The series revolves around the life of Sahil, son of Brij Kishore Trivedi, who is in love with a gangster's daughter Pihu. The storyline evolves around their journey on finding the biological father of Sahil.
Kunal Khemu as Sahil Trivedi / Sadiq Qureshi / Sukhwinder Singh (Sukhi) / Sandy Comsalves / Sahil Chaupala
Saurabh Shukla as Karamjeet Biswajeet Chaupala "KBC", Pihu's adoptive father and Sahil's biological father
Rajpal Yadav as Sultan Qureshi / Taufeeq Qureshi (Double role)
Ashwini Kalsekar as Satwant Kaur (Satty), Sahil's biological mother
Johnny Lever as Brij Kishore Trivedi, Sahil's adoptive father
Vijayalakshmi Narayanan of The Free Press Journal wrote "At the hands of a better writer/director, the premise of promoting religious tolerance through a comedy of errors has tremendous potential. But, when you get the most seasoned actors in the business who have spent lifetimes in entertaining us, you owe everyone a collective apology for wasting their time."[6]
Reviewing for The Indian Express, Sana Farzeen wrote "Not giving any spoilers, but the climax is quite predictable as you figure out where the story is heading. Leave aside a few moments, most of the show is quite forgettable."[7]
Archika Khurana of The Times of India rated the series 2 stars out of 5 and wrote "Kunal Kemmu, who plays the lead, gives an earnest performance but fails to leave an indelible impression. Nupur Sanon (Kriti Sanon's sister) looks promising in her OTT debut, but she is overshadowed by these legendary actors."[8]
Chirag Sehgal of News18 wrote "What has worked wonders for the show is its cast. Kunal Kemmu is brilliant at his job. He has done his role with utmost perfection. He looks very natural in whatever he does."[9]
English Jagran wrote "Farhad Samji, along with his long-time collaborators Tasha Bhambra and Sparsh Khetarpal, wrote the show, and it seems that almost every other line in the series is a recycled SMS forward that would have annoyed people back in 2013. It's now 2023, and the humour is outdated."[10]