MasterChef Chile is a Chilean television competitive cooking show based on the original British MasterChef. It is presented by Diana Bolocco accompanied by French chef Yann Yvin, Chilean chef Christopher Carpentier, and Italian Chef Ennio Carota as the show's main judges.[2] It is produced and broadcast on Canal 13. The first episode aired on 26 October 2014,[3] and the series one finale was broadcast on 2 February 2015. The first winner was 26-year-old Daniela Castro.[4]
The second season premiered on 18 October 2015 and ended on 28 January 2016. The winner was Alfonso Castro, a 63-year-old waiter.[5] The series have had also a spin-off series Junior Masterchef which featured only younger contestants and premiered on Sunday 20 March 2016.[6] The third and last season was premiered on 5 March 2017, with Spanish chef Sergi Arola joining in as the new judge, in place of Frenchman Yann Yvin.
He is one of the most successful and renowned chefs in Chile. He has been awarded several times, being named the 2010 Chef of the Bicentennial of Chile.
Based on Spain, she owns the NUB restaurant, winner of 1 Michelín Star, in 2017, being the first Chilean chef awarded with this distinction.
Jorge Rausch
He is a renowned Colombian chef with Polish roots, owner of the Criterión restaurant. He is also main chef, owner and partner of Bistronomy by Rausch, Rausch Energía Gastronómica, Marea by Rausch, El Gobernador by Rausch, Kitchen by Rausch', Local by Rausch and Ivory Bistró by Rausch, the latter of them in Costa Rica.
With 30 years of experience in the most demanding kitchens in the world, he has the word excellence as a key concept in the success of his work. He came to work in the most prestigious kitchens in his country, such as those of the French Ministry of Defense and for the President of the French Republic, Monsieur François Mitterrand. He has opened more than 13 restaurants in both Chile and France. In addition, he has dedicated himself to high-level banqueting, organizing summits of presidents, advising embassies for royal visits or birthdays of internationally renowned celebrities such as Pelé.
Carota is one of the most beloved and renowned exponents of the cuisine of his country. Tireless globetrotter, after studying at the Scuola Alberghiera in Turin, he went to travel the world knowing and working in the most diverse cuisines of Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, North America, Latin America and Europe, discovering, among other things, the Nouvelle. Cuisine, which made him discover new paths on his gastronomic journey.
He is a Spanish chef who was responsible for La Broche restaurant, located in the Hotel Miguel Ángel, Madrid. He is also currently working in the kitchen of Hotel Arts, in Barcelona, and has opened his own restaurant in Madrid, Gastro, where he can give free rein to his creativity in the kitchen and where you can also visit its cocktail space.