Lech Wałęsa, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former President of Poland and Richard B. Hetnarski in discussion at Rochester Institute of Technology 16 Feb 1998[21]
Professor Richard B. Hetnarski, at the opening ceremony of the 10th International Congress on Thermal Stresses in Nanjing, China, on 1 Jun 2013. He is presenting the book "Theory of Elasticity and Thermal Stresses" which just got published.
Hetnarski was active in teaching, research, publishing, translating, and editing. He is the author of many papers[3][7] on Mechanics and Mathematics. His latest paper, on Constant ForceSpring System with a Spiral[30] was published in the ASMEJournal of Mechanisms and Robotics in 2020 when he was 92 years old.
He was a co-author of five graduate-level textbooks:
Thermal Stresses,[31] by N. Noda, R.B. Hetnarski, and Y. Tanigawa, 2nd edition, Taylor & Francis, XIV+493 pages, 2003.
The Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, by R.B. Hetnarski and J. Ignaczak, 2nd edition, CRC Press, XXXV+800 pages, 2010.
Solutions Manual to accompany the book Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, by R.B. Hetnarski and J. Ignaczak, Taylor & Francis, New York, 2005, 160 pages.
Thermal Stresses - Advanced Theory and Applications, by R.B. Hetnarski and M.R. Eslami, 2nd edition, Springer, XXXII+636 pages, 2019.
Theory of Elasticity and Thermal Stresses – Explanations, Problems and Solutions, by M.R. Eslami, R.B. Hetnarski, J. Ignaczak, N. Noda, N. Sumi, and Y. Tanigawa, XVI+789 pages, Springer, 2013.
Editor and translator work
All 11 Volumes of the Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, 10 June 2014
He was Editor of the 11-volume Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses,[33][34] 6643 pages, Springer, 2014. Also, he was Editor of the five-volume Thermal Stresses[35] handbook which was published by Elsevier in Amsterdam and by Lastran Corp. in Rochester, New York, in the years 1986–1999.
^ abcdefghijkIgnaczak, J. (1998). Recollections on Richard B. Hetnarski, Journal of Thermal Stresses, vol. 21, pp. 181-183.
^ abSpecial Issue to Commemorate the 90th Birthday of Richard B. Hetnarski and Forty Years of the Journal of Thermal Stresses, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Part I, vol. 41, 2018, issues 10, 11, 12, pp. XVIII + 1202-1596. Part II, vol. 42, 2019, issue 1, pp. 1-212.
^YUGOSLAV SOCIETY OF MECHANICS NEWS - Professor Richard B. Hetnarski
^RIT Staff Photographer, Photo of Lech Wałęsa and Richard B. Hetnarski at Rochester Institute of Technology, 16 Feb. 1998. Hetnarski's personal collection.
^"RIT's latest in-the-news stories". R·I·T NEWS & EVENTS. 17 May 1995. p. 5, Vol.26, No.18
^"Our Faculty: In the Forefront of the Field." RIT M·E·R·I·T, Spring 1987. p. 2
^Maugin, Gérard A. (2015). [Review of Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, edited by Richard B. Hetnarski LXXXIII (11 vols., 6643 pp., 3269 illus., 1141 illus. in color), Springer, Dordrecht, Holland, 2014. ISBN 978-9400727380]. Journal of Thermal Stresses Volume 38, 2015 - Issue 2, pp. 271-275.
^Picture of 11-volume Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses
^Bahar, Leon Y. (1987). [Review of “Thermal Stresses I” Vol. 1 of the Second Series: Thermal Stresses Edited by Richard B. Hetnarski A Series of Handbooks in Mechanics and Mathematical Methods, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986, pp. viii + 547]. Journal of Thermal Stresses Volume 10, 1987 - Issue 4, p. 367.
^Nowacki, W. (1975). Dynamic Problems of Thermoelasticity (translation from Polish). Edited by R.B. Hetnarski and P. Francis. Noordhoff International Publishing, 1975, 436 pages.
^Frolov, K.V., Izrailev, Yu.L., Makhutov, N.A., Morozov. E.M. and Parton, V.Z. (1991). Thermal Stresses and Strength of Turbines (translation from Russian). Hemisphere Publishing, New York, NY, 379 pages.