Friedrich Hirzebruch (left), Thomas Peternell (centre), Klaus Hulek (right), Erlangen 1987Klaus Hulek (2014) in Herrenhausen Gardens at the opening of the 4th Hannover Festival of Philosophy
English translation Elementary algebraic geometry, American Mathematical Society 2003
Projective Geometry of Elliptic Curves, Asterisque, Band 137, 1986
with Constantin Kahn, Steven Weintraub Moduli spaces of Abelian surfaces: compactification, degenerations, and theta functions, de Gruyter 1993
with Wolf Barth, Chris Peters, Antonius van de Ven Compact complex surfaces, Springer Verlag, 2. Auflage 2004 (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete)
Edited with Fabrizio Catanese, Chris Peters, Miles ReidNew trends in algebraic geometry, Cambridge University Press, London Mathematical Society Lecturenotes Series 264, 1999 (Conference Warwick 1996)
Edited with Fabrizio Catanese, Hélène Esnault, Alan Huckleberry, Thomas Peternell Global Aspects of Complex Geometry, Springer Verlag 2006
Edited with Wolf Barth, Herbert Lange Abelian Varieties, de Gruyter 1995 (Proc. Egloffstein Conference)
Edited with Wolfgang Ebeling, Knut Smoczyk Complex and Differential Geometry, Springer Verlag 2011 (Conference Hannover 2009)
Edited with Thomas Peternell, Michael Schneider, Frank-Olaf Schreyer Complex algebraic varieties, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1507, Springer Verlag 1992 (Congference Bayreuth 1990)
Elliptic curves, abelian surfaces and the icosahedron (German), Jahresbericht des DMV, Band 91, 1989, S. 126-147
Geometry of the Horrocks-Mumford bundle, Proc. Symp. Pure Math., 46, Teil 2, 1987, S. 69-85
Riemann Surfaces, in Francoise, Naber, Tsun (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Elsevier 2006
The Kodaira dimension of the moduli of K3 surfaces, Invent. Math. 169 (2007), 519-567 (with V. Gritsenko, G. K. Sankaran)
The class of the locus of intermediate Jacobians of cubic threefolds, Invent. Math. 190 (2012), No. 1, 119-168 (with S. Grushevsky)
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Klaus Hulek.