"Once Upon a Dream" serves as the film's main theme, and as the love theme of Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip. It is performed in the film by a chorus as an overture and third-reprise finale, as well by Mary Costa and Bill Shirley, who voiced the roles of Aurora and Phillip, respectively.[2][3][4]
‡ Sales+streaming figures based on certification alone.
Notable covers
American girl group No Secrets recorded the song "Once Upon (Another) Dream", whose chorus is based on "Once Upon a Dream", in 2003 for the two-disc DVD release of Sleeping Beauty.[6] The song was then included in the 2004 compilation album Disneymania 2.
"Once Upon a Dream" was covered by Emily Osment in October 2008 for the Platinum Edition release of the film.[7] Osment's rendition was included in the 2008 compilation album Princess Disneymania.
"Once Upon a Dream" was covered by American singer and songwriter Lana Del Rey for the dark fantasy film Maleficent (2014), which serves as a re-imagining of the original 1959 film. The song was released on January 26, 2014; it was made available as a free digital download during its first week of availability by the Google Play Store.[11] On February 4, the digital download was made available for purchase.[12]
Critical reception
The cover received generally positive reception. Forbes called the cover "moody and low-key"[13] while Stereogum described it as "swoony" and "spaced-out".[14] Hypable said the cover was "much darker" than the original and pointed out the "slight radio effect" over Del Rey's and called her performance of the song "haunting":[15]Spin said of the song snippet from the trailer: "Smoky vocals, a bewitching come-hither delivery, and delicate piano turn the 1959 fairytale song into a haunting lullaby."[16]Complex remarked that Del Rey's cover had a "somber and sinister" feel in comparison to the original.[17]