Little Charley Bear
Little Charley Bear is a British CGI-animated television series created by Daniel Pickering. Narrated by James Corden, Little Charley Bear takes viewers on a journey into the world of let's pretend, where anything is possible.[2] Little Charley Bear made its television debut in January 2011 on CBeebies.[3] The show has been sold into more than 80 territories.[4] In 2012, a one off stage version was made, Little Charley Bear and His Christmas Adventure written and directed by Brian Herring.[5] In 2013, DreamWorks Animation bought the rights to Chapman Entertainment's library and children's shows.[6] In 2020 Little Charley Bear's official YouTube channel was launched with all 52 episodes available. CharactersAll characters appear as toys in the series, they are silent instead of voice actors.
Home MediaHIT Entertainment released four DVDs of the series in the United Kingdom between 2011 and 2012, each containing seven episodes - "Are You There, Charley Bear?", "Ready Teddy Go!", "Anarctic Charley", and "Charley on Safari". The series was also released on DVD in Australia by Beyond Home Entertainment. ToylineA toyline produced by Vivid Imaginations was released for the Fall of 2011.[7] References
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