Lords of Wezenmael Lords of Usbach Barons of Hoboken Counts of Grobbendoncq
Cadet branches
Schetz de Grobbendoncq (+)
The House of Schetz or Schetz de Grobbendonk, originally House von Schetzenberg is a German Noble House. Most famous is the Flemish branch named Schetz, one of whose members became the first duke of Ursel.
It is believed that the origin of this family was in 13th-century Franconia, deriving from Schetzenberg or Schetzenberge.[1] It is thought that Werner von Schetzenberge (died 1273), Herr von Polant und Schezsenberge, was one of the founders.[citation needed]
The family moved to the Netherlands where Erasmus of Schetzenberg bought the lordship of Grobbendonk. In 1548 they were created Baron of Gobbendonk, and in 1637, by Philip IV of Spain, Count of Grobbendonk.[2]
Because of the economic importance of this family, many historians have researched the origin of their wealth. It is believed that Claes van Rechtergem, the father in law of Erasmus II, started the economic traffic with Italy. Continued by his son-in-law, who moved to Antwerp, their commercial empire became so important that the family controlled a large part of copper production in Aachen and the sugar traffic from Brazil. He became so wealthy that he was on personal terms with the Emperor, and his sons Bathasar, Melchior and Caspar became the most popular heirs of Antwerp. They easily married into the nobility and founded the dynasty of the House of Ursel.
Marriages to the Houses of Ursel, Van Straelen en Rockox guaranteed the house considerable political power in Antwerp. Melchior was responsible for the city treasury. The youngest of the brothers paid the bill at the end. When trade declined, he was left with a debt of 750.000 Florins.[3]
The family has been Catholic for hundreds of years.
Coat of Armscoat of arms of the duke of UrselMosignor Schetz de Grobbendonck, bishop of Ghent, with his crest.
Herren von Schetzenberg
Everard, Herr von Schetzenbergh, married to Sofia von Leynach.
Bernard, Ritter von Schetzenbergh, married to Catharina von Grondstein.[4]
Conrad von Schetzenbergh, married to Wilhelmine Sindernich.[5]
Robert von Schetz, natus 1349, married to Gerardine Schintard.
Baudouin count d’URSEL, Les Schetz. La Maison de Grobbendonk, Bruxelles, 2004, 430 p. (Recueil de l'Office Généalogique et Héraldique de Belgique, LIV)
Les Schetz. La Maison d’Ursel, Bruxelles, 2004, 524 p. (Recueil de l'Office Généalogique et Héraldique de Belgique, LV).
^Grosses vollständiges Universal Lexicon aller Wissenschaften und ..., Volume 34