This drama revolves around Lee Woo-jin's conflict between priesthood and his love for childhood friend Eun-ha.
Act 1 - Growing up
As a young orphan, Lee Woo-jin (Andrew) received horrible treatment while growing up under his aunt. When his uncle (a priest) comes back from Italy, he decides to raise him. Eun-ha, another orphan, is brought to the cathedral as well. Although initially antagonistic towards Woo-jin, the two become inseparable friends. At the end of high school, when Eun-ha is about to confess her feelings for Andrew, Andrew tells her of his dreams to become a priest.
Act 2 - College
Andrew and Eun-ha leave the cathedral to attend college. Andrew meets Jung Woo-jin, and the two become close friends. Jung Woo-jin falls in love with Eun-ha, but she rebuffs his attentions. The love triangle causes hurt and pain for all 3 friends. It is brought to a climax when Andrew writes Eun-ha a love letter, but Jung Woo-jin destroys it without Eun-ha having read it.
Act 3 - Finale
Andrew returns from the seminary but has not taken his final vows of priesthood. Eun-ha develops a heart condition, and before her final operation, makes Andrew promise to fulfill his dreams of becoming a priest. After the operation Eun-ha slips into a coma. Jung Woo-jin is finally able to escape the love triangle, and Andrew takes his vows to become a priest. Eun-ha then awakens from her coma, and Andrew agrees to take care of her.
Lee Woo-jin was raised by a cruel aunt before being taken to live with his priest uncle. Although he believes his mother has died, it is later revealed that she abandoned him to become Jung Woo-jin's stepmother. Kind and introspective, he wrestles with his desire to become a priest with his feelings for Eun-ha. He studied medicine in university and is a trained surgeon.
Another orphan taken into care at the seminary after the death of her mother. Although antagonistic at first towards everyone, she slowly develops feelings for Lee Woo-jin. She is caught between affections from Jung Woo-jin and her own unrequited love for Lee Woo-jin. A life-threatening heart condition makes her ask Lee Woo-jin to choose priesthood over her. Although the surgery on her heart is a success, she slips into a coma. She awakens from her coma at the end of the series, ready to spend the rest of her life with Lee Woo-jin.
Although initially friendly to Lee Woo-jin, his jealously of the relationship between Eun-ha and Lee Woo-jin, as well as the discovery that his stepmother is Woo-jin's biological mother, causes him to act out of character and sabotage Lee Woo-jin's attempt at happiness. Like Lee Woo-jin he is also a qualified surgeon. He has unresolved issues with his father for leaving his biological mother and although he rebels against him, he finds himself turning out to be exactly like him.