Legally registered in 2016, it first appeared in the municipal elections of that year. The party obtained 0.32% of the total votes but no candidates were elected to any council.[7]
For the 2017 elections, the party proclaimed Artés as its presidential candidate, where he finished in seventh place in the first round.[11] The party was dissolved in 2018 for failing to get a minimum percentage of the vote. It was reregistered in 2019, but dissolved again in February 2022 after failing to obtain at least 5% of the vote in the 2021 parliamentary elections.[12]
Presidential candidates
The following is a list of the presidential candidates supported by the Patriotic Union. (Information gathered from the Archive of Chilean Elections).
Notes:123Numbers denote party membership of Political Coalitions, 1 is for Chile Vamos, 2 is for the Democratic Socialism, 3 is for the Apruebo Dignidad (defunct).