Les Reines Prochaines (in French, "the Next Queens") are a collectively organised pop band and performance group based in Basel, Switzerland. Their highly lyrical songs are rooted in various genres, including tango, folk, and classical music.[1]
Les Reines Prochaines were founded in 1987 as Les Reines des Couteaux (in French, "The Queens of the Knives")[2] by Teresa Alonso, Regina Florida Schmid, and Muda Mathis; in the following year, they were joined by Fränzi Madörin and Pipilotti Rist.[3] Years later, Gabi Streiff, Sus Zwick, Sibylle Hauert, Michèle Fuchs, and Barbara Naegelin joined as well.
Touring members have included percussionist Dave Kerman, who also appeared on their 2013 release Blut.
2019 thy were honoured with the Swiss Music Award.[4]
Musical style
The group started as a synth-only band (aside from their voices). At present the musicians (of whom several are also visual artists) play bass, drums, accordion, guitar, clarinet, trompette, and flute. In spite of this their arrangements are quite minimalistic, incorporated into a larger multimedia framework. Their lyrics are poetic and political, and often quite provocative. In their performances, each musician has a unique role; instruments are traded, and the format shifts between song, dance, and spoken word.
1987: Engel haben nie weit, Opera and Concertprogram, Les Reines des Couteaux: Regina Florida Schmid, Teresa Alonso, Muda Mathis
1988/89: Zorniges Lamm, multimedia performance, open air in the Bassin of the old Stückfärberei, Basel and concert programe, Les Reines Prochaines: Teresa Alonso, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Regina Florida Schmid, Pipilotti Rist
1989: Die Tempodrosslerin saust, with: Teresa Alonso, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Regina Florida Schmid, Pipilotti Rist, technician: Roli Frei
1990/9: Seien sie Flugdame!, with: Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Regina Florida Schmid, Gabi Streiff, Pipilotti Rist, technician: Sus Zwick
1991/92: Komm mit mir auf’s Floss, with: Muda Mathis, Fränzi Madörin, Piplotti Rist, Gabi Streiff, technician: Sus Zwick
1993/94: Lob Ehre Ruhm Dank, with: Muda Mathis, Fränzi Madörin, Piplotti Rist, Gabi Streiff, technician: Sus Zwick
1994/95: Les Reines Prochaines wollen ihre Welt vergrössern, with: Sibylle Hauert, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Gaby Streiff, technician: Sus Zwick
1995/96: Le coeur en beurre doublegras, with: Sibylle Hauert, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Gaby Streiff,technician: Sus Zwick
1997: Sandale Haus Pfirsich Brot, performance on tour, by and witSibylle Hauert, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick
1998/99: Les Reines Prochaines gehen in die Tiefe, with: Michèle Fuchs, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick, Technik: Barbara Naegelin
2000/01: Das schlaue Mammut tobt oder die sieben Stufen des Glücks, with: Michèle Fuchs, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick togethet with Nathalie Persillier & Lily Besily, anyaffair Sibylle Hauert, Daniel Reichmuth, technician: Barbara Naegelin
2002/03: Es gibt immer was zu tun – Protest und Vasen, with: Michèle Fuchs, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Barbara Naegelin, Sus Zwick, technician: Tina Z’Rotz
2004/05/06: Halluzination, with: Michèle Fuchs, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Barbara Naegelin, Sus Zwick, audio technology and set Tina Z‘Rotz[5]
2006/07/08: Fest der Organe, with: Michèle Fuchs, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Barbara Naegelin, Sus Zwick
2009/10/11: Vol d’art – der Kunstraub, with: Michèle Fuchs, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick
2013/14/15: Blut – Syrup Of Life, with: Michèle Fuchs, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis und Sus Zwick
2015/16/17: Fremde Torten im falschen Paradies, with: Michèle Fuchs, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis und Sus Zwick[6]
2018/19/20/21/22: Schildkrötenritt, with: Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick[7]
2022/2023: Rubination, with: Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick[8]
2023: Late-Night zum «Ring»-Festival with: Marcel Schwald, Jonas Gillmann and Les Reines Prochaines, Theatre Basel[9]
1990: Jawohl, sie kann's. Sie hat's geschafft. (Yes, she can do it. She's done it), (LP/CD)