Riders is a Spanish comedy thrillerstreaming television series. Created and written by Javi Valera and Alejandro Alcaraz, it stars Ismael Abadal, Catalina Sopelana and Germán Alcarazu. It premiered on Playz in May 2021.
The fiction—a mix of thriller, comedy and elements of social drama—[1] starts with the homicide of a so-called rider working for 'Pillaloo' (a look-alike of delivery companies such as Glovo or Deliveroo).[2] It then follows Axel, an aspiring video game programmer entering to work as home-delivery driver in order to pay for his brother's debts.[3][2]
Produced by RTVE in collaboration with LACOproductora,[6]Riders was created and written by Javi Valera and Alejandro Alcaraz,[7] whereas it was directed by Beatriz Abad.[8] Sandra Formatger worked as director of photography.[4] Shooting began by September 2020 in Madrid.[9] Consisting of 7 episodes, the first two episodes premiered on 12 May 2021 on Playz.[8]