Insecticide[4] |
Key Concerns |
Banned Countries |
Environmental Impact |
Notable Details
Acephate |
- Endocrine disruption concerns
- Incomplete resistance data for rice and cotton
32 countries including EU, China, Malaysia |
Toxic to honey-bees |
Organophosphate compound
Atrazine |
- Incomplete bio-efficacy data
- Endocrine disruption potential
37 countries including EU, UK |
Toxic to aquatic organisms |
Product leaching concerns
Benfuracarb |
- Carcinogenic impurities
- Reprotoxic effects
- Incomplete data submission
28 countries including EU, UK |
Ground water contamination risk |
Metabolites proven more toxic
Butachlor |
- Incomplete bio-efficacy studies
- Leaching concerns
31 countries including EU, UK |
Toxic to aquatic organisms |
Alternatives available
Captan |
- Listed in US-EPA Endocrine Disruptor Screening
- Incomplete toxicity data
6 countries including Cambodia, Saudi Arabia |
Toxic to aquatic organisms |
Incomplete bio-efficacy data
Carbendazim |
- Foetotoxic and teratogenic
- Contains toxic impurities
- High fungicide resistance risk
29 countries including EU, UK |
Not specified |
Endocrine disruption potential
Carbofuran |
- Extremely toxic (WHO Class Ib)
- Very low Acceptable Daily Intake
63 countries including EU, UK, Canada |
Toxic to honey bees, aquatic organisms, birds |
Endocrine disruption concerns
Chlorpyrifos |
- Neurotoxic
- Incomplete toxicity data
- Health hazards to children
31 countries including EU |
Organophosphate toxicity |
Banned except for desert locust control
2,4-D |
- Carcinogenic dioxin content
- Incomplete crop data
3 countries |
Not specified |
Endocrine disruption concerns
Deltamethrin |
- Incomplete resistance data
- Limited crop data
Not specified |
Toxic to honey bees |
Banned except for desert locust and public health use
Dicofol |
- DDT contamination concerns
- No current bio-efficacy data
45 countries including EU |
Highly toxic to aquatic organisms |
Endocrine disruption concerns
Dimethoate |
- Highly toxic organophosphorus
- Toxic metabolites
31 countries including EU |
Not specified |
Genotoxicity concerns
Dinocap |
- No current bio-efficacy data
- Teratogenic concerns
28 countries including EU, UK |
Toxic to aquatic organisms |
Limited data availability
Diuron |
- Endocrine disruption concerns
- Incomplete crop data
Banned in Mozambique |
Toxic to aquatic organisms |
TCAB contamination concerns
Malathion |
- Incomplete bio-efficacy data
- Limited crop studies
2 countries |
Ecotoxic |
Allowed for desert locust and public health
Mancozeb |
- ETU toxicity concerns
- Incomplete thyroid profile data
Banned in Saudi Arabia |
Toxic to aquatic organisms |
Limited crop data
Methomyl |
- Extremely toxic (WHO Class Ib)
- Limited toxicity data
41 countries including EU |
Toxic to honey bees, silkworms, birds, aquatic organisms |
Very low ADI
Monocrotophos |
- Extremely toxic (WHO Class Ib)
- Poisoning risks
112 countries including EU, UK, China |
Toxic to honey bees, aquatic organisms, birds |
Very low ADI
Oxyfluorfen |
- Possible human carcinogen
- Blood parameter effects
2 countries |
Toxic to aquatic organisms |
Affects terrestrial plants
Pendimethalin |
- Incomplete toxicity data
- Thyroid concerns
2 countries |
Highly toxic to aquatic organisms |
Limited aquatic studies
Quinalphos |
- High acute mammalian toxicity
- Incomplete neurotoxicity data
30 countries including EU, UK |
Highly toxic to aquatic organisms |
Organophosphorus compound
Sulfosulfuron |
- Resistance development
- Limited effectiveness
Banned in Norway |
Not specified |
Resistance in target weeds
Thiodicarb |
- High mammalian toxicity
- Incomplete studies
Banned in EU, UK |
Toxic to honey bees and aquatic organisms |
Methomyl metabolite concerns
Thiophanate-methyl |
- High fungicide resistance risk
- Incomplete thyroid studies
Not specified |
Toxic to earthworms |
Related to banned Benomyl
Thiram |
- Toxic metabolites
- Endocrine disruption
28 countries including EU |
Toxic to aquatic organisms, Risk to birds |
ETU toxicity concerns
Zineb |
- Endocrine disruption
- ETU toxicity concerns
32 countries including EU |
Toxic to aquatic organisms |
Limited data submission
Ziram |
- Endocrine disruption
- ETU toxicity concerns
EPA Inactive |
Toxic to aquatic organisms |
Incomplete bio-efficacy data