Ready Eddie Go! is a British children's television series produced by Hocus Pocus Studio that premiered on Sky Kids on 15 September 2023 (and broadcasts on the linear Sky Kids channel, from 18 September 2023). It was created by James Murphy and Nikki Saunders, based on her book series My Awesome Autism. The series follows the adventures of Eddie, a six year old autistic boy.[1] The series is narrated by Jodie Whittaker.[2]
The programme was renewed for a second series, which will air in 2025.[3]
Eddie (Davies) is a fun-loving six year old autistic boy (inspired by Saunders' own son) who navigates everyday challenges and how to overcome them, with the help of his friends and family.[4]
Jodie Whittaker as The Narrator
Grayson Davies as Eddie
Sanna Kurihara as Nina
Imran Shebani as Akil
The series features several actors who are neurodivergent such as Davies, as well as writers and animators.[5]
Series 1
Written by
Original release date
"Birthday Party"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand) 18 September 2023 (2023-09-18) (Broadcast)
Eddie is invited to Nina's birthday party, but what will he do there?
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
At school, Eddie has an art class where he must learn how to turn a mistake into art.
"Board Games"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
A board game with friends proves to be a challenge for Eddie and his sensitivities.
"A Visit from Grandpa"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie's grandpa is coming by, but how will Eddie get ready?
"Dressing Up"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie's friends decide to come up with a costume for him, so he can play.
"The Cinema"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Will the noise of the cinema prove too much for Eddie to enjoy the movie?
"Washing Hair"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Bathtime may be tricky for Eddie, so can his thinking tricks help?
"The Dentist"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
A visit to the dentist is daunting for Eddie, so he learns more about it.
"Trying New Foods"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Broccoli proves to be a strange conundrum for Eddie, but will he be willing to try it?
"Eddie's Haircut"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
It's Eddie's first haircut and he discovers that the sensory experiences at the hairdressers can be fun.
"Musical Instruments"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie, Akil and Nina are exploring some musical instruments and Eddie learns about the xylophone.
"The Train"
Joseph Morpurgo Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie is taking a train to Grandpa's house. How exciting!
"The Supermarket"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie and his mum are getting some ingredients for a chocolate cake at the supermarket.
"Growing Sunflowers"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie is growing sunflowers at the gardening club at his school.
"The Sleepover"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie is going to his first sleepover at Nina's house.
"The Seaside"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie learns to deal with scratchy sand, build up sandcastle and preserve the environment at the seaside.
"Time Capsule"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie makes a time capsule by collecting items that are important to him.
"Eddie's Morning Routine"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
It's time for Eddie to do his morning routine.
"The Doctor"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie visits the doctor because he's unwell.
"Making Pancakes"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie makes pancakes with his mum.
"Building a Den"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie and his friends are building a den in the woods.
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie watches the fireworks at Nina's house. What fun!
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
It's Halloween and Eddie is going trick or treating with his mum, his dog Scout and his friends.
"Cheering Up Your Friend"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Nina has hurt her arm. Can Eddie and Akil work together to cheer her up?
"Easter Egg Hunt"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
It's Easter time and Eddie and his friends are going on a Easter Egg hunt.
"The Class Pet"
Joseph Morpurgo (lead writer) Helen Simmons Joe Bennett
15 September 2023 (2023-09-15) (On Demand)
Eddie is looking after a class pet for the weekend.
See also
Pablo, a Cbeebies series also about a small autistic boy, performed and written by autistic people.