The fourth season of the American animatedcomedy television series Regular Show, created by J. G. Quintel, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. Quintel created the series' pilot using characters from his comedy shorts for the canceled anthology series The Cartoonstitute. He developed Regular Show from his own experiences in college. Simultaneously, several of the show's main characters originated from his animated shorts 2 in the AM PM and The Naïve Man from Lolliland. Following its third season's success, Regular Show was renewed for a fourth season on October 26, 2011. The season ran from October 1, 2012, to August 12, 2013, and was produced by Cartoon Network Studios.
Regular Show's fourth season was storyboarded and written by Calvin Wong, Toby Jones, Andres Salaff, Madeline Queripel, Benton Connor, Hilary Florido, Sean Szeles, Kat Morris, Sarah Oleksyk, Hellen Jo, James Kim, and Owen Dennis. For this season, the writers were Szeles, Mike Roth, John Infantino, Michele Cavin, and Matt Price.
Two 23-year-old friends,[1] a blue jay named Mordecai and a raccoon named Rigby, are employed as groundskeepers at a park and spend their days trying to slack off and entertain themselves by any means. This is much to the chagrin of their boss Benson and their coworker Skips, but the delight of Pops. Their other coworkers, Muscle Man (an overweight green man) and Hi-Five Ghost (a ghost with a hand extending from the top of his head) serve as their rivals. Introduced in this season is Thomas (a goat), an intern for the park.
Many of the characters are loosely based on those developed for Quintel's student films at California Institute of the Arts: The Naive Man From Lolliland and 2 in the AM PM. Quintel pitched Regular Show for Cartoon Network's Cartoonstitute project, in which the network allowed artists to create pilots with no notes to be optioned as a show possibly. After The Cartoonstitute was scrapped, and Cartoon Network executives approved the greenlight for Regular Show, production officially began on August 14, 2009.[2] After being green-lit, Quintel recruited several indie comic book artists to compose the show's staff, as their style matched close to what he desired for the series. The season was storyboarded and written by Calvin Wong, Toby Jones, Andres Salaff, Madeline Queripel, Benton Connor, Hilary Florido, Sean Szeles, Kat Morris, Sarah Oleksyk, Hellen Jo, James Kim, and Owen Dennis. The season was the last to feature contributions from Morris, who left to work on Steven Universe. For this season, the writers were Quintel, Mike Roth, John Infantino, Michele Cavin, and Matt Price, who is also the story editor while being produced by Cartoon Network Studios.
The fourth season of Regular Show was produced between September 2011 and September 2012. It utilizes double entendres and mild language; Quintel stated that, although the network wanted to step up from the more child-oriented fare, some restrictions came along with this switch.[citation needed]
Mordecai and Rigby are the only ones who can save their brainwashed friends and the park. Guest voices: Roger Craig Smith as Garrett Bobby Ferguson Jr. and Thomas
The group passes time by telling each other scary stories while driving to a Halloween party. • "Payback" – Mordecai's deceased uncle haunts him after accidentally knocking him into the ball return at a bowling alley. • "Party Bus" – Mordecai, Rigby, Margaret, and Eileen board a haunted bus where they find the passengers aging as the bus moves forward and have to try to escape. • "Wallpaper Man" – Mordecai and Rigby hire a man to re-wallpaper the house, but they quickly find out that he is a giant evil spider, and they struggle to defeat him.
Pops tries to prove he is "one of the guys" by completing the milk chugging challenge, but this soon leads him to a strange place with weird white creatures. Song: "Party All the Time" by Eddie Murphy
Eileen trains Rigby to perform a pull-up for the park fitness test before the end of the week or else he'll be fired, but he becomes too strong and heavy for his good.
Mordecai, Rigby, and Eileen plan a going-away party at the park's ballroom for Margaret due to her transferring to another college. But the deceased owners refuse to keep it clean while waiting for the girl that never arrives. Song: "The Ballroom Blitz" by The Sweet Guest voices: Jaleel White as Daryll and Cool Shade
When Muscle Man mistakely sets off fireworks meant for a Fourth of July celebration at the park, he, Mordecai, Rigby and Hi-Five Ghost have to travel south of town to buy a powerful firework at a factory, or they'll be fired by Benson.
Wanting to test their relationship, Starla has Muscle Man avoid contact with her for a weekend, which proves to be a difficult challenge for the both of them.
When Benson falls ill after incorrectly eating a deadly sandwich that Mordecai and Rigby had bought from a Death Kwon Do restaurant, they have to get the cure for him or else he will die in six hours with the help of their old friend, the Death Kwon Do sensei.
Mordecai makes a bet with Muscle Man that he will kiss Margaret by Friday at midnight or else he will wear a diaper for a week. Song: "You Might Think" by The Cars
When a quartet of aggressive geese show up at the park, Mordecai and Rigby call upon some old friends to get rid of them. Song: "The Touch" by Stan Bush
Mordecai and Rigby accidentally make a mess inside Mr. Maellard's expensive White Stallion limousine while eating lunch and have to compete in a demolition derby to win a new one before Maellard gets back.
When Thomas gets a severe brain freeze after chugging down a "Cool Cubed" smoothie, Mordecai and Rigby shrink and travel into his head to stop it from freezing his brain's core.
Mordecai and Rigby have to recover a golf cart that is taken by the park's neighboring wealthy country club members, who have also stolen many of the group's items and turned them into toilets.
Pops has Mordecai and Rigby help Benson down a mountain while he is blindfolded for him to show trust in the duo. Guest voices: Fred Tatasciore as Moose and other assorted sacred animals
The group wants to give Benson a "World's Best Boss" mug for his tenth-anniversary at the park, but it proves to be more complicated than they thought. Guest voices: Andrew Kishino as Doug McFarland, David Kaye as commercial voice-over speaker and Boss #3, and Robin Atkin Downes as Rogers, Boss #2, and delivery guy
Muscle Man wants to binge on his favorite foods before going on a diet but soon has to deal with Death, who attempts to take his soul if he loses to him in a hot dog eating contest. Song: "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" (instrumental) by Blue Öyster Cult
The group has to save Benson after an evil party company kidnaps him. But ultimately, they discover a cloning chamber, which explains why "Party Benson" is different.