Man from Guangdong is a 1991 Hong Kong martial arts television series produced by TVB and tells the story of Leung Kan, portrayed by Aaron Kwok, the fictitious son of famed martial artist Leung Foon, whom was a favored disciple of folk hero Wong Fei-hung, portrayed by Shih Kien. Shih, who portrayed Wong in the series, was known for portraying antagonists in a series of Wong Fei-hung-related films during the 1940s to 1970s, while the series also features Sai Gwa-Pau reprising his role as "Buckteeth So" from the aforementioned series of films.
Wong Fei-hung (Shih Kien), one of the Ten Tigers of Canton, has passed his prime and decides to close down his martial arts school and clinic, Po Chi Lam. His disciples has scattered to different places and Wong himself decides to retire to Foshan and no longer wants to be involved in the martial world. One while, while playing chess with Kwan Yan-kin (Cheng Gwan-min), they mention Wong's favored disciple, Leung Foon, lamenting his premature death. According to rumors, Leung has descendants that are living. Wong then send his disciple Buckteeth So's (Sai Gwa-Pau) daughter, So Siu-mui (Wu Man-yam) to find the whereabouts that descendant, hoping to teach him his skills and revive the former prestige of Po Chi Lam. Leung Foon had a naturally upright personality and never indulged in romance, but during one night when he got drunk, he had a one-night stand with a showgirl named Koo Kam-fung (Pak Yan). Not long after, Leung was brutally killed by rivals, leaving Kam-fung heartbroken. The pregnant Kam-fung returns to her ancestral home, leaving all her glory behind, and gives birth to her child. As the years flow by, Kam-fung's son, Leung Kan (Aaron Kwok), has grown up and works as a pig breeder for a living. Due to his mother's background, Kan was often given cold stares and ridiculed by others. Kan aspires to make it out to the province one day and study under his grandmaster, Wong Fei-hung, hoping to wash out his past shame. On the other hand, one of Kan's fellow disciples, Law Kam-loi (Gary Chan), who came from a wealthy family, is often bullied by other disciples. Kam-loi is like-minded with Kan and never looked-down upon Kan's background and they develop a brotherly friendship. Kam-loi's father, Law Pak-man (Tin Ching), has prearranged his son to marry with village leader Koo Tin-ho's (Sing Yan) daughter, Ku Yuet-fan (Chan On-ying). However, Yuet-fan has an unruly pungent personality and Kam-loi is disinterested in her so he makes up many excuses to stall the marriage.