Kasal is a 2018 Filipino romance drama film directed by Ruel S. Bayani from a screenplay written by Patrick John R. Valencia, based on a story written by Kriz G. Gazmen. Starring Bea Alonzo, Derek Ramsay and Paulo Avelino,[2] the film revolves around a public school teacher, Lia Marquez, who, when deciding to marry Cebu’s most eligible bachelor and mayoral candidate, Philip Cordero, is thrust into working with her ex-boyfriend Wado dela Costa when he comes back into her life.[3]
Produced and distributed by Star Cinema, as an offering for its 25th founding anniversary, the film was theatrically released on May 16, 2018, and served as Derek Ramsay's comeback project to the film studio.[4]
The song "Tagpuan", performed by Moira Dela Torre, served as the film's theme song.
Box office results
On its opening day in cinemas nationwide, the film earned ₱10 million, and thirteen days since its general release, its box office reached approximately ₱100 million.[5]
Aside from its domestic box office results, a report from The New York Times showed that the film entered the Top 20 in the United States box office over the weekend of May 2018 and it earned $329,153 (converted to ₱17.3 million, based in May 2018 exchange rate) from 57 theaters.[6]
^Tied with Ralston Jover and Dennis Evangelista (Bomba), Louie Ignacio (School Service), and Ferdinand Lapuz, Joel Lamangan, and Enrique Ramos (Rainbow's Sunset).