The command traces its roots to a decree of the Chief of Staff of the Army dated 2 February 1950 which established the G Brigade of the 1st Military Area Western Kalimantan, which later became the Western Kalimantan Military Region and the 12th Military Region, which was in existence until 1985.
Since 28 June 2010, the former 6th Military Region was divided into two military regions: Kodam VI/Mulawarman responsible for the provinces of East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and North Kalimantan and the new Kodam XII/Tanjungpura, responsible for the provinces of West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan.
Territorial Units
Territorial Units in Kodam XII/Tanjungpura comprise two Military Area Commands (Korem) and a self-supporting Military District Command (Kodim).
Korem 102/Panju Panjung, consisted of nine MDCs:
Kodim 1011/Kuala Kapuas
Kodim 1012/Buntok
Kodim 1013/Muara Teweh
Kodim 1014/Pangkalan Bun
Kodim 1015/Sampit
Kodim 1016/Palangka Raya
631st Raider Infantry Btn/Antang Elang
Korem 121/Alambhana Wanawai, consisted of ten MDCs:
Kodim 1201/Mempawah
Kodim 1202/Singkawang
Kodim 1203/Ketapang
Kodim 1204/Sanggau
Kodim 1205/Sintang
Kodim 1206/Putussibau
Kodim 1208/Sambas
643rd Mechanized Infantry Btn/Wanara Sakti
Kodim 1207/Pontianak (self-supporting)
Combat / Combat Support Units
19th Infantry Brigade/Khatulistiwa
Brigade HQ
642nd Infantry Battalion/Kapuas
644th Special Raider Infantry Battalion/Walet Sakti
645th Infantry Battalion/Gardatama Yudha
641st Raider Infantry Battalion/Beruang Hitam
12th Assault Cavalry Squadron/Beruang Cakti
12th Cavalry Troop (Separate)
16th Field Artillery Battalion/Tumbak Kaputing
6th Combat Engineers Battalion/Satya Digdaya
Air Defense Missile Artillery Detachment
Training Units
Training units in Kodam Tanjungpura are organised under Kodam XII/Tanjungpura Regional Training Regiment/Resimen Induk Kodam XII/Tanjungpura(Rindam XII/Tanjungpura), the units are:
Regimental HQ
Satuan Dodik Latpur (Combat Training Command Unit)
Satuan Dodik Kejuruan (Specialised Training Command Unit)
Sekolah Calon Bintara (Non-Commissioned Officer Training School)
Sekolah Calon Tamtama A (Enlisted Training School)
Sekolah Calon Tamtama B (Enlisted Training School)
Satuan Dodik Bela Negara (National Defence Training Command Unit)[1]
Support formations
MRC XII/Tanjungpura Military Police Command (Pomdam XII/Tanjungpura)
MRC XII/Tanjungpura Public Relations Bureau (Pendam XII/Tanjungpura)