There is no consensus at all on species limits in Betula, with different authors differing wildly in what species they accept, from under 30 species, to over 60. The above (incomplete) list was compiled from the references cited below. Birches will hybridise very freely, particularly in cultivation but also in the wild where conditions and species present permit. While differing chromosome number (diploid, tetraploid, etc.) may reduce interbreeding, it is not an absolute bar to it. Many botanists regard differing chromosome number as a specific discriminant, though not all do so (e.g. some include B. cordifolia and B. neoalaskana as varieties within B. papyrifera).
^Wolfe, Jack A. & Wehr, Wesley C. 1987. Middle Eocene Dicotyledonous Plants from Republic, Northeastern Washington. United States Geological Survey Bulletin1597:13
^Crane P.R. & Stockey R.A. 1987; "Betula leaves and reproductive structures from the Middle Eocene of British Columbia, Canada." Canadian Journal of Botany65(12): 2490-2500.
Bean, W. J. 1976, 1988. Trees & Shrubs hardy in the British Isles. Eighth edition, revised, vol. 1 (1976) & Supplement (1988); editor D. L. Clarke.
Hunt, D. 1993. Betula. Proceedings of the IDS Betula Symposium 2-4 October 1992. International Dendrology Society.
Li, J., Shoup, S. & Chen, Z.; Shoup, Suzanne; Chen, Zhiduan (2007). "Phylogenetic Relationships of Diploid Species of Betula (Betulaceae) Inferred from DNA Sequences of Nuclear Nitrate Reductase". Systematic Botany. 32 (2): 357–365. doi:10.1600/036364407781179699. S2CID85837009.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Rushforth, K. D. 1999. Trees of Britain & Europe. Collins. (Useful details on chromosome numbers of many European & Asian birches).
Skvortsov, A. K. 2002. A new system of the genus Betula. Byulleten Moskovoskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologie 107: 73–76.