Rookies' Diary is a military comedy television series created in Taiwan. It has a total of 43 episodes of approximately 1 hour each. It aired from July 2, 2010 to April 22, 2011. The series is about how a group of teenagers whom are training in the military or army as recruits for 36 days. The director of the series is Wang Wei. It was also one of the most popular and well known dramas in Taiwan, because of it based on military and army just like the Singapore's military movies Ah Boys to Men and Ah Boys to Men 2 from the Ah Boys to Men film series, which was directed by popular and successful local film director Jack Neo.
- Tang Jia Hao as Luo Gang 罗刚
- Fu Zi Chun as Yang Hai Shen 杨海生
- Chen De Lie as Lin Bo Wen 林博文
- Lin Dao Yuan as Lai Hu 赖虎
- Xie Zheng Hao as Cai Hao Zhi 蔡浩志
- Chen Wen Xiang as Qiu You Shun 邱有順
- Pan Bo Xi as Shi Jun 石俊
- Qian Jun Zhong as Ye Da Tong 叶大同
- Xia Zheng Feng as Wu Yong 吴勇
- A Gan as Chen Tian Bin 陈添彬
- Ai Cheng as Xiao De Ji 萧德基
- Kelly Pai as Tian Xing
- Su Yan Pei as Cai Zhen Zhu
- Zhang Jia Xin as Liu Su Qing
- Akio Chen as Luo Dao Chun
- Zhang Qin as Shen Gui Mei
- Lin Yi Fang as Lai Mu Chun
- Mei Fang as Gu Zhui Ma
- Lin Mie Zhao as Shen Mei Yu
- Chen Bor-jeng [zh] as Cai Zhen Cai
- Ye Jia Yu as Zheng Yu Ting
- Chen Bo Han as A Hou
- Li Jia Wen as Di Qiu
- Tang Zhen as Yan Xiao Rou
- Achel Chang as Ye Xiao Yan
- Yue Hong as Zheng Yu Que
- Liu Xiao Yi as Huang Li Hong
- Du Shi Mei as Jian Pu Pu
- Li Guo Chao as Li Ming Jie
- Chen Ming Wei as Chen Hao Nan
- Yang Li-yin as Yan Xiu Ru