Low-volatility investingLow-volatility investing is an investment style that buys stocks or securities with low volatility and avoids those with high volatility. This investment style exploits the low-volatility anomaly. According to financial theory risk and return should be positively related, however in practice this is not true. Low-volatility investors aim to achieve market-like returns, but with lower risk. This investment style is also referred to as minimum volatility, minimum variance, managed volatility, smart beta, defensive and conservative investing. HistoryThe low-volatility anomaly was already discovered in the early 1970s, yet it only became a popular investment style after the 2008 global financial crises. The first tests of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) showed that the risk-return relation was too flat.[1][2] Two decades later, in 1992 the seminal study by Fama and French clearly showed that market beta (risk) and return were not related when controlling for firm size.[3] Fisher Black argued that firms or investors could apply leverage by selling bonds and buying more low-beta equity to profit from the flat risk-return relation.[4] In the 2000s more studies followed, and investors started to take notice.[5][6][7] In the same period, asset managers such as Acadian, Robeco and Unigestion started offering this new investment style to investors. A few years later index providers such as MSCI and S&P started to create low-volatility indices. PerformanceLow-volatility investing is gradually gaining acceptance due to consistent real-life performance over more than 15 years, encompassing both bull and bear markets. While many academic studies and indices are based on simulations going back 20-30 years, some research spans over 90 years, showing low-volatility stocks outperform high-volatility stocks in the long run (see image). Since low-volatility securities tend to lag during bull markets and tend to reduce losses in bear markets, a full business cycle is needed to assess performance. Over shorter time periods, such as one year, Jensen's alpha is a useful performance metric, adjusting returns for market beta risk. For instance, a low-volatility strategy with a beta of 0.7 in a 10% rising market would be expected to return 7%. If the actual return is 10%, Jensen's alpha is 3%. CriticismAny investment strategy can lose effectiveness over time if its popularity causes its advantage to be arbitraged away. This could apply to low-volatility investing, highlighted by the high valuations of low-volatility stocks in the late 2010s.[8] Still, David Blitz showed that hedge funds are at the other side of the low-volatility trade, despite their ability to use leverage. Others state that low-volatility is related to the well-known value investing style. For example, after the dotcom bubble, value stocks offered protection similar to low volatility stocks. Additionally, low-volatility stocks also tend to have more interest rate risk compared to other stocks.[9] 2020 was a challenging year for US low-volatility stocks as they significantly lagged behind the broader market by wide margins.[10][11] Criticism and discussions are primarily found in various academic financial journals, but investors take notice and contribute to this debate.[12][13] See alsoFurther readingA couple of books have been written about low-volatility investing:
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