1 (Kulturerbe in Gefahr = Patrimoine culturel en danger)): 20–24
^The 8 cantons with 3, 2 or 1 installations: Fribourg, Lucerne, Obwalden, Zürich, Solothurn, Aargau, Neuchâtel, Appenzell Innerrhoden. There are none in another 8 cantons.
^ abcdArtho, Karin (2018), "Keine Kehrtwende in Sicht, Historische Luftseilbahnen verschwinden = Pas de changement en vue, Disparition de nos installations historiques", Heimatschutz = Patrimoine (in German and French), 113 (1 (Kulturerbe in Gefahr = Patrimoine culturel en danger)): 20–24
^Zaugg Zogg, Karin (2013), "Das Schweizer Seilbahninventar: Erfassung und Bewertung von Seilbahnanlagen", Kulturgut in Bewegung. Über Ortsgebundenheit und Ortswechsel = Patrimoine culturel en mouvement: immobile, mobile ou déplacé, Schriftenreihe zur Kulturgüter-Erhaltung (in German), vol. 2, Basel: Schwabe, pp. 132–139, ISBN978-3-7965-3196-5