The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation is dedicated to Daniela Ambrosoli’s father, Pierino Ambrosoli, a successful Italian/Swiss industrialist and her mother, Sonja Bragowa, a former dancer in the 1920s.
The foundation is not due to the testamentary will of Pierino Ambrosoli. Rather, it arose by the desire of Daniela Ambrosoli, who decided to use a substantial portion of her inherited fortune from the father, to support young artists on their way to the stage. Thus, the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation was founded on May 10, 1990 in Zurich.[1]
The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation supports very young talented dancers and musicians on their way to the stage for the promotion of dance and music at a professional level through scholarships all over the world at recognized vocational institutions. Ballet school graduates can obtain a scholarship as a trainee at theatres and dance companies. The foundation collaborates with other organizations, schools and theatres. A careful investigation of the talent and the need for a scholarship is a prerequisite for the scholarship grants.[2][3][4]
On request, the foundation offers also technical information and advice. The personal care and regular contact with the foundation's scholarship holders distinguishes the foundation's work. The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation is member of the International Organization for the Transition of Professional Dancers. Daniela Ambrosoli has been among others member of the patronage committee of the Prix de Lausanne, the Swiss Dance Prize and she is a member of the board Montecinemaverità Foundation.
The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation is a private non-profit foundation. Today it consists of a board of trustees, the founder and president Daniela Ambrosoli as well as a professional advisory board for the areas of music and dance.[1]
The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation organizes auditions: [2]
1993 Audition Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation in Zurich
2000-2010 Swiss Audition for the Rotterdam Dance Academy, NL in Bern
Successful careers
Since 1990 over 250 scholarships have been awarded worldwide, for students from 20 differnt countries by the foundation. Some of the most successful scholarship holders of the Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation should be mentioned here, such as:[3]
Morgan Belenguer, Performer, Tänzer und Choreograf, Berlin[24]
Jochen Heckmann, director and choreographer Ballet Theater Augsburg, Artistic Director HF Bühnentanz Zürich[25]
Jasmine Morand, Gründerin, Tänzerin und Choreografin Company prototype-status[26]
The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation is supporting promising companies to promote their creations and work:
Paula Lansley
Teatro di Locarno, Switzerland
EFAS, European Film Actor School, Zurich
Nomades, Vevey
Linga, Pully
Jochen Heckmann, Looping, Zürich
Metzger Zimmermann & de Perrot, Zürich
André Desponds & Andrea Herdeg, Zürich
Company Krassen Krastev, Lausanne
Bern Ballet
Lucerne Ballet
Illya Buyalskyy - Pianist - 1. Prize International piano competition in Paris 2008, Special Prize "For Performance and Promotion of Contemporary Music" at the 4th Intern. Competition in Santorini (Greece) 2008
Demetre Gamsachurdia - Pianist and composer- 1. Prize and Bärenreiter special prize Swiss Youth Music Competition 2003 Kiwanis Swiss Youth Music Prize 2004, SUISA-Prize 2005, 2007 Werkjahrespreis of the canton of Solothurn, winner Swiss Youth Music Competition 2008, several prizes at various regional and national competitions
Fulvia Mancini, International violoncello soloist, - first absolute award of the Rassegna Musicale per violoncellisti M. Benvenuti of Vittorio Veneto, second prize at the 12th Tournis international de la Musique, second prize Virtuosité at the 5th Concours international AGIMUS of Padua
Lisa Öberg - International violin soloist - 1. Prize international music competition Stresa, Italy, recognition “Assoluta”, National Olympiad of Music, Constanza, Rumania, 1. Prize Swiss Youth Competition, Migros-scholarship-prize, 1. Prize and special prize all categories competition Remember Enescu, Bucarest, Rumania
Maristella Patuzzi - International violin soloist - 1998 VII. TIM, Torneo Internazionale di Musica, Rom: first prize in the category of bow instruments without age limit, 2009 scholarship Friedl Wald Foundation, Basel, 2010 first prize Francesco Geminiani, Verona, 2011/2012 Foundation for young music talents, Meggen, Absolute Prize Nuovi orizzonti 2011, Arezzo, Absolute Prize Premio Rovere d’oro a San Bartolomeo al mare.
Mattia Zappa - International violoncello soloist – European music fellowship for "artistic talent and outstanding accomplishment" with his interpretation of Tchaikowsky's Rococo Variations, Premio Vittorio Gui (Florenz), G.B. Viotti (Vercelli), Concorso Città di Pinerolo (Turin), Concorso Trio di Trieste, since 2000 member of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zürich
The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation is active in the field of dance competitions:
The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation is organizing and supporting performances in the field of dance and music:
Benefit Gala for the International Committee for the Dignity of Children in cooperation with Soroptimist Union Switzerland, Camping Delta, Locarno, 2001
Königsfelder Festspiel: Königin von Saba, Klosterkirche Königsfelden, 2004
Eppur Si Scende von Jasmine Morand, Theater Les Halles, Sitten/Sierre Wallis, 2004
18 years of Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation, Theater Rigiblick, Zürich, 2008
The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation was participating and supporting the International Organization for the Transition of Professional Dancers:
1995 First International Symposium Lausanne, Switzerland (May 5–7, 1995) - The Dancer in Transition: Facing the limits, the realities and solutions.
1998 Second International Symposium The Hague, Netherlands (February 6–8, 1998) - The Dancer of the XXI Century, Education for Transition in a Changing World.
1999 International dance conference Not Just Any Body, Toronto/ Den Haag
The Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation is active in supporting exhibitions related to dance to promote dance in the public:
I palcoscenici dell’ avanguardia, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rovereto, Italy, 2005/06