Roaming (graphic novel)Roaming is a fictional graphic novel written by Mariko Tamaki and illustrated by Jillian Tamaki, and published on September 12, 2023. The novel follows three Canadian college students visiting New York City for a spring break trip in 2009.[1][2] PlotIn the spring of 2009, childhood best friends Dani and Zoe travel from their respective universities in Canada to New York City. Unbeknownst to Zoe, Dani brings along her roommate Fiona, an art student, and the three stay in a hostel, visiting landmarks including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Grand Central Station, and the American Museum of Natural History.[3] A romance begins to blossom between Zoe and Fiona, and tensions rise as the five-day trip continues.[4] ReceptionRoaming was a finalist for the 2024 Lambda Literary Awards, and tied for the top graphic novel of Publisher Weekly's annual critics poll.[5][6] Roaming won the 2024 Eisner Award for Best Graphic Album. In addition, Mariko Tamaki won the Eisner for Best Writer and Jillian Tamaki won the Eisner for Best Penciler/Inker. [7] References