tubular mine between veinsfeeding signs of larvalarva
The imago (moth) is bivoltine (depending on geographic location) flying in May and June and again in August. The wingspan is 7–9 mm and the wings have an intricate pattern of orange-brown, black and white.[2][3][4]
The pale greenish-yellow larva feeds on beech (Fagus species) making a long blotch mine on the underside of the leaf, usually between two veins from midrib almost to leaf edge. If the mine is at the margin of the leaf it can cause it to fold downwards.[5] The cocoon is to one side of the frass which is piled neatly along the middle of the mine.[6]
^ Kuznetsov V.I., 1990 Gracillariidae ; in G.S. Medvedev (ed.): Keys to the insects of the europaean part of the USSR, Vol.IV: Lepidoptera, part 2 (english translation), Oxonian Press Pvt.Ltd., New Dehli, 1987