1977: Graduate from John F. Kennedy High School – Sacramento, United States
1977-78: BA in mechanical engineering at the University of Sacramento (uncompleted)
1980-92: Seminary study in Islamic studies including, Arabic literature, theology, logic, philosophy, jurisprudence and principal of jurisprudence
1988-92: BA in social sciences at the University of Tehran
1994-95: MA in sociology of communications in University College of Dublin, dissertation topic was: The Relationship between TV programs and Religious Practices and Values
1996-01: PhD in sociology of communications, at the Royal Holloway University of London, his research topic was: The Impact of Globalization on British Muslim Identity
^Ameli, S. R., Merali, A., & Islamic Human Rights Commission (Great Britain). (2004). Dual citizenship: British, Islamic or both? : obligation, recognition, respect and belonging. Wembley: Islamic Human Rights Commission.
^Ameli, S. R., Merali, A., & Islamic Human Rights Commission (Great Britain). (2004). British Muslims' expectations of government. Wembley: Islamic Human Rights Commission.
^Ameli, S. R., Merali, A. M., & Shahasemi, E. (2012). France and the hated society: Muslim experiences.