The resolution was prompted by the genocide of Serbs organized by Ustaše wearing "the fez as a Muslim symbol" and by the consequent response of Serb Chetniks who persecuted Muslims believing they were responsible for the crimes of Ustaše. The text of this resolution was based on the resolution of the assembly of el-Hidaje (an association of ulama from Bosnia and Herzegovina) held on August 14, 1941.
By signing the resolution, notable Muslims from Sarajevo condemned the persecution of Serbs, distanced themselves from the Muslims who participated in such atrocities and protested against attempts to blame the entire Bosnian Muslim population for the crimes of the Ustaše. Additionally, they requested that the government of the Independent State of Croatia provide security for all the puppet state's subjects regardless of their identity, to punish those who were responsible for the atrocities and to help those who suffered during them. The authors of the resolution were Mehmed Handžić and Kasim Dobrača.
In the Second World War, the territory of modern Bosnia and Herzegovina became part of the Independent State of Croatia. An organized persecution of Serbs, of the Jews and of the Romani people took place on the whole territory of Independent State of Croatia (including Bosnia and Herzegovina) soon after it was established. Ustaše wanted to cause conflicts between Muslims and Orthodox Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, they recruited some members of Muslim population of Bosnia and Herzegovina to participate in the persecution of Serbs. They wore Muslim clothes and shouted Muslim names when they organized attacks on Serb population. Such activities resulted with armed conflicts between Serbs and Muslims. That was the reason why Muslims from many towns of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared their resolutions. Most notable are the resolutions of Muslims from Prijedor (September 23, 1941), Sarajevo (October 12, 1941), Mostar (October 21, 1941), Banja Luka (November 12, 1941), Bijeljina (December 2, 1941), Tuzla (December 11, 1941) and Zenica (May 26, 1942).[2][3][4]
The resolution
The basis for the Resolution of Sarajevo Muslims was a resolution declared by El-Hidaje, an association of ulama from Bosnia and Herzegovina on its assembly held on August 14, 1941.[5] It was written by Mehmed Handžić[6] and Kasim Dobrača.[7] All Muslim resolutions of 1941, including the Resolution of Sarajevo Muslims, contain the following elements:[8]
public condemning of the persecutions of the Serbs by Ustaše
distancing from the Muslims who participated in such persecutions and protesting against the attempts to blame the whole Muslim population for the crimes of Ustaša
presenting information about the persecutions of Muslims
demanding assistance for victims of all religions[9]
The conclusion of the Resolution of Sarajevo Muslims included request for providing the security for all citizens of the country, regardless of their identity, punishing the individuals responsible for the committed atrocities and helping the people who suffered during disorder.[10]
The resolution was officially delivered to Jozo Dumandžić when he visited Sarajevo as minister in the government of Independent State of Croatia.[11] By the order of Ante Pavelić, Dumandžić unsuccessfully attempted to force the signatories of the resolution to recall their signatures.[12]Džafer Kulenović has also been ordered by Pavelić to force the signatories of the resolution to recall their signatures, but he failed too.[13]
After the Resolution of Sarajevo Muslims had been signed, Muslims from many other towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina signed similar resolutions in following months. On December 1, 1941, Muslims from Sarajevo submitted another protest against actions of Ustaše "under the fez as a Muslim symbol".[15] Some conservative Muslims realized that their resolutions did not have any effect on Ustasha regime, so they gave up hopes that such regime would protect interest of the Muslims.[16] In August 1942 they established the Committee for National Salvation and sent a petition to Hitler asking for "a region of Bosnia" under direct German patronage, supporting their request with the racial arguments.[17] They also asked Hitler to provide weapons for a Bosnian guard as nucleus of the army of "region of Bosnia" and that request pleased Heinrich Himmler and group of SS officers who already had plans to establish separate SS-Division composed of Muslims.[18] That plan was implemented in 1943 when the 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) was established.
Robert J. Donia writes that the resolution aimed to avoid assigning any direct blame to any person or group. Yugoslav socialist-era historians said that Muslim signatories criticized atrocities without attacking Ustaša's intention to exterminate groups of people. The resolution called on the authorities to establish order and avoid further violence.[19]
Resolution of Sarajevo Muslims, 12 October 1941. [Rezolucija sarajevskih Muslimana] Muhamed Hadzijahic, 'Muslim Resolution of 1941' [Muslimanske rezolucije iz 1941], in 1941 in the history of the Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Poslije Sarajevske rezolucije,... uslijedile su nove rezolucije koje su pisane po ...Prijedoru, Mostaru, Banja Luci, Bijeljini i Tuzli. [Sarajevo resolution was followed with new resolutions written in.. Prijedor, Mostar, Banja Luka, Bijeljina and Tuzla]
Revoltirani ovim postupkom, Muslimani u Zenici izdali su 26. maja 1942. svoju rezoluciju, koju je potpisalo 27 uglednih zeničkih Muslimana.[Being revolted with this action Muslims from Zenica issued their own resolution on May 26, 1942, signed by 27 notable Muslims from Zenica]
Začetak svim ovim rezolucijama, a prije svega sarajevskoj, može se smatrati skupštinski zaključak organizacije ilmije (svećenstva) "El-Hidaje" od 14. avgusta 1941 [Basis of all those resolutions, and especially of Sarajevo resolution, was conclusion of the ulama association "El-Hitaje" of August 14, 1941.]
Mehmed ef. Handžić, ... i Kasim ef. Dobrača su bili idejni tvorci i inicijatori sastavljanja rezolucije.. [Mehmed ef. Handžić... and Kasim ef. Dobrača were initiators and creators of the resolution.]
The Resolution was concluded by calls... for (1) virtual security of life, honor, property and faith for all citizens in the country irrespective of identity,...(4) criminal elements to be detained by issuing legal responsibility and given the strictest punishment according to the law for all criminals and those who commended or provided opportunity for such crimes, irrespective of the faith they belong to,... material help to be provided for the innocent people who suffered in this disorder."
Dr Joso Dumandzic, kojemu je predata rezolucija, nastojao je, po Pavelicevim direktivama, da prijetnjama i zastrasivanjima privoli potpisnike da opozovu potpise, ali mu to ni u jednom slucaju nije uspjelo.
U istoj misiji Pavelic je bio poslao u Sarajevo i Dzafera Kulenovica, koji je na sastanku sa oko petnaestak potpisnika iznio prijetnje hapsenjima, ali je i taj pokusaj propao..
Sarajevo Muslims submitted another protest on December 1, 1941 in which they sharply condemned Ustasha atrocities committed "under the fez as a Muslim symbol"
In August 1942 a group of Sarajevo's conservative Muslims formed the Committee for National Salvation... on racial grounds... asked Hitler to form a "region of Bosnia" under German patronage and to ban the Ustasha within its borders.
...the petitioners proposed that the Germans organize and provide arms for a Bosnian guard, which they envisioned... as an embryonic army for the "region of Bosnia". Heinrich Himmler and group of SS officers were pleased to find that their proposal corresponded with their own idea of creating a separate SS division for Muslims
As socialist-era historians have pointed out, the Muslim signatories criticized atrocities as aberrant excess rather than attacking Ustasha's core program to eliminate certain groups by force.
Redžić, Enver (2005), "Bosnian Muslim Policies", Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Second World War, London; New York: Frank Cass, ISBN978-0-7146-5625-0, retrieved 20 October 2011, Resolution of Sarajevo Muslims', 12 October 1941. [Rezolucija sarajevskih Muslimana] Muhamed Hadzijahic, 'Muslim Resolution of 1941' [Muslimanske rezolucije iz 1941], in 1941 in the history of the Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rijaset, Islamska Zajednica (2007), Ulema u odbrani života i čovjeka (in Serbo-Croatian), Rijaset Islamske Zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini, archived from the original on October 17, 2011, retrieved 21 October 2011
Rijaset IZ, Islamska Zajednica (2007), Rezolucija Zeničkih Muslimana za zaštitu Roma (in Serbo-Croatian), Rijaset Islamske Zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini, archived from the original on October 17, 2011, retrieved 21 October 2011
Sarajevska rezolucija El-Hidaje (in Serbo-Croatian), Rijaset Islamske Zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini, June 2007 [1941], archived from the original on October 17, 2011, retrieved 21 October 2011