Old Massett (Haida: Gaw Tlagée) is a reserve on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia. It lies on the east side of Masset Sound close to the town of Masset; the area of land it is on is legally designated Masset Indian Reserve No. 1, or Masset 1. The original name of the settlement was Uttewas, meaning "white-slope village" in the Haida language. It is populated by Haida people of both Ḵuustak, the Eagle matrilineage, and Ḵayx̱al, the Raven matrilineage. The town is administered by the Old Massett Village Council. Its population has fluctuated over the last one hundred and fifty years; smallpox, especially the 1862 Pacific Northwest smallpox epidemic, drastically reduced its numbers in the late 1800s, but in 1968, it had over 1,000 people and was the largest village in Haida Gwaii.[3] In 2009, the Village Council counted 2,698 band members in the area;[4] the 2021 census counted 475 living at the Old Massett townsite.[5]
Indian Reserve Masset 1 was allotted by reserve commissioner Peter O'Reilly in July 1882, in his visit to Haida Gwaii. He chose to create a single reserve from the two villages, Uttewas and Kayung, the latter of which he describes as being nearly abandoned. This reserve would measure about 770 acres, not including the land owned by the Hudson's Bay Company and the Church Mission Society.[6]