As of October 2021, Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg had a registered population of 1064 members, 352 of whom live on-reserve.
Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg is currently led by Chief Johanna Desmoulin, and is governed by a Chi-Naaknigewin (Community Constitution) approved in 2016.[2] The Nation is a member of the Nokiiwin Tribal Council and of the Anishinabek Nation.[2]
The land that now encompasses Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg has been inhabited by the Anishinabek since at least 1876.[4] The first Hudson's Bay Company post in the area was established in 1850, and the Anishinabek were noted to have participated in the fur trade there.[4] In the 1940s, eight prisoner of war camps were established near the reserve.[5]