Morocco–Spain relations

Morocco-Spain relations
Map indicating locations of Morocco and Spain



Morocco and Spain maintain extensive diplomatic, commercial, and military ties.[1] The Morocco–Spain border separates the plazas de soberanía (including Melilla and Ceuta) on the Mediterranean coast from the Moroccan mainland. Morocco's foreign policy has focused on Western partners, including neighboring Spain.[2] Relations have, however, been historically tense and conflictive.[3][4]



Middle Ages

Taking advantage of the disputes related to the struggle for control in the Visigothic Kingdom of Hispania, the Umayyad Caliphate army led by Táriq ibn Ziyad crossed the Strait of Gibraltar in 711. This gave way to the Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula.[5] In the years to come, the Christian rulers fought or established political or commercial relations with the Muslim rulers, gaining control over the Iberian peninsula.

Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa XVII century painting in Las Huelgas Abbey.

In the Simancas battle (839) against the Caliphate of Córdoba, the Kingdom of León gained control of the Duero in today´s province of Valladolid. This Caliphate lasted until its demise in the early 11th century and ensuing replacement by ephemeral Islamic statelets.[6][7]

The Almohad dynasty had conquered Marrakesh in 1147 and had taken over the Almoravids in Al-Andalus at the same time. The milestone of this period is Las Navas de Tolosa battle (1212) in which an array of Christian kingdoms supported the king of Castille against Almohad Caliphate in the north of Jaén´s province. [8]

Detail of the Cantiga de Santa Maria No. 181. It depicts a "miracle" during the successful 1261–62 defence of Marrakesh by Almohad ruler Al-Murtada (with help from Christian militias from the Iberian Peninsula depicted in the illustration) from the siege laid on by Marinid ruler Abu Yusuf.[9]

Vowing to counter the Castilian expansion initiated by 1265, Nasrid Granada required assistance from Fez in late 1274 and ceded the places of Algeciras and Tarifa to the Marinid Sultanate,[10] which thus gained a foothold in the southernmost end of the Iberian Peninsula which ended with the battle of Río Salado (1340), when the king of Portugal and the king of Castille defeated both the Marinids and Nasrids.[11]

The last of the Muslim territories in the Iberian peninsula was the Nasrid kingdom of Granada, which surrendered to the Catholic Monarchs in 1492 after the Granada War.[12] Spanish jews were expelled, and many settled on the Barbary Coast.

Early modern period

As the Spanish and Portuguese empires divided the world by the Treaty of Tordesillas (1492), these kingdoms established cities on the Moroccan coast such Melilla (1497) by the Spanish or Ceuta (1415), Mazagan (1502) and Casablanca (1515) by the Portuguese. After the battle of Alcácer Quibir (1578) the Portuguese empire was ruled by the Spanish empire monarchs too.

Blamed for collaborating with the Regency of Algiers (Ottoman empire) and the Barbary pirates which raided the spanish coasts and tarding vessels for goods and slaves, some 40,000 Moriscos arrived to Morocco after their final expulsion in 1609. They were not well received in the Cherifian empire, as they dressed in the Spanish way, spoke Spanish and were accused of conversion to Christianity.[13] The piracy harbour of the Republic of Salé on the Bou Regreg river bank was founded by Moriscos from Hornachos, today's Badajoz. [14]

During the 17th century Spain adquired Larache (1610-1689) from Mohammed esh Sheikh el Mamun in exchange for the Spanish support in the internal struggles of the Saadi sultanate against his brother Zidan Abu Maali.[15] In 1689 it was seized by the troops of the Alaouite sultan Ismail Ibn Sharif.[16][17]

In 1612, Spanish privateers stole the Zaydani Library, a collection of an estimated 4,000 manuscripts in literature and science belonging to Sultan Zidan bin Ahmad of the Saadi dynasty.[18] These manuscripts are still kept at El Escorial.

Late modern period

During the wars between Spain and the regency of Algiers, the cherifien empire sieged the Spanish city of Ceuta on several occasions during the late 17th century and the 18th century with help from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Also, on 1774 Melilla was sieged by the moroccans.[19] During the U.S. war of independence against the United Kingdom, in 1777 Mohamed III endorsed the Spanish and French recognition of the U.S., masterminded by the governor of Spanish Louisiana, Luis de Unzaga y Amézaga.[20] On 1780 Spain and Morocco signed the Treaty of Aranjuez regarding trade between the nations.[21] However Ceuta was sieged again on 1790-1791.

The Peace of Wad-Ras, by Joaquín Domínguez Bécquer (1870).

Also, Spain occupied Tétouan from 1859 to 1862 according to the Treaty of Wad Ras (1860), after Abd al-Rahman found himself unable to control the moroccan tribes which raided Ceuta´s hinterland. As a result, Melilla´s perimeter was also broadened and the sultan recognized the Spanish right to establish a fishing port in Santa Cruz de la Mar Pequeña (a territory of uncertain location by that time) identified then where Sidi Ifni now stands. In the 1860 battle of Tetuan, the Mellah, or Jewish quarter, of Tetuan was sacked.[22] This was followed by appeals in the European Jewish press to support Jewish communities like the one in Tetuan, leading to an international effort called The Morocco Relief Fund, in english.[23][n. 1][26][27] After Morocco paid the war reparations (partially through money lent by the British), in 1862 the spanish general Leopoldo O'Donnell retired his troops from Tétouan.[28][29]

After 1863, a Spanish diplomatic mission led by Francisco Merry y Colom was sent to the court of the Moroccan Sultan in Marrakesh,[30]: 255  with the specific goals of the rehabilitation of Muley El-Abbás, the sultan's hispanophile brother, the fostering of commercial activity in Ceuta and Melilla by means of the creation of a custom, the opening of the Port of Agadir to Spanish ships, facilitating the meat provision to Ceuta, and the improvement on the status of Spaniards in Morocco,[31]: 255, 313  establishing the basis for the peacetime commercial and diplomatic relations of Spain with the Sherifian Empire.[32]: 335 

In the wake of the visit of a Spanish delegation to Fez in 1877, a joint Hispano-Moroccan committee was created to determine the location of the territory of Santa Cruz de la Mar Pequeña,[33] retroceded in the 1860 Treaty of Wad Ras. This committee eventually misidentified Santa Cruz de la Mar Pequeña with Ifni,[33] actually located about 480 kilometers north of the real fortress. The Moroccan sultan accepted the identification in 1883, even if the border delimitation did not take place at the time and the effective Spanish occupation had to wait until 1934.[33]

French ambassador to Spain Léon Geoffray signs the French-Spanish treaty sealing the creation of the Spanish protectorate in Morocco (27 November 1912)

The Spanish Protectorate over Morocco was established 27 November 1912 by decree of the Treaty Between France and Spain Regarding Morocco.[34] Relative to France, which was assigned control over most of the Moroccan State, Spain ended up with a small territory in northern Morocco, largely mountainous and not easily accessible,[35] and to which the Cape Juby strip, a small strip of land in Southern Morocco, bordering with the Spanish Sahara added up.[36] The city of Tangier became an international zone.

Contemporary relations

Moroccan territorial claims on Spanish cities of Ceuta, Melilla, territorial Canary Islands water and Plazas de Soberanía

On 6 July 2002 Spanish military operations in the Alhucemas Islands were perceived to be an act of aggression by Morocco.[37] On 11 July 2002, the Perejil Island crisis erupted; members of the Royal Moroccan Navy occupied the uninhabited Perejil Island off the North-African coast; 6 days later Spain launched the "Operation Romeo-Sierra" and 28 members of the Special Operations Groups of the Spanish Army took control of the islet evicting the 6 Moroccan cadets then present in the islet, who offered no resistance.[38] On 31 July-1 August 2018 Morocco indefinitely closed the Beni Ansar Customs near Melilla aiming to suffocate trade in the Spanish city.[39]

On 21 December 2020, following the affirmations of the Moroccan Prime Minister, Saadeddine Othmani, stating that Ceuta and Melilla "are as Moroccan as the [Western] Sahara" Spain's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Cristina Gallach urgently summoned the Moroccan Ambassador to Spain, Karima Benyaich, to convey that Spain expects respect from all its partners to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its country and asked for explanations about the words of Othmani.[40][41]

The two neighbours also have an unresolved dispute concerning territorial waters between Morocco and the Spanish Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.[citation needed]

Western Sahara's political status

Morocco invaded the Spanish Sahara in the Green March in November 1975, and the Madrid Accords later ended the Spanish administration over the Western Sahara.

During the November 2020 SARD blockage of the N-1 road between Morocco and Mauritania, Spanish former Second Deputy Prime Minister Pablo Iglesias backed the SARD´s referendum´s arguments, clashing with the official position of the government expressed by Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs Arancha González Laya.[42][43]

On 22 April 2021, Spanish officials had announced that the Polisario Front leader Brahim Ghali was sent to Spain for COVID-19 hospitalization.[44] Morocco reacted with several reciprocal and retaliatory measures, including granting the pro-Catalan independence politician Carles Puigdemont asylum on 30 April.[45]

On 14 March 2022, Sánchez sent a letter to King Mohammed VI backing Morocco's Western Sahara Autonomy Proposal. This was a change in the official position about self-determination as the solution to the Western Sahara conflict. His decision was criticized by Unidas Podemos and the Spanish opposition. Sánchez visited Morocco in April 2022 and participated in an iftar with Mohammed VI and members of his entourage.[46][47]

Illegal immigration

The fence between Ceuta and Morocco

Morocco has received €343 million since 2018 to help it counter illegal migration.[48]

On 17 May 2021, approximately 8,000 migrants crossed the Moroccan–Spanish border into Ceuta and Melilla passing around the jetties of Benzú and El Tarajal, after Moroccan security forces lessened control mechanisms following the hospitalization of Brahim Ghali in Spain.[49][50][51][52][n. 2][n. 3] The Spanish military was deployed at the border to stop the influx. Morocco's actions were rejected by various officials of the European Union.[n. 4] In a cryptic manner, the Moroccan ambassador warned that "there are acts that have consequences and must be assumed", just before being recalled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 18 June, in turn shortly after she was summoned by the Spanish foreign minister.[60]

European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas warned that Europe would not "be intimidated by anyone on the subject of migration".[61] The Moroccan move was described as an instance of coercive engineered migration[62] and a case of grey zone operation, similarly to other asymmetrical challenges posed by Morocco underpinned by incremental and ambiguous measures below the threshold of war.[63][64]

On 22 June 2023, Human Rights Watch accused authorities at the Melilla border of "exonerat[ing] their security forces" during the 2022 Melilla incident.[65] Both countries were reported to have further agreed to cooperate on repatriations of illegal migrants.[66]

As of April 2024, the Spanish government was conducting preparations to transfer the management of airspace to Morocco, after decades of it being managed by a state-owned company organized under the Spanish Ministry of Transport and operating from the air traffic control center in the Canary Islands.[67]

Trade agreements

In the past, the failure to reach a deal for fisheries between the European Union and Morocco in 2001 complicated the relations between José María Aznar and Mohammed VI.[37]

Morocco's Tanger Med port will pose competition that concerns Spanish ports. It was expected to achieve full capacity in 2014 at 5.5 million containers annually.[68]

At a February 2023 summit in Rabat attended by Pedro Sánchez and Aziz Akhannouch, Spain and Morocco subsequently signed a series of multiple agreements to boost trade and investment, including credit lines of up to 800 million euros ($873 million).[citation needed]

Counterterrorrism and counternarcotics cooperation

Both countries have shared interests in counterterrorism and counternarcotics. Morocco notably assisted Spanish authorities in the investigation of the 2004 bombings in Madrid and this relationship continues. Moroccan soldiers have served under Spanish command in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti and Moroccan gendarmes have joined Spanish patrols to combat illegal immigration in the Strait of Gibraltar.[68]

According to the 2021 INE statistics, Moroccans are the largest immigration community in Spain with 930,221 citizens residing in the country. Moroccans in Spain live mainly in Barcelona, Madrid and Murcia.[69]

Resident diplomatic missions

Common history

See also


Informational notes
  1. ^ As a result, the Paris-based international Jewish organization Alliance Israélite Universelle, along with Rabbi Isaac Ben Walid of Tetuan, opened its first school in Tetuan in 1862.[24][25]
  2. ^ Addressing the leader of the parliamentary opposition, Sánchez stated that "Spain is suffering a challenge from Morocco", wondering where the opposition stood at.[53]
  3. ^ Minor member of the coalition government, Unidas Podemos, accused Morocco of "diplomatic blackmail".
  4. ^ such as the Prime Minister of Slovenia, who tweeted (in Spanish) "The Spanish border of #Ceuta is a European border. Full solidarity with Spain.",[54] the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, who said that "Europe expresses its solidarity with Ceuta and Spain. We need common European solutions to manage migration. We can do this by reaching an agreement on the new Migration Pact.",[55] the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell "Ceuta is the European border with Morocco, and the EU will do what is necessary to support Spain in these difficult times.",[56] the President of the European Council Charles Michel, who tweeted "All our support and solidarity with Spain @sanchezcastejon. The borders of Spain are the borders of the European Union. Cooperation, trust and shared commitments should be the principles of a strong relationship between the European Union and Morocco."[57] and the European Commissioner of Migrations Margaritis Schinas, claiming that "The Spanish border of #Ceuta is a European border. Full solidarity with Spain. We now need the European Migration Policy Pact: agreements with third countries; a robust protection of our borders; solidarity between the Member States, and a policy of legal migration."[58][59]
  1. ^ Arieff, Alexis. "Morocco: Current Issues". Congressional Research Service.
  2. ^ Arieff, Alexis. "Morocco: Background and U.S. Relations". Congressional Research Service.
  3. ^ Pino, Domingo del (2004). "España-Marruecos, miradas cruzadas: dejemos el pasado y hablemos de futuro". Afkar/Ideas: 103. Archived from the original on 19 May 2021. Retrieved 19 May 2021.
  4. ^ Sagnella, Angela (2020). "En los pliegues del Mediterráneo: Ceuta y Melilla" (PDF). Revista Uruguaya de Antropología y Etnografía. 5 (2). doi:10.29112/ruae.v5.n2.2 (inactive 18 September 2024). ISSN 2393-7068.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of September 2024 (link)
  5. ^ Tricolor and crescent: France and the Islamic world by William E. Watson p.1
  6. ^ Vicens Vives, Jaime (1970) [1967]. Approaches to the History of Spain. University of California Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-520-01422-0.
  7. ^ Safran, Janina M. (2000). The Second Umayyad Caliphate: The Articulation of Caliphal Legitimacy in Al-Andalus. Harvard University Press. pp. 38–42. ISBN 0-932885-24-1.
  8. ^ Bennison, Amira K. (2016). The Almoravid and Almohad empires. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 978-0-7486-4682-1. OCLC 1003199570.
  9. ^ Montoya, Jesús (1983). "El frustrado cerco de Marrakech (1261–1262)". Cuadernos de Estudios Medievales y Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas (in Spanish). 8–9. Universidad de Granada. Servicio de Publicaciones: 183–192. ISSN 1132-7553. Archived from the original on 2 June 2021. Retrieved 31 May 2021.
  10. ^ García Fernández, Manuel (1987). "Algeciras 1344–1369" (PDF). Estudios de historia y de arqueología medievales. 7–8: 61.
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  12. ^ Gottreich, Emily (26 August 2021). Jewish Morocco : a history from pre-Islamic to postcolonial times. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 978-0-7556-4436-0. OCLC 1259534890.
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  14. ^ Coindreau, Roger; Bosco, Henri (1948). Les corsaires de Salé (in French). OCLC 3642263.
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Building in Paphos, CyprusPanagia Limeniotissa Basilica(Greek: Βασιλική Παναγίας Λιμενιώτισσας)Location within CyprusGeneral informationTown or cityPaphosCountry CyprusCoordinates34°45′21″N 32°24′28″E / 34.75581°N 32.40784°E / 34.75581; 32.40784 The Basilica of Panagia Limeniotissa(Greek: Βασιλική της Παναγίας Λιμενιώτισσας) is a ruined basilica in Paphos, Cyprus. It was built at the beginning o…

Disused railway station in Haydock, Merseyside Ashton-in-MakerfieldGeneral informationLocationHaydock, St HelensEnglandCoordinates53°28′47″N 2°38′21″W / 53.47975°N 2.63915°W / 53.47975; -2.63915Grid referenceSJ577983Platforms2[1][2]Other informationStatusDisusedHistoryOriginal companyLiverpool, St Helens and South Lancashire RailwayPre-groupingGreat Central RailwayPost-groupingLondon and North Eastern RailwayKey dates1 July 1895[3]Stati…

Motor vehicle Spyker B6 VenatorOverviewManufacturerSpyker CarsAlso calledSpyker B6 VenatorProduction2013 (concept car)2014 (planned)Body and chassisClassConcept Sports carBody style2-door coupe (Spyker B6 Venator Coupe)2-door Spyder (Spyker B6 Venator Spyder)LayoutTransverse Mounted RMR layoutRelatedArtega GTPowertrainEngine3.5L Lotus-built 2GR-FE V6Power output280 kW (380 PS; 380 bhp)Transmission6-speed automaticDimensionsWheelbase2,500 mm (98.4 in)Length…

For the airport, see Paris - Le Bourget Airport. You can help expand this article with text translated from the corresponding article in French. (January 2012) Click [show] for important translation instructions. View a machine-translated version of the French article. Machine translation, like DeepL or Google Translate, is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting m…

Brazilian footballer For other people named Marcos Júnior, see Marcos Júnior (disambiguation). Marcos Júnior Personal informationFull name Marcos Antônio Candido Ferreira JúniorDate of birth (1995-05-13) 13 May 1995 (age 28)Place of birth Rio de Janeiro, BrazilHeight 1.79 m (5 ft 10 in)Position(s) MidfielderTeam informationCurrent team NáuticoYouth career2014–2015 BanguSenior career*Years Team Apps (Gls)2015–2016 Bonsucesso 19 (0)2016 Volta Redonda 15 (4)2017 Améri…

本條目存在以下問題,請協助改善本條目或在討論頁針對議題發表看法。 此條目需要編修,以確保文法、用詞、语气、格式、標點等使用恰当。 (2013年8月6日)請按照校對指引,幫助编辑這個條目。(幫助、討論) 此條目剧情、虛構用語或人物介紹过长过细,需清理无关故事主轴的细节、用語和角色介紹。 (2020年10月6日)劇情、用語和人物介紹都只是用於了解故事主軸,輔助讀…

Keuskupan RoermondDioecesis RuremundensisBisdom RoermondKatolik Katedral Santo KristoforusLokasiNegaraBelandaWilayahLimburgProvinsi gerejawiKeuskupan Agung UtrechtStatistikLuas2.209 km2 (853 sq mi)Populasi- Total- Katolik(per 2017)1.116.2601,070,970 (95.9%)InformasiDenominasiKatolik RomaRitusRitus LatinPendirian12 Mei 1559 (didirikan ulang pada 4 Maret 1853)KatedralKatedral Santo Kristoforus di RoermondKepemimpinan kiniPausFransiskusUskupHendrikus SmeetsUskup a…

Hungarian composer, conductor and teacher (1944–2024) The native form of this personal name is Eötvös Péter. This article uses Western name order when mentioning individuals. Péter EötvösEötvös in 2018Born(1944-01-02)2 January 1944Székelyudvarhely, Kingdom of HungaryDied24 March 2024(2024-03-24) (aged 80)Budapest, HungaryEducation Franz Liszt Academy of Music Musikhochschule Köln Occupations Composer Conductor Academic teacher Organizations Oeldorf Group Ensemble InterContem…

German Catholic theologian and politician (1811–1877) This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (January 2024) (Learn how and when to remove this message) The Right ReverendWilhelm Emmanuel Freiherr von KettelerBishop of MainzCh…

Glasgow and Aberdeen UniversitiesFormer University constituencyfor the House of Commons1868–1918Seats1Replaced byCombined Scottish Universities Glasgow and Aberdeen Universities, in Scotland, was a university constituency represented in the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1868 until 1918. It was merged with the Edinburgh and St Andrews Universities constituency to form the Combined Scottish Universities constituency. Members of Parliament Election Member[1]…

This article is about the mxmtoon album. For the Mêlée album, see Mêlée (band). For other albums, see Masquerade. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: The Masquerade album – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this message) 2019 studio a…

Uppermost layer of the oceanic portion of a tectonic plate The colours indicate the age of oceanic crust, wherein lighter indicates younger age, and darker indicates older age. The lines represent tectonic plate boundaries. Continental and oceanic crust on the Earth's upper mantle Oceanic crust is the uppermost layer of the oceanic portion of the tectonic plates. It is composed of the upper oceanic crust, with pillow lavas and a dike complex, and the lower oceanic crust, composed of troctolite, …

Kukës prefektur Kukës, Qarku Kukes Prefektur Land  Albanien Höjdläge 405 m ö.h. Koordinater 42°12′00″N 20°22′00″Ö / 42.2°N 20.36667°Ö / 42.2; 20.36667 Kukës Area 2 374,00 km² Folkmängd 85 292från enwiki Befolkningstäthet 36 invånare/km² Tidszon CET (UTC+1)  - sommartid CEST (UTC+2) ISO 3166-2-kod AL-07- Geonames 865735 Kukes prefektur (alb. Qarku i Kukësit) är en av Albaniens tolv prefekturer…

Sel trombosit atau keping darah Keping darah, lempeng darah, trombosit (bahasa Inggris: platelet, thrombocyte) (bahasa Yunani: θρόμβος – klot dan κύτος – sel) adalah sel anuclear nulliploid (tidak mempunyai nukleus pada DNA-nya) dengan bentuk tak beraturan dengan ukuran diameter 2-3 µm[1] yang merupakan fragmentasi dari megakariosit.[2] Keping darah tersirkulasi dalam darah dan terlibat dalam mekanisme hemostasis tingkat sel dalam proses pembekuan da…

1962 film Café OrientalDirected byRudolf SchündlerWritten byJanne FurchProduced byArtur BraunerHans RaspotnikStarringElke SommerJerome CourtlandTrude HerrCinematographySiegfried HoldEdited byWaltraut WischniewskyMusic byGert WildenProductioncompanyAlfa FilmDistributed byDeutsche Filmvertriebs-GemeinschaftRelease date 16 February 1962 (1962-02-16) Running time95 minutesCountryWest GermanyLanguageGerman Café Oriental is a 1962 German musical comedy film directed by Rudolf Schünd…

Hungarian architect (1924–1991) This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Mihály Párkányi – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (January 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this message) dr. Mihály (Michael) Párkányi Dr. Mihály (Michael) Párkányi (January 1, 1924 in Budapest – Jan…

Bengali poet, philosopher, and writer (1861–1941) For the film, see Rabindranath Tagore (film). Tagore redirects here. For other uses, see Tagore (disambiguation). Rabindranath TagoreFRASNative nameরবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর (Bengali)BornRabindranath Tagore(1861-05-07)7 May 1861Calcutta, Bengal Presidency, British India(present-day Kolkata, West Bengal, India)Died7 August 1941(1941-08-07) (aged 80)Calcutta, Bengal Presidency, British IndiaPen nameBhanusimhaOccu…

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Ras Sedr – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Town in South Sinai, EgyptRas Sedr رأس سدرTownRas SedrLocation in EgyptCoordinates: 29°35′30″N 32°42′20″E / 29.59167…

Palazzo TolomeiPalazzo TolomeiLocalizzazioneStato Italia RegioneToscana LocalitàSiena Indirizzopiazza Tolomei Coordinate43°19′12.48″N 11°19′52.06″E43°19′12.48″N, 11°19′52.06″E Informazioni generaliCondizioniIn uso CostruzioneXII - XIII secolo Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale Il palazzo Tolomei è un edificio storico di Siena, situato nell'omonima piazza, lungo il percorso della via principale della città. Indice 1 Storia e descrizione 2 Bibliografia 3 Voci cor…