List of South American countries by life expectancy

This is a list of South American countries by life expectancy.

United Nations (2023)

Estimation of the analytical agency of the UN.[1]

UN: Estimate of life expectancy for various ages in 2023

Countries and
Life expectancy for population in general Life expectancy for male Life expectancy for female Sex gap Population
at birth bonus
at 15 bonus
at 65 bonus
at 80 at birth at 15 at 65 at 80 at birth at 15 at 65 at 80 at birth at 15 at 65 at 80
 Chile 81.17 0.52 66.68 3.91 20.59 4.52 10.11 79.24 64.79 19.59 9.66 83.08 68.56 21.49 10.46 3.84 3.77 1.89 0.81 19659 Chile
Falkland Islands 79.21 0.96 65.17 2.98 18.16 4.84 8.00 77.15 63.09 16.45 7.07 81.24 67.22 19.68 8.84 4.09 4.12 3.23 1.77 3
 Uruguay 78.14 0.61 63.75 5.19 18.94 5.90 9.84 74.19 59.82 16.02 7.72 81.92 67.51 21.31 11.06 7.73 7.69 5.29 3.34 3388 Uruguay
 Peru 77.74 1.38 64.11 5.42 19.54 5.19 9.73 75.41 61.88 18.12 8.60 80.12 66.40 20.90 10.72 4.71 4.52 2.78 2.12 33846 Peru
 Colombia 77.72 1.13 63.85 4.53 18.38 4.43 7.80 74.95 61.15 16.86 6.79 80.45 66.49 19.70 8.53 5.50 5.34 2.84 1.75 52321 Colombia
 Argentina 77.39 0.93 63.32 4.79 18.11 5.65 8.76 74.81 60.76 16.20 7.66 79.88 65.77 19.72 9.44 5.07 5.01 3.51 1.78 45538 Argentina
 Ecuador 77.39 1.12 63.51 5.24 18.75 4.58 8.34 74.66 60.86 17.25 7.32 80.14 66.17 20.10 9.09 5.47 5.32 2.86 1.77 17980 Ecuador
 French Guiana 76.98 0.90 62.88 3.83 16.70 5.30 7.01 74.13 60.22 15.11 6.18 79.99 65.67 18.40 7.73 5.86 5.45 3.29 1.55 303 French Guiana
South America 76.21 1.30 62.51 5.58 18.09 5.10 8.19 73.26 59.64 16.59 7.38 79.18 65.39 19.40 8.76 5.92 5.75 2.81 1.37 433024
 Brazil 75.85 1.17 62.02 5.77 17.79 4.97 7.77 72.76 59.01 16.39 7.13 78.98 65.06 19.03 8.23 6.22 6.05 2.64 1.10 211141 Brazil
 Paraguay 73.84 1.44 60.29 5.96 16.25 6.21 7.46 70.89 57.42 14.73 6.62 76.95 63.29 17.65 8.07 6.07 5.87 2.92 1.46 6844 Paraguay
 Suriname 73.63 1.41 60.04 6.85 16.89 6.40 8.28 70.46 56.93 14.72 6.85 76.83 63.16 18.67 9.20 6.38 6.23 3.94 2.35 629 Suriname
World 73.17 3.29 61.46 6.11 17.57 5.75 8.31 70.55 58.91 16.01 7.43 75.89 64.09 18.98 8.96 5.34 5.18 2.97 1.53 8091735
 Venezuela 72.51 1.62 59.14 7.39 16.53 5.36 6.89 68.72 55.42 14.92 6.21 76.50 63.02 17.92 7.34 7.78 7.60 3.00 1.14 28301 Venezuela
 Guyana 70.18 2.00 57.18 8.15 15.33 7.60 7.93 66.51 53.64 13.44 6.86 73.94 60.78 17.01 8.68 7.44 7.14 3.57 1.81 826 Guyana
 Bolivia 68.58 3.64 57.22 7.73 14.94 7.08 7.02 66.13 54.96 13.99 6.55 71.14 59.55 15.78 7.35 5.02 4.59 1.79 0.79 12244 Bolivia

UN: Change of life expectancy from 2019 to 2023

Countries and
2023 Historical data Recovery from
All Male Female Sex gap 2019 2019
2020 2020
2021 2021
2022 2022
 Chile 81.17 79.24 83.08 3.84 80.32 −0.97 79.35 −0.47 78.88 0.30 79.18 1.99 81.17 0.84 19659 Chile
Falkland Islands 79.21 77.15 81.24 4.09 78.61 0.16 78.78 0.21 78.99 0.06 79.05 0.17 79.21 0.60 3
 Uruguay 78.14 74.19 81.92 7.73 77.50 0.88 78.38 −2.95 75.43 1.03 76.47 1.67 78.14 0.64 3388 Uruguay
 Peru 77.74 75.41 80.12 4.71 76.28 −2.44 73.83 −2.24 71.60 5.24 76.83 0.91 77.74 1.47 33846 Peru
 Colombia 77.72 74.95 80.45 5.50 76.79 −2.04 74.76 −2.06 72.70 3.81 76.51 1.22 77.72 0.93 52321 Colombia
 Argentina 77.39 74.81 79.88 5.07 76.85 −0.97 75.88 −1.93 73.95 1.86 75.81 1.59 77.39 0.55 45538 Argentina
 Ecuador 77.39 74.66 80.14 5.47 77.29 −5.28 72.00 0.74 72.75 3.83 76.58 0.81 77.39 0.11 17980 Ecuador
 French Guiana 76.98 74.13 79.99 5.86 76.57 0.94 77.51 −3.31 74.19 2.60 76.79 0.18 76.98 0.41 303 French Guiana
 Brazil 75.85 72.76 78.98 6.22 75.81 −1.30 74.51 −1.47 73.04 1.83 74.87 0.98 75.85 0.04 211141 Brazil
 Paraguay 73.84 70.89 76.95 6.07 73.67 −0.95 72.72 −4.61 68.11 4.21 72.32 1.52 73.84 0.18 6844 Paraguay
 Suriname 73.63 70.46 76.83 6.38 71.77 0.55 72.32 −3.38 68.94 4.31 73.25 0.38 73.63 1.86 629 Suriname
 Venezuela 72.51 68.72 76.50 7.78 72.77 −0.40 72.37 −0.83 71.54 1.03 72.57 −0.05 72.51 −0.25 28301 Venezuela
 Guyana 70.18 66.51 73.94 7.44 69.07 −1.32 67.75 −3.43 64.32 5.57 69.89 0.29 70.18 1.11 826 Guyana
 Bolivia 68.58 66.13 71.14 5.02 67.82 −4.91 62.91 −1.48 61.43 6.01 67.43 1.15 68.58 0.76 12244 Bolivia

World Bank Group (2022)

Estimation of the World Bank Group for 2022.[2][3][4] The data is filtered according to the list of countries in South America. The values in the World Bank Group tables are rounded. All calculations are based on raw data, so due to the nuances of rounding, in some places illusory inconsistencies of indicators arose, with a size of 0.01 year.

In 2014, some of the world's leading countries had a local peak in life expectancy, so this year is chosen for comparison with 2019 and 2022.

Countries and
2022 Historical data recovery from
All Male Female Sex gap 2014 2014
2019 2019
2020 2020
2021 2021
 Chile 79.52 77.16 81.88 4.72 79.47 0.85 80.33 −0.95 79.38 −0.43 78.94 0.58 79.52 −0.81 Chile
 Uruguay 78.00 74.15 81.69 7.54 77.37 0.14 77.51 0.92 78.43 −2.99 75.44 2.56 78.00 0.49 Uruguay
 Ecuador 77.89 75.31 80.48 5.17 76.62 0.67 77.30 −5.14 72.15 1.52 73.67 4.22 77.89 0.60 Ecuador
 Argentina 76.06 72.85 79.28 6.43 76.75 0.53 77.28 −1.39 75.89 −0.50 75.39 0.67 76.06 −1.22 Argentina
 Colombia 73.66 70.32 77.14 6.82 76.04 0.71 76.75 −1.98 74.77 −1.94 72.83 0.83 73.66 −3.09 Colombia
 Brazil 73.42 70.30 76.60 6.30 74.31 1.03 75.34 −1.33 74.01 −1.26 72.75 0.67 73.42 −1.91 Brazil
 Peru 73.39 71.33 75.50 4.16 75.33 0.82 76.16 −2.49 73.67 −1.29 72.38 1.01 73.39 −2.77 Peru
World 72.00 69.60 74.53 4.93 71.88 1.10 72.98 −0.74 72.24 −0.92 71.33 0.67 72.00 −0.98
 Venezuela 71.11 66.88 75.66 8.78 72.85 −0.69 72.16 −1.07 71.09 −0.54 70.55 0.55 71.11 −1.06 Venezuela
 Paraguay 70.47 67.64 73.57 5.93 72.88 0.74 73.62 −0.44 73.18 −2.92 70.26 0.21 70.47 −3.15 Paraguay
 Suriname 70.29 67.19 73.58 6.39 69.78 2.46 72.24 0.32 72.56 −2.29 70.27 0.02 70.29 −1.95 Suriname
 Guyana 65.99 62.78 69.40 6.62 67.88 1.24 69.12 −0.64 68.49 −2.81 65.67 0.32 65.99 −3.13 Guyana
 Bolivia 64.93 62.27 67.91 5.64 67.16 0.68 67.84 −3.37 64.47 −0.84 63.63 1.30 64.93 −2.91 Bolivia
Change in life expectancy in South America from 2019 to 2021[2]

WHO (2019)

Estimation of the World Health Organization for 2019.[5][6]

Countries Life expectancy at birth HALE at birth Life expectancy at age 60 HALE at age 60
 Chile 80.7 78.1 83.2 5.1 3.9 70.0 69.0 71.1 2.1 3.0 24.3 22.4 25.9 3.5 3.0 18.4 17.3 19.3 2.0 2.0 Chile
 Peru 79.9 78.5 81.3 2.8 5.5 69.5 69.2 69.8 0.6 4.6 24.4 23.7 25.1 1.4 2.1 18.5 18.3 18.7 0.4 1.5 Peru
 Colombia 79.3 76.7 81.9 5.2 5.6 69.0 67.4 70.5 3.1 4.9 24.0 22.5 25.3 2.8 2.3 18.1 17.1 18.9 1.8 1.8 Colombia
 Ecuador 78.4 76.4 80.5 4.1 3.9 68.5 67.7 69.3 1.6 3.3 23.2 22.0 24.3 2.3 1.3 17.6 17.0 18.2 1.2 0.8 Ecuador
Americas[7] 77.2 74.5 79.8 5.3 3.1 66.2 64.8 67.5 2.7 2.1 22.7 21.2 24.0 2.8 1.6 16.6 15.7 17.4 1.7 0.9
 Uruguay 77.1 73.5 80.6 7.1 2.3 67.5 65.4 69.5 4.1 1.6 21.7 19.0 24.0 5.0 1.1 16.6 14.9 18.2 3.3 0.6 Uruguay
 Argentina 76.6 73.5 79.5 6.0 2.5 67.1 65.4 68.8 3.4 2.0 21.1 18.8 23.1 4.3 0.9 16.3 14.8 17.6 2.8 0.7 Argentina
 Brazil 75.9 72.4 79.4 7.0 4.4 65.4 63.4 67.4 4.0 3.7 21.9 20.1 23.5 3.4 2.2 16.4 15.2 17.4 2.2 1.6 Brazil
 Paraguay 75.8 73.1 78.8 5.7 1.0 65.8 64.5 67.3 2.8 0.8 21.8 20.2 23.5 3.3 −0.2 16.5 15.4 17.6 2.2 −0.3 Paraguay
 Venezuela 73.9 69.9 78.2 8.3 −0.2 64.4 61.9 67.1 5.2 −0.3 21.7 19.7 23.6 3.9 0.4 16.3 15.0 17.5 2.5 0.3 Venezuela
World 73.3 70.8 75.9 5.1 6.5 63.7 62.5 64.9 2.4 5.4 21.1 19.5 22.7 3.2 2.3 15.8 14.8 16.6 1.8 1.7
 Bolivia 72.1 71.1 73.1 2.0 6.1 63.3 63.2 63.3 0.1 5.4 18.6 18.0 19.1 1.1 0.8 14.2 14.0 14.4 0.4 0.6 Bolivia
 Suriname 71.5 68.5 74.6 6.1 1.6 62.4 60.7 64.2 3.5 1.1 18.5 16.4 20.5 4.1 −0.4 14.1 12.6 15.4 2.8 −0.4 Suriname
 Guyana 65.7 62.5 69.4 6.9 2.7 57.2 55.1 59.7 4.6 2.2 16.6 15.1 18.1 3.0 0.7 12.5 11.5 13.6 2.1 0.4 Guyana
Interactive chart of male and female life expectancy in America as defined by WHO for 2019.[5] Open the original chart and hover over chart elements. The squares of bubbles are proportional to population according to estimation of the UN for 2019.


See also


  1. ^ "World Population Prospects 2024" (XLSX). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 27 July 2024. — see file "Compact (most used: estimates and medium projections)"
  2. ^ a b c "Life expectancy at birth, total". The World Bank Group. 30 May 2024. Retrieved 16 June 2024.
  3. ^ "Life expectancy at birth, male". The World Bank Group. 30 May 2024. Retrieved 16 June 2024.
  4. ^ "Life expectancy at birth, female". The World Bank Group. 30 May 2024. Retrieved 16 June 2024.
  5. ^ a b c d "Life expectancy and Healthy life expectancy, data by country". World Health Organization. 4 December 2022.
  6. ^ "Life expectancy and Healthy life expectancy, data by WHO region". World Health Organization. 7 December 2022.
  7. ^ "WHO: PAHO: Countries and Centers". World Health Organization. Retrieved 7 May 2022.

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