Named after the Christian hallow Saint Valentine, the community has been trying to capitalize on its name as a destination for lovers since the 1990s. A Festival de la Saint-Valentin is held every February, along with a St. Valentine's Day Mass. The post office frequently receives letters from around the world to postmark.[5][6]
Municipal Council
Gaétan Fortin[7] Position - 1 (Watercourses and ditches Public works, buildings and roads)
Nicole Lussier Position - 2 (Cycle network, Vernissage, Culture Marriage and Civil Union, Environment)
Michelle Richer Position 3 (Leisure, Link between the Optimist club and the Municipality)
Paolo Girard Position 4 (Justice and enforcement of regulations, Public works, buildings and roads Fire and first responder Emergency measures, Vice-president and secretary-treasurer of the Festival)
Van Velzen Position 5 (Library, Twinning, Emergency measures, Urban Planning Advisory Committee)
Pierre Vallières Position 6 (Justice and application of regulations Family and Seniors Fire and first responder (Substitute), Festival President) Council meetings mainly take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 8 p.m. in the council room.