If Black plays 22…Nfxd5?, White responds with 23. exd5 Qd6 24. Qxf7+ which leads to White being up a piece, e.g. 24…Kb8 25. Re6 Qc7 26. Re7 Nd7 27. Nc6 Bxc6 28. dxc6 Qxc6 29. Bxd7.[7]
This move forces the white queen to move away temporarily.
After the game, Topalov analyzed the position with his second Silvio Danailov for hours and told the press at the tournament that Black had drawing chances after 30…Rhe8 31. Rb6 Ra8 32. Be6.[11] However, Black is in trouble if White instead plays 32. Bf1!!.[4]
Black takes the pawn to prevent checkmate from 32. Qxa6#.
However, Black had much better drawing chances with 31…Rd1+! During the game, Kasparov visualizing this line saw White having a stronger endgame after 32. Kb2 Ra8 33. Qb6 Qd4+ 34. Qxd4 Rxd4 35. Rxf7 a5 36. Be6 axb4 37. Bb3+ Ka5 38. axb4+ Kb6 39. Rxh7 but realized, after the game was over, that Black could have fought for a draw with 39…Rf8.[4] Computer analysis shows no clear win for White after 39…Rf8, but also shows White had better fighting chances after 35. Bd7 Rd6 36. g4 in a line very hard for humans to visualize.[5]
As the game ended, Kasparov remembers the audience in the hall applauding.[4]
^Kaehler, Arne (10 November 2021). "Svitlana's Smart Moves - Kasparov's immortal". ChessBase. Retrieved 27 August 2022. ... one of the greatest chess games ever played is the one between Garry Kasparov and Veselin Topalov from 1999 in Wijk aan Zee.
^"The Best Chess Games Of All Time". Chess.com. 18 August 2018. Retrieved 27 August 2022. Kasparov has a long list of brilliancies to his credit, but this game is his virtually undisputed masterpiece.