Ramdohr was a descendant of a merchant family from Aschersleben. After half a year in England and one year at the boarding school of Fritz Weiß in Weimar where her long year friendship with Falk Harnack began, she moved to Munich in 1934 to become a stage designer.[2] From March 1935 to February 1936, she learned book illustration at the Württembergische Kunstgewerbeschule in Stuttgart. In 1936, she moved to Dresden to attend dance school until the Nazis closed it. Ramdohr switched to a state-run school in Stuttgart, and later ran a private school in Heilbronn. She eventually married Otto Berndl, son of a Bavarian architect.[3] Her religious preference was Lutheran.[4]
On 2 March 1943 Ramdohr was arrested, but was released for lack of evidence.[8]
Later that month, Heinrich Himmler ordered her arrested again and sentenced to death, but she managed to escape.[9] Ramdohr married German-born, Brazilian-raised medical student Carl Gebhard Fürst (1920–2010) in February 1944 in Munich, and escaped to her hometown of Aschersleben, using the name Lieselotte Fürst.
Post-war era
Ramdohr survived the war and in 1948 fled with her four-year-old daughter, Doma-Ulrike, out of the Soviet occupation zone back to Bavaria, where she became a sports instructor in boarding schools in Upper Bavaria.[10] In 1995, she published her memoirs "Friendships in the White Rose". Up until her death, she lived in a small town outside Munich.[11] The BBC described her as a "spry 99-year-old".[11]
In 1996, Bavarian Broadcasting, BR, televised a biography of Ramdohr as a part of its series Lebenslinien. The director was Hans-Sirks Lampe.
In 1995, Geschichtswerkstatt Neuhausen televised interviews with Ramdohr in the documentary Davon haben wir nichts gewusst...Neuhausen unter der Nazi-Zeit.
In 2008, interviews with Ramdohr were featured in the documentary Die Widerständigen – Zeugen der Weißen Rose.
Works by Lilo Fürst-Ramdohr
Freundschaften in der Weißen Rose. Verlag Geschichtswerkstatt Neuhausen, Munich 1995, ISBN978-3-931231-00-2
Bassler, Sibylle: Die Weiße Rose, Zeitzeugen erinnern sich. Rowohlt, Reinbek near Hamburg 2006. ISBN3-498-00648-7.
Dumbach, Annette & Newborn, Jud. "Sophie Scholl & The White Rose". Oneworld Publications, 2007. ISBN978-1-85168-536-3. Page 95, 149.
Ruth H. Sachs: White Rose History, Volume I [Academic Version]: Coming Together (January 31, 1933 – April 30, 1942). Exclamation! Publishers, Lehi (Utah, USA) 2003. ISBN0-9710541-9-3 (Regular Edition: ISBN0-9710541-4-2).
Die Weiße Rose – Gesichter einer Freundschaft (Brochure by Kulturinitiative e.V. Freiburg; S. 12)
Shareen Blair Brysac: Resisting Hitler. Mildred Harnack and the Red Orchestra. Oxford University Press 2000. ISBN0-19-515240-9
Barry Pree: White Rose. Trinity Press International 1999. ISBN0-340-39436-6
Corina L. Petrescu: Allen Gewalten zum Trutz sich erhalten": models of subversive spaces in National Socialist Germany University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006, p. 149 et seq.