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The Faces of Existence: An Essay in Nonreductive Metaphysics. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1987.[5][6][7]
Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction. New York: Paragon House, 1991.[8]
Journal articles
"Naturalism, Reduction and Normativity: Pressing from Below," forthcoming in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
"Method, Madness, and Normativity"Philo, forthcoming (2004)
"Reply to Gale and Pruss" Philo, forthcoming (2004)
"Omniscience, Weak PSR, and Method" Philo, 6 (2003), 33–48
"Sense and Supervenience." Philo. Fall Wint 01; 4(2): 123–137.
(with Derek Turner) "Sic Transitivity: Reply to McGrew and McGrew." Journal of Philosophical Research. Ja 2000; 25: 67–82.
"Is Supervenience Asymmetric?" Manuscrito. O 99; 22(2): 305–344.
"Post-Quinean Philosophical Investigations," Quine and Wittgenstein. Edited by Robert Arrington and Hans-Johann Glock. New York: Routledge, 1996. pp. 252–279.
"The Foundationalism in Irrealism, and the Immorality." Journal of Philosophical Research. Ja 96; 21: 1–14.
"Epistemology." Discourse on the Method and Meditations on First Philosophy. Edited by David Weissman. New Haven: Yale UP, 1996.
"Perspectives on Buchler." Metaphilosophy. Jl 95; 26(3): 279–299.
""Global" Supervenient Determination: Too Permissive?" Supervenience: New Essays. Edited by Elias E. Savellos. Cambridge: Needham Heights, 1995.
"Objective Value, Realism, and the End of Metaphysics." Journal of Speculative Philosophy. 1990; 4(2): 147–160.
"Paradox in Critical Rationalism and Related Theories." Evolutionary Epistemology. Edited by Gerard Radnitzky. La Salle: Open Court, 1987.
"A Godelian Theorem for Theories of Rationality." Evolutionary Epistemology. Edited by Gerard Radnitzky. La Salle: Open Court, 1987.
"On the Determinacy of Valuation." Philosophical Studies. MY 84; 45: 315–334.
"On the Determinacy of Truth and Translation." Southern Journal of Philosophy. SUPP 83; 22: 117–136.
"Response: "Comment on Paul Teller's 'A Poor Man's Guide To Supervience and Determination." Southern Journal of Philosophy. SUPP 83; 22: 163–167.
"Infinite Regress of Justification and of Explanation." Philosophical Studies. JL 80; 38: 31–52.
"Presupposition, Bi-valence and the Possible Liar." Philosophia. O 79; 8: 645–650.
"Shades of Possibility." Journal of Philosophical Logic. AP 74; 3: 155–158.
"Propositions, Possible Languages and The Liar's Revenge." British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. S 74; 25: 223–234.
"New Foundations for Philosophical Theology: Quine with God." Journal of Philosophy. 7 NOV 74; 71: 736–748.
"Shades of the Liar." Journal of Philosophical Logic. JL 73; 2: 370–385.
"Referential Presupposition." Australasian Journal of Philosophy. AG 72; 50: 160–167.
"The Possible Liar." Nous. N 70; 4: 405–409.
"An Analysis of Presupposing." Southern Journal of Philosophy. FALL 68; 6: 167–171.
"Special Reasons and Specific Answers." Analysis. JA 65; 25: 86–93.
"Does Knowing Make a Difference to What Is Known?" Philosophical Quarterly. JL 65; 15: 220-228