Public Law
Morrill Act of 1862
Created the land-grant university system.
Pub. L. 37–130
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Guaranteed equal treatment in public accommodations, including schools. Found unconstitutional in the Civil Rights Cases.
Morrill Act of 1890
Amended the Morrill Act of 1862 to increase federal funding for land-grant universities.
Pub. L. 51–841
Smith–Lever Act of 1914
Created a cooperative extension service through land-grant universities.
Pub. L. 63–95
Smith–Hughes National Vocational Education Act of 1917
Amended the Smith–Lever Act to fund vocational education. Repealed in 1997.
Pub. L. 64–347
Reed–Jenkins Act
Repealed laws that funded Americanization schools for Native Americans.
Pub. L. 70–574
Community Facilities Act of 1940 (Lanham Act)
Funded public works projects, including the construction of schools.
Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 (G.I. Bill)
Provided benefits for World War II veterans, including student financial aid. Expired in 1956.
Pub. L. 78–346
Public Health Service Act
Included a provision creating a scholarship through the National Health Service Corps.
Pub. L. 78–410
Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act
Funded school meals through the National School Lunch Program.
Pub. L. 79–396
Vocational Education Act of 1946
Funded vocational education.
Pub. L. 79–586
(No short title)
Provided federal funding for school districts in areas affected by federal activities.
Pub. L. 81–815
(No short title)
Provided federal funding for school districts in areas affected by federal activities.
Pub. L. 81–874
Agricultural Act of 1954
Included a provision establishing the Special Milk Program.
Pub. L. 83–690
(No short title)
Made permanent programs to fund construction of schools in areas affected by federal activities.
Pub. L. 85–620
National Defense Education Act
Authorized student loans. Funded math, science, and foreign language instruction. Funded graduate fellowships. Funded training of guidance counselors. Provided other education funding.
Pub. L. 85–864
The Practical Nurse Training Extension Act of 1961
Amended the Vocational Education Act to extend grants for nurse training.
Pub. L. 87–22
McIntire–Stennis Act of 1962
Funded agricultural research programs.
Pub. L. 87–788
(No short title)
Reauthorized the National Defense Education Act. Expanded vocational education programs with the Vocational Education Act of 1963.
Pub. L. 88–210
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Prohibited discrimination in public accommodations, including schools. Gave the Department of Justice the power to enforce desegregation of schools.
Pub. L. 88–352
Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
Included a provision establishing the Head Start program.
Pub. L. 88–452
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Overhauled the role of federal government in public schools. Provided funding for public schools. Funded educator recruitment and development.
Pub. L. 89–10
Higher Education Act of 1965
Overhauled the role of federal government in higher education. Provided financial aid for students and institutions.
Pub. L. 89–329
Child Nutrition Act
Created nutritional standards for schools. Established the School Breakfast Program. Reauthorized the Special Milk Program.
Pub. L. 89–642
Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1966
Amended distribution of aid to support education for low-income families. Supported adult education programs through the Adult Education Act of 1966.
Pub. L. 89–750
National Sea Grant College and Program Act of 1966
Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1966
Pub. L. 89–750
Education Professions Development Act of 1967
Amended Title V of the Higher Education Act to improve teacher training.
Pub. L. 90–35
Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1967
Amended the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to include the Bilingual Education Act. Included the General Education Provisions Act. Made other minor amendments.
Pub. L. 90–247
Vocational Education Amendments of 1968
Pub. L. 90–576
Emergency Insured Student Loan Act of 1969
Drug Abuse Education Act of 1970
Education Amendments of 1972
Amended education law to prohibit sex-based discrimination through Title IX. Reauthorized and amended various education laws.
Pub. L. 92–318
(No short title)
Authorized additional funding to states for the National School Lunch Program.
Pub. L. 93–13
(No short title)
Extended the National Sea Grant College and Program Act.
Pub. L. 93–73
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Reformed vocational education funding. Established additional protections against discrimination. Provided protections for students with disabilities.
Pub. L. 93–112
National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Act Amendments
Pub. L. 93–150
(No short title)
Delayed the Head Start fee schedule to 1975.
Pub. L. 93–202
(No short title)
Extended funding through to General Education Provisions Act to 1975.
Pub. L. 93–269
Education Amendments of 1974
Protected gender equality in education through the Women's Educational Equity Act. Expanded prohibition of discrimination in schools through the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974. Reauthorized and amended various education laws.
Pub. L. 93–380
(No short title)
Extended the National Health Service Corps scholarship program through FY1975.
Pub. L. 93–385
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Granted privacy protections over school records to parents and students.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education Act Amendments
Reauthorized the Drug Abuse Education Act.
Pub. L. 93–422
Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975
Provided funding for programs on Indian reservations, including schools.
Pub. L. 93–638
Harry S Truman Memorial Scholarship Act
Created the Harry S. Truman Memorial Scholarship program.
Pub. L. 93–642
Emergency Technical Provisions Act
Reauthorized the Higher Education Act and the Emergency Insured Student Loan Act through FY1976.
Pub. L. 94–43
Education Division and Related Agencies Appropriation Act
Authorized funding for the Office of Education and related agencies.
Pub. L. 94–94
Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975
Expanded protections for students with disabilities. Guaranteed the right for all children with disabilities to receive education.
Pub. L. 94–142
(No short title)
Authorized agreements with state educational agencies and nonprofit agencies to promote reading programs. Authorized funding for book distribution programs.
Pub. L. 94–194
(No short title)
Authorized funds for Allen J. Ellender Fellowships and removed the cap on the number of fellowships to be awarded.
Pub. L. 94–277
Sea Grant Program Improvement Act
Pub. L. 94–461
Education Amendments of 1976
Pub. L. 94–482
George Washington University Charter Restatement Act
Restated the charter of George Washington University.
Pub. L. 95–8
(No short title)
Made minor amendments to the Education Amendments of 1976.
Pub. L. 95–43
Education of the Handicapped Amendments
Reauthorized the Education of the Handicapped Act through FY1982.
Pub. L. 95–49
Education Amendments of 1977
Reauthorized certain programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Pub. L. 95–112
National School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Amendments
Amended several aspects of the National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act
Pub. L. 95–166
(No short title)
Amended the Higher Education Act to grant the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands the same benefits under the act as states.
Pub. L. 95–180
Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs and the Everett McKinley Dirksen Congressional Leadership Research Center Assistance Act
Authorized financial assistance to the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute and the Everett McKinley Dirksen Congressional Leadership Research Center.
Pub. L. 95–270
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education Amendments
Pub. L. 95–336
Education Amendments of 1978
Pub. L. 95–561
Middle Income Student Assistance Act
Expanded eligibility for student financial aid.
Pub. L. 95–566
Child Nutrition Amendments
Extended the provisions of the National School Lunch Act.
Pub. L. 95–627
(No short title)
Pub. L. 96–46
Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1979
Pub. L. 96–49
Department of Education Organization Act
Created the United States Department of Education.
Pub. L. 96–88
(No short title)
Amended the Higher Education Act to allocate education funding reductions equally between the states.
Pub. L. 96–96
Education Amendments of 1980
Pub. L. 96–374
(No short title)
Granted the Internal Revenue Service the authority to disclose information to the Department of Education regarding students that default on student loans.
Pub. L. 96–603
(No short title)
Authorized the George Washington University Higher Education Facilities Revenue Bond Act of 1981 of the District of Columbia to take effect immediately.
Pub. L. 97–107
Student Financial Assistance Technical Amendments Act of 1982
Amended the Higher Education Act to apply limitations to Pell Grants.
Pub. L. 97–301
(No short title)
Granted the Council of the District of Columbia the power to issue revenue bonds to finance college programs.
Pub. L. 97–328
Student Loan Consolidation and Technical Amendments Act of 1983
Reauthorized the authority of Sallie Mae to consolidate student loans.
Pub. L. 98–79
Challenge Grant Amendments of 1983
Created a program to provide matching endowment grants for colleges eligible under the Challenge Grant Program.
Pub. L. 98–95
Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments of 1983
Pub. L. 98–199
(No short title)
Pub. L. 98–211
(No short title)
Increased funding for grants under Title III of the Higher Education Act.
Pub. L. 98–312
Education for Economic Security Act
Implemented measures to promote math and science. Required schools to provide equal access to extracurricular clubs without discriminating by belief through the Equal Access Act. Required measures against asbestos in schools through the Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Act of 1984.
Pub. L. 98–377
(No short title)
Recognized arts education as a priority in the United States.
Pub. L. 98–410
Education Amendments of 1984
Pub. L. 98–511
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act (Perkins I)
Renamed the Vocational Education Act. Funded vocational education for students with disabilities, poor students, adult students, single parents, and students in correctional institutions.
Pub. L. 98–524
Human Services Reauthorization Act
Pub. L. 98–558
Nurse Education Amendments of 1985
Pub. L. 99–92
Health Professions Training Assistance Act of 1985
Pub. L. 99–129
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985
Included the Student Financial Assistance Amendments of 1985 under Title XVI.
Pub. L. 99–272
Student Financial Assistance Technical Corrections Act of 1986
Amended the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 to provide for reimbursement of costs associated with default prevention.
Pub. L. 99–320
(No short title)
Amended state allotments under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act.
Pub. L. 99–357
Education of the Deaf Act of 1986
Pub. L. 99–371
Education of the Handicapped Amendments of 1986
Pub. L. 99–457
Higher Education Amendments of 1986
Pub. L. 99–498
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986
Implemented measures against drugs, including a requirement for drug abuse prevention programs in colleges through the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act.
Pub. L. 99–570
(No short title)
Authorized funds for the Joseph W. Martin Institute for Law and Society at Stonehill College.
Pub. L. 99–608
Higher Education Technical Amendments Act of 1987
Pub. L. 100–50
Excellence in Minority Health Education and Care Act
Amended the Public Health Service Act to provide grants for health professions schools.
Pub. L. 100–110
(No short title)
Authorized funding for the Close Up Foundation to conduct the Civic Achievement Award Program in Honor of the Office of Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Pub. L. 100–158
Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987
Required public accommodations to comply with federal civil rights law in all aspects of its operations to receive federal funding, including in schools.
Pub. L. 100–259
Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. Stafford Elementary and Secondary School Improvement Amendments of 1988
Pub. L. 100–297
(No short title)
Amended the effective date of the Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. Stafford Elementary and Secondary School Improvement Amendments of 1988.
Pub. L. 100–351
(No short title)
Removed an exemption for Supplemental Loans for Students eligibility requirements.
Pub. L. 100–369
National Geography Studies Centers Act
Reauthorized the Library Services and Construction Act through FY1989. Funded the National Geography Studies Centers. Reauthorized funding for the United States Institute of Peace through FY1993.
Pub. L. 100–569
(No short title)
Made a correction in the Education and Training for a Competitive America Act.
Pub. L. 101–26
(No short title)
Authorized funding for the Close Up Foundation. Loosened curriculum requirements for participation and associated grants.
Pub. L. 101–118
Head Start Supplemental Authorization Act of 1989
Increased funding for the Head Start Program.
Pub. L. 101–120
(No short title)
Authorized reimbursement for expenses to personnel of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation.
Pub. L. 101–208
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989
Amended the Drug Free School Zones Act to modify regulations and requirements for federal funding.
Pub. L. 101–226
(No short title)
Extended school dropout demonstration programs through FY1991.
Pub. L. 101–250
Library Services and Construction Act Amendments of 1990
Pub. L. 101–254
(No short title)
Authorized funding to pay for 50% of the costs to the Museum of Tolerance to operate Holocaust education programs.
Pub. L. 101–300
1992 National Assessment of Chapter 1 Act
Pub. L. 101–305
(No short title)
Amended the Higher Education Act to clarify when the National Commission on Responsibilities for Financing Postsecondary Education is terminated.
Pub. L. 101–324
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities in public accommodations, including in schools.
Pub. L. 101–336
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act Amendments of 1990 (Perkins II)
Reauthorized Perkins I. Created the Tech Prep program to support vocational education. Repealed the extra funding for specific groups from Perkins I.
Pub. L. 101–392
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Amended the Education for All Handicapped Children Act to guarantee a Free Appropriate Public Education for students with disabilities.
Pub. L. 101–476
(No short title)
Privatized the Civic Achievement Award Program in Honor of the Office of Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Pub. L. 101–483
Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act
Required universities receiving federal aid to disclose criminal statistics on campus.
Pub. L. 101–542
Excellence in Mathematics, Science and Engineering Education Act of 1990
Pub. L. 101–589
School Dropout Prevention and Basic Skills Improvement Act of 1990
Pub. L. 101–600
(No short title)
Extended appropriations for the Robert A. Taft Institute of Government through FY1994.
Pub. L. 101–638
Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990
Prohibited firearms in school zones. Ruled unconstitutional in United States v. Lopez and amended in 1996 to comply with the Constitution.
Pub. L. 101–647
Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991
Pub. L. 102–26
Education Council Act of 1991
Created the National Education Commission on Time and Learning Act. Authorized a grant to the National Writing Project. Created the "We the People...the Citizen and the Constitution" program. Created the National Council on Education Standards and Testing through the National Council on Education Standards and Testing Act.
Pub. L. 102–62
National Literacy Act of 1991
Pub. L. 102–73
(No short title)
Recognized adult education as a priority of the federal government.
Pub. L. 102–74
National Dropout Prevention Act of 1991
Pub. L. 102–103
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1991
Pub. L. 102–119
Dropout Prevention Technical Correction Amendment of 1991
Restored federal funding provisions that were eliminated by the National Dropout Prevention Act.
Pub. L. 102–159
(No short title)
Authorized members of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation to serve in a transitional period after their terms expire.
Pub. L. 102–221
Higher Education Amendments of 1992
Pub. L. 102–325
(No short title)
Amended the National Education Commission on Time and Learning Act to extend its provisions by one year.
Pub. L. 102–359
Education of the Deaf Act Amendments of 1992
Pub. L. 102–421
(No short title)
Authorized financial assistance to establish the Mary McLeod Bethune Memorial Fine Arts Center at Bethune–Cookman University.
Pub. L. 102–423
Scientific and Advanced-Technology Act of 1992
Authorized competitive grants to colleges for technical training in technology fields.
Pub. L. 102–476
Ready to Learn Act
Amended the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to authorize funding for Ready to Learn television programs.
Pub. L. 102–545
Head Start Improvement Act of 1992
Pub. L. 102–763
(No short title)
Amended the General Education Provisions Act to create trial assessments for the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
Pub. L. 103–33
(No short title)
Extended the migrant student record transfer system.
Pub. L. 103–59
Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1993
Made minor corrections to the Higher Education Act.
Pub. L. 103–208
(No short title)
Extended the student loan default exemption for HBCUs and tribal colleges.
Pub. L. 103–235
(No short title)
Abolished the National Commission on Time and Learning.
Pub. L. 103–290
Improving America's Schools Act of 1994
Pub. L. 103–382
Goals 2000: Educate America Act
Created a national education reform framework. Also included the National Skill Standards Act of 1994 and the Educational Research, Development, Dissemination, and Improvement Act of 1994.
Pub. L. 103–227
(No short title)
Recognized applications by the Window Rock Unified School District for federal funding.
Pub. L. 103–445
Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1996
Included the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, adding charter schools to the Washington, D.C. school system.
Pub. L. 104–134 (text) (PDF)
Impact Aid Technical Amendments of 1996
Made minor amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Pub. L. 104–195 (text) (PDF)
Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997
Included a provision that amended the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 to limit its enforcement to firearms that moved through interstate commerce.
Pub. L. 104–208 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Amended the Higher Education Act to indefinitely extend a grant program for Historically Black Graduate or Professional Schools.
Pub. L. 104–141 (text) (PDF)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997
Pub. L. 105–17 (text) (PDF)
Balanced Budget Act of 1997
Included a provision that repealed the Smith–Hughes Act.
Pub. L. 105–33 (text) (PDF)
Need-Based Educational Aid Antitrust Protection Act of 1997
Extended through FY2001 the antitrust exemption of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994.
Pub. L. 105–144 (text) (PDF)
Workforce Investment Act of 1998
Included the creation of an adult literacy program. Replaced the Adult Education Act and the National Literacy Act.
Pub. L. 105–220 (text) (PDF)
Higher Education Amendments of 1998
Pub. L. 105–244 (text) (PDF)
Charter School Expansion Act of 1998
Amended the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to make charter schools eligible for federal funding.
Pub. L. 105–278 (text) (PDF)
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Amendments of 1998 (Perkins III)
Reauthorized Perkins II. Set accountability requirements for state vocational education programs.
Pub. L. 105–332 (text) (PDF)
William F. Goodling Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act of 1998
Reauthorized the Child Nutrition Act. Expanded subsidies under the bill.
Pub. L. 105–336 (text) (PDF)
Police, Fire, and Emergency Officers Educational Assistance Act of 1998
Provided student financial aid for the dependents of first responders that are injured or killed in the line of duty.
Pub. L. 105–390 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Recognized applications by the Dodson, Montana school district for Impact Aid payments.
Pub. L. 106–3 (text) (PDF)
Education Flexibility Partnership Act of 1999
Admitted all states into the Ed-Flex Partnership and extended the program through 2004.
Pub. L. 106–25 (text) (PDF)
District of Columbia College Access Act of 1999
Provided funding for students in Washington, D.C. to attend universities in Maryland and Virginia at in-state tuition.
Pub. L. 106–98 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Amended the Higher Education Act to streamline the grant application process for tribal colleges.
Pub. L. 106–211 (text) (PDF)
National Police Athletic League Youth Enrichment Act of 2000
Funded grants for the Police Athletic League.
Pub. L. 106–859 (text) (PDF)
Need-Based Educational Aid Act of 2001
Extended through FY2008 the antitrust exemption of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994.
Pub. L. 107–72 (text) (PDF)
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
Reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Required states to implement standardized tests and penalized schools with poor performance.
Pub. L. 107–110 (text) (PDF)
Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2001
Waived student financial aid requirements for military service-members affected by national emergencies declared by reason of terrorist attacks.
Pub. L. 107–122 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Amended the Higher Education Act to establish fixed interest rates for student loans.
Pub. L. 107–139 (text) (PDF)
District of Columbia College Access Improvement Act of 2002
Modified student financial aid eligibility requirements in Washington, D.C.
Pub. L. 107–157 (text) (PDF)
Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act)
Exempted educators from copyright laws when distributing educational materials in some circumstances.
Pub. L. 107–273 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Included the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, the Educational Technical Assistance Act of 2002, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress Authorization Act. Created the Institute of Education Sciences and various educational research centers.
Pub. L. 107–279 (text) (PDF)
Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003
Waived student aid requirements for students serving in the military during a military conflict or national emergency.
Pub. L. 108–76 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Amended the Higher Education Act to modify the rules of the Federal Family Education Loan Program in regard to foreign medical schools.
Pub. L. 108–98 (text) (PDF)
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004
Included the D.C. School Choice Incentive Act of 2003 that supported private schools in Washington D.C.
Pub. L. 108–199 (text) (PDF)
Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004
Reauthorized the Child Nutrition Act. Required all school districts using the act's funds to create comprehensive wellness policies.
Pub. L. 108–265 (text) (PDF)
Higher Education Extension Act of 2004
Extended the Higher Education Act through FY2005.
Pub. L. 108–366 (text) (PDF)
Asthmatic Schoolchildren's Treatment and Health Management Act of 2004
Amended the Public Health Service Act to give preference for grants to states that allow students to self-administer asthma medication.
Pub. L. 108–377 (text) (PDF)
Taxpayer-Teacher Protection Act of 2004
Modified rules for student loan forgiveness for teachers.
Pub. L. 108–409 (text) (PDF)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004)
Reauthorized the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Authorized additional education grants.
Pub. L. 108–446 (text) (PDF)
American History and Civics Education Act of 2004
Created 12 grants for institutions chosen for their expertise in history education.
Pub. L. 108–474 (text) (PDF)
Pell Grant Hurricane and Disaster Relief Act
Waived conditions of Pell Grants for students affected by major disasters.
Pub. L. 109–66 (text) (PDF)
Student Grant Hurricane and Disaster Relief Act
Waived conditions of student financial aid for students affected by major disasters.
Pub. L. 109–67 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Extended the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003 through 2007.
Pub. L. 109–78 (text) (PDF)
Higher Education Extension Act of 2005
Extended the Higher Education Act to December 31, 2005
Pub. L. 109–81 (text) (PDF)
Natural Disaster Student Aid Fairness Act
Waived matching fund and reallocation requirements for federal funding of higher education for areas affected by Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita.
Pub. L. 109–86 (text) (PDF)
Second Higher Education Extension Act of 2005
Extended the Higher Education Act to March 31, 2006.
Pub. L. 109–150 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Extended waiving of regulatory requirements of federally funded education programs through the Ed-Flex program.
Pub. L. 109–211 (text) (PDF)
Higher Education Extension Act of 2006
Extended the Higher Education Act to June 30, 2006.
Pub. L. 109–212 (text) (PDF)
Second Higher Education Extension Act of 2006
Extended the Higher Education Act to September 30, 2006.
Pub. L. 109–238 (text) (PDF)
Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV)
Reauthorized Perkins III.
Pub. L. 109–270 (text) (PDF)
Third Higher Education Extension Act of 2006
Extended the Higher Education Act to June 30, 2007. Modified rules for the Federal Family Education Loan Program. Provided student loan forgiveness to the families of 9/11 casualties.
Pub. L. 109–292 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Extended through FY2007 the power of the Secretary of Education to waive conditions for federal assistance to states affected by Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita.
Pub. L. 109–323 (text) (PDF)
First Higher Education Extension Act of 2007
Extended the Higher Education Act to July 31, 2007.
Pub. L. 110–44 (text) (PDF)
Second Higher Education Extension Act of 2007
Extended the Higher Education Act to October 31, 2007.
Pub. L. 110–51 (text) (PDF)
America COMPETES Act
Funded research and development programs.
Pub. L. 110–69 (text) (PDF)
College Cost Reduction and Access Act
Increased Pell Grant awards and reformed student loan repayment.
Pub. L. 110–84 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Permanently extended the provisions for active duty service members in the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003.
Pub. L. 110–93 (text) (PDF)
Third Higher Education Extension Act of 2007
Extended the Higher Education Act to March 31, 2008.
Pub. L. 110–109 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Made minor amendments to the Higher Education Act.
Pub. L. 110–153 (text) (PDF)
Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007
Reauthorized the Head Start program. Guaranteed eligibility for homeless children.
Pub. L. 110–134 (text) (PDF)
Higher Education Extension Act of 2008
Extended the Higher Education Act to April 30, 2008.
Pub. L. 110–198 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Extended the Higher Education Act to May 31, 2008.
Pub. L. 110–230 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Extended the Higher Education Act to June 30, 2008.
Pub. L. 110–238 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Extended the Higher Education Act to July 31, 2008.
Pub. L. 110–256 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Extended the Higher Education Act to August 15, 2008.
Pub. L. 110–300 (text) (PDF)
Need-Based Educational Aid Act of 2008
Extended through 2015 the antitrust exemption of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994.
Pub. L. 110–327 (text) (PDF)
Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act of 2008
Expanded the Federal Family Education Loan Program.
Pub. L. 110–350 (text) (PDF)
Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008
Included the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008, which provided student financial aid benefits for veterans.
Pub. L. 110–252 (text) (PDF)
Higher Education Opportunity Act
Reauthorized the Higher Education Act. Expanded student loan discharges for people with disabilities.
Pub. L. 110–315 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Extended the Federal Family Education Loan Program to 2010.
Pub. L. 110–350 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Extended the Secretary of Education's authority to provide school funding for states affected by Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita.
Pub. L. 110–366 (text) (PDF)
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Included funding for the Race to the Top program.
Pub. L. 111–5 (text) (PDF)
Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
Included a provision that created the Education Corps through the AmeriCorps program.
Pub. L. 111–13 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Made minor amendments to the Higher Education Act.
Pub. L. 111–39 (text) (PDF)
Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Amendments Act of 2009
Renamed the Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental and Native American Public Policy Act of 1992. Amended the rules for use of the law's grants.
Pub. L. 111–90 (text) (PDF)
Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
Included the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act to expand federal Pell Grants.
Pub. L. 111–152 (text) (PDF)
Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
Reauthorized the Child Nutrition Act. Expanded federal nutrition standards for schools.
Pub. L. 111–296 (text) (PDF)
America COMPETES Reauthorization Act
Reauthorized the America COMPETES Act.
Pub. L. 111–358 (text) (PDF)
Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011
Included the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act (SOAR Act) that reauthorized the DC School Choice Inventive Act of 2003.
Pub. L. 112–10 (text) (PDF)
SOAR Technical Corrections Act
Made minor corrections to the SOAR Act.
Pub. L. 112–92 (text) (PDF)
Uninterrupted Scholars Act
Amended FERPA to define exemptions for information released to Department of Education programs.
Pub. L. 112–278 (text) (PDF)
Bipartisan Student Loan Certainty Act of 2013
Set fixed interest rates on student loans.
Pub. L. 113–28 (text) (PDF)
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Included the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, which provided grants to states to create adult literacy programs.
Pub. L. 113–128 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Extended the Higher Education Act through FY2015.
Pub. L. 113–174 (text) (PDF)
STEM Education Act of 2015
Funded STEM education in schools. Funded fellowships for STEM teachers.
Pub. L. 114–59 (text) (PDF)
Every Student Succeeds Act
Reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Repealed the testing requirements established by the No Child Left Behind Act.
Pub. L. 114–95 (text) (PDF)
Federal Perkins Loan Program Extension Act of 2015
Extended distribution of Federal Perkins Loans to 2017.
Pub. L. 114–105 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Nullified a Department of Education rule relating to accountability for state education plans.
Pub. L. 115–13 (text) (PDF)
(No short title)
Nullified the Teacher Preparation Issues rule established by the Department of Education.
Pub. L. 115–14 (text) (PDF)
Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria Education Relief Act of 2017
Waived financial aid requirements for students affected by tropical storms. Expired in 2018.
Pub. L. 115–64 (text) (PDF)
Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act (Forever GI Bill)
Extended veteran's financial aid benefits from the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act beyond the original 15 year limit.
Pub. L. 115–48 (text) (PDF)
Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
Reauthorized Perkins IV.
Pub. L. 115–224 (text) (PDF)
Recognizing Achievement in Classified School Employees Act
Created the Recognizing Inspiring School Employees award.
Pub. L. 116–13 (text) (PDF)
Never Again Education Act
Authorized various Holocaust education programs.
Pub. L. 116–141 (text) (PDF)
Impact Aid Coronavirus Relief Act
Included an extension to Migrant Education Program funding.
Pub. L. 116–211 (text) (PDF)
Stop Student Debt Relief Scams Act of 2019
Criminalized fraudulent use of student loan data.
Pub. L. 116–251 (text) (PDF)
Required federal agencies to create frameworks for historically black colleges and universities to participate in federal programs.
Pub. L. 116–270 (text) (PDF)
Consider Teachers Act of 2021
Increased flexibility of the TEACH grant program.
Pub. L. 117–49 (text) (PDF)
K-12 Cybersecurity Act of 2021
Required the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to study cybersecurity risks in schools and develop online training for school officials.
Pub. L. 117–47 (text) (PDF)
Supplemental Impact Aid Flexibility Act
Modified the Impact Aid Program.
Pub. L. 117–83 (text) (PDF)