Piotr Kowalski (2 March 1927 – 7 January 2004) was a Polish artist, sculptor, and architect. Kowalski worked in non-traditional materials including electronic and mechanical devices, neon art, large earth works, explosions and other natural phenomena including plant growth and gravity. Kowalski attended MIT in order to study mathematics, but turned to architecture, and then to sculpture.[1] He immigrated to France as an architect for UNESCO and spent most of the rest of his life in Paris. Along with gallery works, he installed several large outdoors projects.
He was named professor at École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris in 1987. He died in Paris.
Sisyphe géomètre, with Ghérasim Luca (poème), Genève, Impr. Union (Paris), Claude Givaudan|Givaudan 1966
Le Chant de la carpe, with Ghérasim Luca (poème), Paris, François Di Dio, Le Soleil Noir, 1973
Kowalski, espaces, épreuves : contient Serre des temps de Henri-Alexis Baatsch ; Cimento : Kowalski by Jean-Christophe Bailly; Idées récurrentes sur l'épreuve du sens de Jacques Dyck, Genève, Givaudan, 1978
Piotr Kowalski, by Jean-Christophe Bailly : Éditions Hazan, Paris, 1988
Information Transcript (CDrom édité par le Métafort d'Aubervilliers)
Art et Science, Hommage à Piotr Kowalski/.., 20/21e siècles, Cahiers du Centre Pierre Francastel, n°3, automne 2006
Piotr Kowalski, A contemporary’s Insights, by Jean-Max Albert, Far-Sited : California International Sculpture Symposium 1965/2015, University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, 2018