Saving Me (TV series)
Saving Me is an animated science fiction sitcom created by Aaron Johnston for BYUtv. The show follows the adventures of a grouchy senior billionaire named Bennett Bramble, as he tries to teach himself how to be good and make good choices with his childhood self, Young Bennett, like a Jiminy Cricket-like conscience. Despite his attempts at doing so, his plans constantly backfire, usually resulting in bad things happening or chaos ensuing. The show is the first animated series to be created for BYUtv. It is produced by Sphere Animation (formerly known as Oasis Animation), a Montreal-based animation studio that is known for its work on the last six seasons of Arthur, the Netflix animated series Kulipari, and Riley Rocket, among others.[1] The show premiered on BYUtv on October 1, 2022, and on Family Channel on March 15, 2023.[2] The series' episodes last from 20–22 minutes, with 20 episodes produced in total. The show's second season premiered on BYUtv on March 6, 2023. The show has been renewed for a third and fourth season.[3] OverviewIn the far future, 61-year-old Bennett Bramble is lonely and has garnered a negative reputation. He has tried ways to become less hated in the present, to no avail. With no other ways to fix his reputation, Bennett builds a time machine that allows him to travel into the past as a conscience and enter the mind of his younger 11-year-old self. After doing so, he meets Young Bennett, his younger self from five decades ago. Bennett wants to teach himself the correct choices to make, and he also hopes to repair his grim future. The only problem is that Bennett has forgotten how to be good, so teaching his younger self how to do so causes many bizarre (and often nonsensical) things to happen. Characters
DevelopmentSaving Me was created by Aaron Johnston. Daniel Scott composed the soundtrack for the show. Production of the series began in January 2021. In August 2022, BYUtv announced that they had greenlit the show for two 10-episode seasons, the first of which was slated to premiere at the beginning of October 2022.[4] The first season was officially released online at and on the BYUtv App on October 1, 2022. A 2-part sneak peek was also shown on BYUtv in-between sessions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints October General Conference. The series then moved to Monday nights and aired its entire season after the 10th Anniversary episodes of Studio C. On October 27, 2022, it was confirmed that WildBrain had signed on as a global distributor for the series.[5] The second season was officially released in its entirety on on March 5, 2023, before premiering the following day on the network. Episodes
Season 1 (2022)
Season 2 (2023)
On IMDb, Saving Me holds a rating of 8.9/10.[6] It is also receiving favorable reviews among fanboards,[7] including one that calls it a clean version of Rick and Morty that the entire family can enjoy.[8] See alsoReferences
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