Nanda Chaur
Nanda Chaur is a village in Hoshiarpur district, Punjab, India. Nanda Chaur village is also known as Nanda Chaur Dham due to the Shri Om Darbar temple situated at Nanda Chaur. There are many school and colleges in Nanda Chaur village and a hospital. The village is situated at Bullowal to Bhogpur road and approximately 20 kilometres from its belonging district Hoshiarpur. Nanda Chaur village's mostly people are well educated, well behaved and helping people. All people from different religions are living peacefully here. DemographicsAccording to Census 2011 Nanda Chaur village has population of 3478 of which 1780 are males while 1698 are females as per Population Census 2011. And total number of families residing here are 723. [1] EducationColleges
Distance from other citiesHoshiarpur = 18 km, Chandigarh = 157 km, Jalandhar = 38 km, New Delhi = 420 km, Dharmshala = 135 km. References
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