Paul Richard Wilson (born 9 March 1941) is a New Zealand-born Australian social scientist. He was convicted and jailed in 2016[1] on counts of indecent treatment of a child under 12 years.
Wilson also has written critiques of societal and political issues including the ethics of Australia's involvement in the Iraq War, the casualties of the Iraq War and youth mental health.[14][15][16][17][18][19]
He has authored some 50 books and many book chapters in international handbooks as well as hundreds of peer-reviewed journal articles on crime and related social issues.[20][21] He was an occasional columnist for several Australian newspapers and gave various radio and television interviews.[22]
In November 2012, Wilson was accused of child sex offences allegedly committed in the early 1970s.[25] On 16 May 2014, he was committed to stand trial. He pleaded not guilty.[26] On 23 November 2016, he was found guilty of four counts of indecent treatment of a child under 12 years. On 24 November 2016, he was sentenced to 18 months, suspended after serving six months.[27]
The Police and the Public in Australia and New Zealand (with D. Chappell), University of Queensland Press, Brisbane (1969)
The Sexual Dilemma: Abortion, Homosexuality, Prostitution and the Criminal Threshold, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane (1971) ISBN0-7022-0704-7ISBN978-07022-0704-4
The Policeman’s Position Today and Tomorrow: An Examination of the Police Force (with J.S. Western), University of Queensland Press, Brisbane (1972) ISBN0-7022-0754-3ISBN978-07022-0754-9
The Australian Criminal Justice System (with D. Chappell), Butterworths, Sydney (1972)
Australian Social Issues: Perspectives for Social Action, Butterworths, Sydney (1972)
Deviance in Australia (with A. Hiller), Cheshire, Melbourne (1975)
Social Deviance in Australia (with A.R. Edwards), Cheshire, Melbourne (1975)
The Helping Professions in Australia: A Critical Appraisal (with A. Pemberton & P. Boreham), University of Queensland Press, Brisbane (1976) ISBN0-7022-1173-7ISBN978-07022-1173-7
Public Housing for Australia, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane (1976)
Mental Disorder or Madness? Alternative Theories (with E.M. Bates), University of Queensland Press, Brisbane (1979) ISBN0-7022-1389-6ISBN978-07022-1389-2
Designing Out Crime: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (with S. Geason), Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra (1989) ISBN0-6421-4307-2ISBN978-06421-4307-5
Journalism and Justice: How Crime Is Reported (with P.N. Grabosky), Pluto Press, Sydney (1989)
Preventing Car Theft and Crime in Car Parks (with S. Geason), Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra (1990) ISBN0-6421-4939-9ISBN978-06421-4939-8
Young People and Crime: Costs and Prevention(with I.L. Potas & A. Vining), Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra (1990) ISBN0-6421-5538-0ISBN978-06421-5538-2
Preventing Crime on Transport: Rail, Buses, Taxis, Planes (with P. Weiser Easteal), Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra (1991) ISBN0-6421-6609-9ISBN978-06421-6609-8
Issues in Crime, Morality and Justice, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra (1992)
Crime and the Criminal Justice System in Australia: 2000 and Beyond (with D. Chappell), Butterworths, Sydney (2000) ISBN0-4093-1646-6ISBN978-04093-1646-9
Justice in the Deep North: An Historical Perspective on Crime and Punishment in Queensland (with C. McCartney & R. Lincoln), (2003) ISBN1-740970-31-4ISBN978-17409-7031-0
Who killed Leanne? An Investigation into a Murder and Miscarriage of Justice (with G. Crowley), Zeus Publications, Gold Coast, Queensland (2005) ISBN1-9210-0547-5
Who Killed Leanne Holland? One Girl's Murder and One Man's Injustice (with G. Crowley), New Holland Publishers, Sydney (2007) ISBN978-1-741105-10-0
Dead Bodies Don't Count: Civilian Casualties and the Forgotten Costs of the Iraq Conflict (with R. Hill), Zeus Publications, Gold Coast, Queensland (2007) ISBN978-1-92124-051-5
^Chappell, D., & Wilson, P.R. (1994). The Australian Criminal Justice System: The Mid 1990s. Sydney: Butterworths. ISBN0-4093-0583-9ISBN9-780409-30583-8
^Wilson, P.R. (1985). 'Community-based Programmes for Juvenile Offenders. In A. Borowski & J.M. Murray (Eds.), Juvenile Delinquency in Australia. London: Methuen. ISBN0-4540-0814-7ISBN9-78045-40081-42
^Wilson, P.R., Lincoln, R., Mustchin, M. (February 2001). Strategies to Integrate and Co-ordinate Victims of Crime Services. Centre for Applied Psychology and Criminology, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland.
^Chappell, D., & Wilson, P.R. (1969). The Police and the Public in Australia and New Zealand. St. Lucia, Queensland: University of Queensland Press.
^Chappell, D. & Wilson, P. (2000). (Eds.), Crime and the Criminal Justice System in Australia: 2000 and Beyond. Sydney: Butterworths.
^Chappell, D. & Wilson, P. (2005). (Eds.), Issues in Australian Crime and Criminal Justice. Sydney: LexisNexis Butterworths. ISBN0-409321-28-1
^Mackenzie, G. (2002). Achieving consistency in sentencing: Moving to best practice? University of Queensland Law Journal, 22(1), 74–90. ISSN 0083-4041
^Zdenkowslu, G. (2000). Sentencing trends: Past, present and prospective. In D. Chappell & P. Wilson (Eds.), Crime and the Criminal Justice System in Australia: 2000 and Beyond (pp. 173–180). Sydney: Butterworths.
^Hil, R. & Wilson, P.R. (2007). Dead Bodies Don't Count: Civilian Casualties and the Forgotten Costs of the Iraq Conflict, Gold Coast, Queensland: Zeus Publications. ISBN978-1-921240-51-5
^Otterman, M., Hil, R., & Wilson, P. (2010). Erasing Iraq: The Human Costs of Carnage. London & New York: Pluto Press. ISBN978-0-7453-2897-3
^Wilson, P.R. (1972). Australian Social Issues: Perspectives for Social Action. Sydney: Butterworths.
^Norris, G. & Wilson, P.R. (2003). Relationship of Criminal Behaviour and Mental Illness in Young Adults: Conduct Disorder, Cruelty to Animals and Young Adult Serious Violence. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 10(1), 239–243.
^Langdon, J. & Wilson, P. (2005). When Justice Fails: A follow-up examination of serious criminal cases since 1985. Current Issues In Criminal Justice, 17(2), 179–202.
^Crowley, G. & Wilson, P.R. (2005). Who Killed Leanne? An Investigation into a Murder and Miscarriage of Justice. Gold Coast, Queensland: Zeus Publications. ISBN1-9210-0547-5
^Otterman, M., Hil, R., & Wilson, P. (2010). Erasing Iraq: The Human Costs of Carnage. London & New York: Pluto Press. ISBN978-0-7453-2897-3
^[1] Professor Paul R. Wilson Curriculum Vitae. Retrieved 11 November 2017.