List of hoards in Romania
This is a list of hoards in Romania which comprises the significant archaeological hoards of coins, jewellery, metal objects, scrap metal and other valuable items that have been discovered in the territory of present-day Romania .
Neolithic hoards
Bronze Age hoards
Dacian hoards
Place of discovery
Year of discovery
Current Location
Cucuteni Treasure
5th century BC
Cucuteni , Iași
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
gold helmet, 70 pieces of gold weighing 2.063 kg
Agighiol Treasure
5th century
Agighiol , Tulcea
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
a silver helmet (743 grams), 2 silver greaves (902 and 744 grams), 2 silver bowls, 5 silver phiales , 9 silver appliqués, 3 silver appliqués, 1 necklace[ 2]
Helmet of Peretu
5th century BC
Peretu , Teleorman
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
silver helmet (759 grams),[ 3] other silver artifacts
Stâncești Treasure
5th century BC
Stâncești , Botoșani
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
gold Scythian-inspired mythological being (47.8 cm x 9.7 cm, 100 grams)
Helmet of Coţofeneşti
4th century BC
Coţofeneşti , Prahova
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
gold helmet (746 grams),[ 4] silver beakers
Helmet of Iron Gates or the Detroit Helmet
4th century BC
Iron Gates , Mehedinți
Detroit Institute of Arts , United States
gold helmet, silver beakers
Craiova Treasure
4th century BC
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
silver appliqués, buttons; thought to be connected with the Detroit Helmet and the rhyton at the Metropolitan Museum [ 5]
Rhyton of Poroina
3rd century BC
Poroina Mare , Mehedinți
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
silver rhyton , partially gilded (278 grams)[ 6]
Bunești-Averești Treasure
3rd century BC
Bunești-Averești , Vaslui
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
Herăstrău Hoard
1st century BC[ 7]
Herăstrău , Bucharest[ 7]
1938[ 8]
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
silver coins, silver spiral bracelets, silver bowl[ 7]
Surcea Hoard
1st century BC
Surcea , Covasna
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
2 phalerae
Rociu Hoard
Rociu , Argeș
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
Silver bracelet
Vârteju Hoard
Vârteju , Ilfov[ 7]
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
299 silver coins[ 7]
Sâncrăieni Treasure
1st century BC – 1st century AD
Sâncrăieni, Harghita
1953[ 9]
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
13 silver drinking cups, 2 conical vases, 2 silver bracelets, 1 fibula[ 9]
Dacian bracelets
1st century BC – 1st century AD
Sarmizegetusa Regia , Hunedoara
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
24 gold bracelets, of which 12 have been recovered by the National Museum
Coada Malului Treasure
100-50 BC
Coada Malului , Prahova
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
fibulae, bracelets
Lupu Hoard
1st century AD
Lupu , Alba
1978[ 10]
National Museum of the Union , Alba Iulia [ 10]
a bronze pot containing 2 silver fibulae , 7 silver phalerae , 1 semispherical cup, a Roman bronze mug[ 10]
Roman hoards
Place of discovery
Year of discovery
Current Location
Cislău Hoard
2nd century
Bărăști , Buzău
Kunsthistorisches Museum , Vienna Hungarian National Museum , Budapest
244 silver denarii [ 11]
Treasure of Șimleu Silvaniei
300-400 AD
Șimleu Silvaniei , Sălaj
1797, 1889
Kunsthistorisches Museum , Vienna Hungarian National Museum , Budapest
1st: 17 gold medallions, a gold chain with 52 pendant amulets, 24 gold foil rings, a disk-shaped pendant, a ring, the fragment of a bracelet, and a pendant in the shape of a human figure.
2nd: an onyx fibula, ten pairs of fibulae decorated with gold and jewels, a swearing-in ring and three gold bowls.[ 12]
Gothic hoards
Place of discovery
Year of discovery
Current Location
Pietroasele Treasure
250-400 AD
Pietroasele , Buzău
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
a large gold eagle-headed fibula and three smaller ones, a patera, a twelve-sided cup, a ring , a large tray, two other necklaces and a pitcher
Apahida hoard
4th century AD
Apahida , Cluj
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
a silver pitcher, diademas, fibulae, bracelets
Medieval hoards
Place of discovery
Year of discovery
Current Location
Rotopănești Hoard
6th century
Rotopănești , Suceava
a Hunnic gold pendant (16.8 grams) with ruby-coloured almandines [ 13]
Treasure of Nagyszentmiklós
500-900 AD
Sânnicolau Mare , Timiș
Kunsthistorisches Museum , Vienna
23 gold objects totaling 9.945 kg
Coșoveni hoard
5th-6th century AD
Coșoveni , Dolj
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
Dinogetia hoard
11th century AD
Dinogetia , Galați
National Museum of Romanian History , Bucharest
Byzantine crucifix, coins
Târgoviște hoard
15th century
Târgoviște , Dâmbovița
6284 silver coins[ 14]
Dolj hoard
16th century
Muzeului Olteniei , Craiova
1471 silver coins[ 15]
Șopteriu hoard
17th century
Șopteriu , Bistrița-Năsăud
Muzeul Județean Bistrița-Năsăud , Bistrița
3 kg of silver coins, objects of gilded silver, jewelry, a silver scabbard [ 16]
Râșnov hoard
17th century
Râșnov , Brașov
416 silver coins[ 17]
Modern era hoards
Place of discovery
Year of discovery
Current Location
Desa hoard
c. 1870?
Desa , Dolj
Muzeul Olteniei , Craiova
75 gold coins minted between 1848 and 1868[ 18]
^ a b Biblioteca Academiei: Tezaurul de la Perșinari
^ Mormântul cu tezaur de la Agighiol , Oameni și Comori , National Museum of Romanian History
^ Coiful de la Peretu Archived 2013-04-16 at , Oameni și Comori , National Museum of Romanian History
^ Coiful de la Coțofenești Archived 2013-04-16 at , Oameni și Comori , National Museum of Romanian History
^ Mihai Gramatopol, Tezaurul de la Craiova [permanent dead link ] , in Studia III
^ Rhyton Archived 2013-04-16 at , Oameni și Comori , National Museum of Romanian History
^ a b c d e Georgescu, p. 44
^ Bunuri culturale mobile clasate în Patrimoniul Cultural Național
^ a b "Tezaurul din obiecte de argint de la Sâncrăieni" Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine , Jurnalul , September 18, 2009
^ a b c Dorin Timonea, "Obiecte arheologice, trecute in Tezaur" , România liberă , June 12, 2008
^ Mihai Dima, Eugen-Marius Constantinescu, Tezaurul de la Cislău , cIMeC, 2001, ISBN 973-85287-1-2 ; p. 5
^ Barbarian Jewellery and Roman Gold , Kunsthistorisches Museum
^ Dicționar de istorie veche a României ("Dictionary of ancient Romanian history") (1976) Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică, pp. 510
^ Laurenţiu Rădvan, At Europe's Borders: Medieval Towns in the Romanian Principalities , Brill, 2010, ISBN 9789004180109 , p.297
^ "Tezaur de peste 1.400 de monede de argint, descoperit cu un detector de metale in Dolj de catre un amator pasionat de arheologie" , Hotnews , January 16, 2013
^ "Tezaurul monetar de la Șopteriu: dezvăluit în toată splendoarea sa, la Muzeul Județean" , Bistrițeanul , January 8, 2013
^ "Tezaurul de la Risnov" , Evenimentul Zilei , July 4, 2001
^ "A fost descoperit primul tezaur monetar de aur din Oltenia" , Evenimentul Zilei , August 12, 2011
Florian Georgescu (coord.), Istoria orașului București , Muzeul de Istorie a Orașului București, 1965
Further reading
Liviu Mărghitan, Zece tezaure carpatine , Editura Ion Creangă, București, 1988
Ștefan Burda, Tezaure de aur din România , Editura Meridiane, București, 1979.