"House of Sacred Cows," originally produced by Northern Light Theatre in Edmonton and later published in the volume Ethnicities: Plays from the New West (1999)
"By Air, By Water, By Wood", Frog and Nightgown Productions 2000, published South Asian Review, 2008
Radio plays
"Disco Does Not Suck", CBC Radio, 1999
Anne Nothof; Padma Viswanathan; Marty Chan; Jonathan Christenson (1999). Anne Nothof (ed.). Ethnicities: Plays from the New West. NeWest Press. ISBN978-1-896300-03-0.
In the introduction to her stunning first novel, Padma Viswanathan describes her grandmother’s faltering attempts to recount their family history. “This time, she started farther back,” she writes of one occasion, “with a story I’d never heard: of her own grandmother, married as a child and widowed before she was out of her teens; of that grandmother’s son, childless and embittered; and her daughter, my grandmother’s mother, victimized by her marriage.” After trips to India, enormous amounts of research, and not a little invention, the result is The Toss of a Lemon.[3]